
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City Going To Kill Off Leon?

Capcom’s Masachika Kawata recently sat down with Japan’s Famitsu to discuss Operation Raccoon City, some dramatic changes to Resident Evil, and a rather interesting tidbit regarding one of the series' main characters...

“The idea for this game got its start when we thought about taking the world of Resident Evil 2 and using it to try something we’ve never done before with the series,” he said. “It’s a third-person shooter in order to take advantage of Slant Six‘s previous achievements with SOCOM. We’ve covered a lot of Raccoon City’s story up to now, but I think putting the player on the side of the villains will give them a brand new experience. The main keyword during development is ‘Kill Leon.’”

We’re actually surprised that the main development keyword wasn’t “Kill Chris.” But if this game is indeed set in an "alternate reality", could this mean Leon will be killed off for good in this timeline?

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RedDead4816d ago

"Teaming up with a group like Slant Six that has such a good reputation in the TPS field will let us make a really solid package."

Again I say, do they think and Experiance makes them good or something? They don't really have a good rep...

Oldsnake0074816d ago (Edited 4816d ago )

didn't Capcom see the mess that was Socom Confrontation ?

Lamarthedancer4816d ago


Slant Six.....Good reputation

Capcom this gen don't have a fucking clue do they

Kamikaze1354816d ago

Does it really matter? It's a spin off so even if he dies, he won't be considered dead in the main series.

RedDeadLB4816d ago

They kill off Leon, they kill off the best character in the series.

chidori6664816d ago

" of the best? Hmmm....I wanna say Leon is average, except for his hair, it just screams "doesn't fit".

Oldsnake0074816d ago

nah he is my favourite in the series .

Lamarthedancer4816d ago (Edited 4816d ago )

His hair is better then it being shaven or bald like most of the other main characters in big franchises

LOGICWINS4814d ago

Dude, the knife fight between Leon and Kraseur was AWESOME!

tigertron4816d ago

They can't kill Leon off if this is set in Raccoon City, 1998...but if they do it would give the game an alternate storyline.

earbus4816d ago

I hope they get the controls into the modern age .

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Is Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City worth playing in 2023?

GF365: "Is Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City worth playing in 2023? This game originally received less than impressive reviews from critics and gamers alike. You may be wondering what this game is all about."

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gold_drake381d ago

game was ridiculously dark when i played it bk then. not sure about now.
ike you couldnt see a damn thing ha


Every Other Time Resident Evil 3 Was Remade

Now that Resident Evil 3 remake is less than a month away, here's a look back at the other times Capcom reimagined the 1999 classic game.

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Mr Marvel1556d ago

Behind AC: New Horizons, this is my 2nd most wanted game this year.
Until Capcom remade RE2, RE3: Nemesis on PS1 was my favourite RE game.

Tross1556d ago (Edited 1556d ago )

I do think it's easily one of the most underrated RE games. I'm looking forward to fending off REmake Nemesis, especially since I heard his appearances throughout the game will now be somewhat randomized.

AK911556d ago

Umbrella chronicles is still my favourite it was really cool going back and playing the classics with updated graphics.

Nerdmaster1556d ago

I would say I thought Darkside Chronicles was better mainly because 2, Code Veronica and 4 (kind of represented in the game by Leon and Krauser) are my favorite games. But the super shaky camera in Darkside really bothered me...


Late in the Game Review: 'Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City'

The Gamer's Ghost returns in this Late in the Game Review series to revisit Raccoon City. Did Slant Six Games' premier Resident Evil title hold up to the series' standards? Or was it rotten, like the very zombies spawned from Umbrella's dastardly research?

1587d ago Replies(1)
CrimsonWing691586d ago (Edited 1586d ago )

I actually thought this was a fun game. Was it great? No. But there were some very cool moments in the game.

Stand outs were taking on the Nemesis with a group and the Tyrant on the elevator.

AK911586d ago

One if the worst games I ever had the dishonor of playing I'm glad Capcom has rebounded to making quality games now even outside the RE series.