
PSM Italy reviews Haze - 9/10

Apparently another review of HAZE has come in ourtesy of Haze's official website.

"Haze has been first reviewed by Famitsu and PSM Italy. The game received 34/40 in the famous Japanese magazine and stroke an astonishing 9/10 in PSM.

The game release is closing on quickly now, Haze will be available in stores on May 23rd. It's time to fight the good fight!"

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Breakfast5858d ago (Edited 5858d ago )

hmm...off there website...i call shenanigans.

Edit: No Sonarus...this is a thread about Haze...not MGS 10
Edit: @ Sonarus...you never know...but, i agree. This thread should be about MGS, not Haze.

@ LenHart

Shenanigans in a different way. Id like to see them put all the bad reviews up on their site, too.

sonarus5858d ago (Edited 5858d ago )

lol where is the MGS4 review dammit i need more 10's:D

Yes i realized i have condemned unnecessary 10's in the past but for this one game all 10's are welcome :D

@breakfast. I don't care about haze all i care about is mgs4. But for the record i really don't see why haze will get below a 7.

LenHart5858d ago

so do you think Ubi has the guts to report a false review.

Openzone that way----------->

5858d ago
Darkiewonder5858d ago

Definitely a score worth it!

Everyone should get this AAA Title! I enjoyed the demo so DEFINITELY day 1 purchase for me!

sonarus5858d ago

I heard if you up the difficulty, its a lot better but too lazy to re play the demo lol. Game should be ok. I really don't see why the game should get 6's and 4/10's. At the very least it should get a 7. I mean it has pretty decent looking vehicle sections 4p coop and multiplayer.

LenHart5858d ago (Edited 5858d ago )

that info was Fake and came from a Troll in the forums

GAMERTM didnt review HAZE

Gamereactor's review is worthless since everyone knows that they are SONY haters

actas1235858d ago

This game should be in the 8.5 range.

niall775858d ago (Edited 5858d ago )

but then again all because the demo was complete garbage doesnt mean the final game is.

Burnout paradice springs to mind, it had a bad demo and the game was awsome in the end.

But im still not buying Haze, I had enough shooters so far this gen to last a few more months and I still need to get the orange box (Pc version)

LenHart5858d ago

I see no reason why you shouldnt like it

spectyre5858d ago

Living up here in the North, we only get about 4-5 months of decent weather a year. I hardly play games during the summer months and I will have to make an exception for MGS 4. After that, my next game will probably be LBP... maybe SOCOM. I might pick up Haze as a bargain in '09 if everyone seems to like it.

PoSTedUP5858d ago

ima deff get dish sh*t no matter what a review says

LenHart5858d ago

but hold on

most reviews would be very postive

HAZE is AA if not AAA

xaphanze5858d ago

The game looks good.I've overlooked the review that gave it 6 which also gave resistance 6.

LenHart5858d ago

You can in no way give Resistance a 6/10.

resistance's online alone deserves an 8/10. It is just so fun. Famitsu was more impressed with Haze than Orange Box

aiphanes5858d ago

And it was a 9 out of 10...just think it was a launch title...that really did not use the SPEs of the Cell...The online had 40 players with no lag...no other game has come close except for Warhawk with its lag free 32 players...but warhawk is extensively using the SPEs...

Resistance 2 will blow us all away...they will get the textures up to par...sure it will not look as good as Killzone 2...nothing will not even gears of war 2...but Resistance 2 will probably look as good as gears 2...insomiac has the talent...and resources of all of sony..

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Top 10 Bad Games by Good Studios

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "When shopping for new video games you can often trust the name publisher or developer on the box to be an indication of the quality of the game. Names like Nintendo, Square Enix, Sony Interactive Entertainment, Capcom, Xbox Game Studios and Sega are world famous because they helped shape the industry by releasing some of the most defining video games of all time. Though sometimes even these great gaming houses stumble and put out a stinker."

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Gamerking821428d ago (Edited 1428d ago )

Splatterhouse remake . Loved the og’s at the arcade growing up . Hell the best thing about the remake was the og,s were included . And left alive by Square . That game had so much potential , but the gameplay was worse horrendous .

Game-ur1428d ago

once Great studios getting destroyed is actually common. happened with ND and Last of Us2, Bioware and Mass Effect Andromeda/Anthem, Bungle and Destiny .

BeRich2331428d ago

Fuse should have been on that list (Insomniac Games)

Yui_Suzumiya1428d ago

Splatterhouse remake kicked ass

merryja1428d ago

I personally don't like these games.

East76lands1428d ago

I'm pretty much certain that any Sonic game that comes out will be terrible, I've not enjoyed one since the original side-scrolling days of the MegaDrive.

HarryMasonHerpderp1428d ago

Then you might like a recent sonic "sonic mania".

jaymacx1428d ago

For this Topic it says Good Studios that make bad games. Sonic Team hasn't been good in years.

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Phoenix Down 76.1 – Haze

We bring death to Montel Williams.


Phoenix Down 76.0 – Haze

Guns, drugs, and unnecessary war. Fun for the whole family.