
In 5 Hours Only 2 Nintendo 3DS’s Sold

Today at work I only saw 2 people buy 3DS's. It's launch day, I expected the store to actually have a line up of people waiting to buy Nintendo's latest device.

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badboy8084815d ago (Edited 4815d ago )

A ds with Gimped 3D.

RedDead4815d ago (Edited 4815d ago )

And good graphics. The graphic upgrade alone would make me call this a next gen handheld. Unfortunately for the 3DS. The PSP2 about the same upgrade from Psp1 as the Ps2 is to the Ps3 so i'll be getting that, it also doesn;t help that the 3ds linup is almost noting but remastered games from the past. Still thought the 3DS beats out last gens graphics easily.

Brian52474815d ago

I would disagree about the graphics upgrade being equivalent to PSP ---> NGP.

Wenis4815d ago

Well I'm just holding off on buying it until Animal Crossing or Mario Kart is released, whichever comes first.

Arnon4815d ago (Edited 4815d ago )

Right, and somehow the NGP line-up that's filled with downgraded versions of Uncharted, Resistance, Killzone, Little Big Planet (already on PSP), and WipEout is different?

I'm not sure how a new Kid Icarus, Paper Mario 3D, Super Mario 3D, Mario Kart 3D, Ocarina of Time 3D, Dream Trigger, Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition, Super Monkey Ball, Animal Crossing and Rayman 3D is somehow a bad list of games.

I love new tech, and will pick up the NGP as well, but so far it's line-up isn't justifying it's price tag, which by the way is more than the system it's getting it's games from.

Rumor4815d ago



NewMonday4815d ago

It's just the 3DS launch lineup that is meh. As for me, I will buy it with the English version of devil survivor 2, that’s my system seller.

As for NGP, we are yet to see significant 3rd party games, it's just too early.

sinncross4815d ago

In what ways are those games downgraded?

Perhaps LBP2 (not the first as you casually menion) and Wipeout since they are ports but the other games you mentioned are completely brand new games in the IP's.

Most of the games you announced for the 3DS are just ports of existing games but with 3D being the core ddition to them.

Im not going to aruge that one is better then the other, but your fleeting comment about the supposed NGP lineup is fallicious.

Infernostew4814d ago (Edited 4814d ago )


Devil survivor 2 is not a 3ds game, it's for regular ds. The 1st devil survivor game is just a rerelease of the first with 3rd support.

Army_of_Darkness4814d ago (Edited 4814d ago )

I think the biggest flaw nintendo made with the 3DS is that it looks exactly like the DS, not to mention the name of it sounds nearly identical to each other?!! casual gamers and parents are not gonna really notice the difference. they're just gonna think that its just a nintendo DS with 3D effects and a higher price tag that I doubt they wanna pay for.

nveenio4814d ago

What if the average sold in every Gamestop was 2 every 5 hours for the first week? There would be nearly 500,000 units sold in the first week alone.

That's not too shabby.

nveenio4814d ago

I completely agree. I was talking to my nephew (who is age 11) a couple weekends ago about his DS. I said, "Did you know they're making a DS with 3D?" He said, "No." So he doesn't even know about it. Unless the packaging is drastically different, he won't even notice it in the store.

HappyGaming4814d ago

Well a friend of mine in college let me use his today.

The 3d effect is cool and the camera is awesome. But the game that was on it the one with the dogs sucked so much that I couldn't be bothered to play with it to see if my eyes would hurt after 15 minutes like they say.

shadow27974814d ago

Personally, I think the problem is that Nintendo didn't put a release date in their TV spots. I've seen quite a few of them, but not one of them mentioned a release date, or any real information at all.

It's Nintendo, their products are never DOA. (well, rarely anyway -- VirtualBoy *shudder*)

NeoBasch4814d ago

Devil Survivor is the only game managing to hold my interest out of the line up thus far... Well that and Kid Icarus of course, but that's beside the point. DS not only a 3D remake, but it will feature full voice-over (which is what I'm looking forward to the most), and the new 8th day scenario. It almost completely retires the original DS version.

I wish they'd develop DS2 concurrently. That way we could get the 3DS version sooner. I'd like to see a 3D version of Strange Journey as well. I'd think it would lend itself well to the format, what with the 1st person perspective and forma search. It's a game that could also benefit from voice acting and probably even some more music.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 4814d ago
Shok4815d ago

If you think the 3DS is that simple, yo need to seriously red up on it. The system is packed with so many features it's ridiculous.

badz1494815d ago

I'll give it that but compared to NGP, eh...not so much!

I know this is not a comparison article or such and I'm not a Ninty fan but aside from 3D, what other things 3DS is capable of that was not on the PSP?

Greycat_James4815d ago


Augmented Reality, built in games at launch, cheaper games in a better storage medium, built in SD card rather than a Sony designed card that's useless in most devices, built in gyroscope, built in microphone on the first gen model, somehow better battery life (or at least equal), plays DS games, better analogue control, touch screen...

Not sure what else but clearly that's not enough for most people...

Shok4814d ago

17 ignorant people who bash a system they no nothing about.


The NGP may be CAPABLE of the 3DS's other features, but it doesn't actually HAVE those features, so in the end it doesn't matter.

NiKK_4194814d ago (Edited 4814d ago )

the psp2 has all the features of the 3ds (excluding 3d of course) and more, and delivers them with better quality, the psp2 is just an all around better device, but the 3ds would be good for people who love nintendo i guess, but still, you can't compare them really, i mean come on, the resolution is only barely more than the original DS, it's not even as high as the original psp and it's supposed to be a next gen handheld? i don't think so, the hardware sucks, the software may be ok, but without good hardware, it doesn't matter

the psp2 is not only CAPABLE of the 3ds' other features but it does DOES HAVE those features, so in the end, it does matter

NLGSean4814d ago

NIKK said "i don't think so, the hardware sucks, the software may be ok, but without good hardware, it doesn't matter "

LOL are you serious? Hardware is what matters? Wii's 86 Million systems sold world wide and DS's 146 million systems sold world wide say HELLO... Both make Nintendo a profit and both are still stomping the Xbox 360, PS3 and PSP respectively....

It is all about software... If hardware was the case then I guess the Lynx destroyed the GameBoy and the Atari Jaguar destroyed the Playstation and N64...

Also, I love these people that compare 2 systems that they never even played...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4814d ago
Theyellowflash304815d ago

The original DS can run SSF4 on it?

Otheros004815d ago

And PSP graphics with extra features like normal mapping and a $100+ mark up to the price.

princejb1344815d ago

im waiting for the remake of the 3ds which i know nintendo will do i a year or 2
in the meantime ill get the ngp when it is released

n4f4814d ago

but sony will do the same thing will you wait for it?

DigitalHorror814814d ago

NGP will be awesome. Wait and see.

princejb1344813d ago

nope i wont wait cause i have alot of faith in sony hardware to last 5+ years without any problems

Trunkz4814d ago (Edited 4814d ago )

Just for the record for some people to know - Zellers is a store thats much much less then Walmart and are mostly put in areas where the people aren't so.. wealthy.. (and the items are far less then Walmarts as well) so it's natural to only see a few copies sold from a Zellers.

I was at a Bestbuy and they were selling like hotcakes ( I got a Black one, I was surprised to see everyone grabbing the blue one) and Street Fighter was almost sold out in seconds I saw all these hands constantly grabbing copies so i grabbed one also lol Also the first 25 customers that got a 3DS got a free Nintendo shirt and lots of mario characters on it.

Anyway, you can't base the selling point of the 3DS on a crappy Zellers. You'll probably complain when Zellers only sells 1 NGP, but sells well at places like BestBuy, Walmart and Gamestop

pat_11_54814d ago

Not all Zellers locations are in poor neighborhoods and their product selection is similar to Wal-Marts (although most Zellers stores are much smaller than Wal-mart).

My point is I've seen line ups in front of the store before for system launches and I was shocked that there wasn't one. I was even more shocked to see that it only sold 2 copies.

Trunkz4814d ago (Edited 4814d ago )


Did you know that many of the Zellers will be converted into Target's (yes, the american store) except the Zellers that are doing very well? Thats how bad Zellers has been doing.

DeleteThisxx4814d ago

Clearly badboy808 hasn't played Rayman 3D or checked out the crayons floating around the activity log. Hell, I doubt you even played the console. This is FAR from "gimped" 3D

Karlnag34814d ago

How the hell do you even have "gimped" 3D anyway?! XD It's either 3D or it isn't...

strifeblade4814d ago

the 3ds as as powerful as the wii

pain777pas4814d ago

I'd be playing the 3DS right now. However at the last minute I said I really need to want it or it is going to just collect dust. I played SSF4 on the big screen and I don't want compromises of any sort graphically so I'll pass. Zelda will get me to cough up the bread for this bad boy. Love the tech but the games are really lack lustre. Mario was at the DS launch so this is inexcusable. Kid Icarus was the flagship at the E3 press conference so this is ridiculous. Bring out one of the heavy hitters Nintendo and I bring home my Onyx 3DS in a hot second.

OhMyGandhi4814d ago

I'll wait for the inevitable "3DS Lite or 3DSi"
not to say that console iterations are a bad thing, just that they will happen, and usually in good time.

I have had both a psp and a ds, (traded back and forth between the two) and can honestly say that I am not that much of a "handheld" gamer.

That being said, the NGP intrigues me as it's not only extremely powerful, but Sony has, more than anyone, learned from their mistakes from their older portable.

hell, designers were probably dragged kicking and screaming into a room with a large round table, and forced at gun point to implement a second analog "stick" for the new device.

I am nonetheless, excited to see where both handhelds go.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4813d ago
phantomexe4815d ago

i went with friends to pick it up last night at midnight. i'm more shocked then i expected.

badz1494815d ago

"shocked" in a good way or another?

lepolohuevo4815d ago

I was shocked in a bad way. I pre-ordered my 3DS in december of 2010 so I don't repeat the mistake of not pre-ordering the Wii, which I still couldn't get my hands on 5 months after release.

On the midnight launch (at my local GameStop), only 5 people showed up not including me. So much for that.

Again there's the fact that the Wii was released in the holiday season and that the economy went to total shit in 2011, but I'm still happy to have it. I don't see how the lack of people at a GameStop is going to ruin my enjoyment of my new console :/

badz1494815d ago

ok, that was a shock due to the launch event. I was wondering what phantomexe was shocked about

phantomexe4814d ago (Edited 4814d ago )

It looked better then i expected but i only seen 2 games on it.

pat_11_54815d ago

I was just surprised that there wasn't anyone lined up.

HolyOrangeCows4815d ago (Edited 4815d ago )

I'm surprised we haven't seen a "3DS sells out in US" article yet. I'm assuming that it hasn't, considering the big three are always on top of announcing that sort of thing as soon as possible.

US reception to the 3DS seems quite lukewarm. It hasn't sold out (If it had, we definitely would have heard it), not a single game with 85+ metascore (with only 3 past the "Mixed or Average" range, not that much advertisement or media buzz....

If I had shares in Nintendo, I'd be worried. Where are you, infallible Nintendo? Where?!? Seriously, though, not selling out within 24 hours is never a good sign; unless they just shipped out half a billion consoles to start. And I doubt it. New consoles always sell incredibly quickly with the right marketing.

zag4815d ago

I think the problem is 2 fold.

All the people who wanted a nDS of some kind have bought one already.

All the people who want to upgrade or might like one don't have the spare cash to spend on one anymore or just can't justify the cash towards one.

Mohdunknown4815d ago

Why launch on a Sunday? Why do big nintendo releases launch on Sunday?

pat_11_54815d ago

Sunday is a really weird day to launch, I wonder why Nintendo did that.

Coogi4815d ago

Which is why it should be on a Friday or Saturday...not a Sunday.

badz1494815d ago

maybe because I live in a different place. here, Sunday has the largest crowd.

pat_11_54814d ago

The huge non-existent weekend crowd? If you want to target the weekend crowd launch on a friday night.

Liefx4814d ago

They're trying to get people to buy one when they are in a hungover stupor.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4814d ago
doG_beLIEfs4815d ago

Nintendo ALWAYS launches new hardware in the USA on Sunday.

femshep4815d ago

there major games as well

zag4815d ago

well it's way easier to get to a shop on a non-working day than a work day.

IrieMars4815d ago

I was under the impression that it was on Sunday so they can have launch events the night before and no one would miss it because of having to work the next day. So much for that. I was alarmed that I was still able to Pre-order one at 5pm (on the west) the day before. However I didn't, just can't dish out that much cash for a system I would almost never use. But that's just me.

TheIneffableBob4815d ago

It's a traditional Japanese thing. I think it's the day where parents don't have work so they can go to the launch events too.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4814d ago
disturbing_flame4815d ago

Perhaps people want a console with a good autonomy & games.

They are just waiting that if they are smart.

lepolohuevo4815d ago

So assuming that, almost nobody bought a PSP.

disturbing_flame4814d ago

It is the case if you look closer to the sells of PSP at the depart.
Except in Japan it wasn't the console of this gen.

dragon824814d ago

Except the PSP has sold more units than both the PS3 and 360. Sure sounds like a failure to me. :P

lepolohuevo4813d ago


We're talking about launch here, pal.

disturbing_flame4813d ago

Oh you are really comparing PSP sells to PS3 and 360 ?
I mean seriously ?

Compare it to the sells of the DS.
Everyone knows that the PSP did a good score, it is just that the console is not the leader of the market, very far from that in fact.

Anyway, Nintendo said recently that the 3DS was the fastest port console they sell on the market, now everyone is waiting for NPD.

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Antnee5342448d ago

Why in fucks name did the designs for the mc make it through the planing stages of development? They are by far the worse thing pokemon have produced.

MeteorPanda2447d ago

but...you customize your own characters now? l dont like that boys neck. holy shit it's about as strong as a twig

Antnee5342447d ago

I understand that, but if you pick a boy you get the worse choices.

MeteorPanda2447d ago

oh for sure. The franchise just shits on the male version more and more per new entry, lol

Antnee5342446d ago

It's so weird being that the player base is 70/30 male you know. You would think that they would give the males a better choice selection.


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Every time I see 'released on Steam' my heart sinks. Why don't these guys release on GOG instead?


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