JhawkFootball065030d ago (Edited 5030d ago )

The exploit only worked on firmware 3.41 anyways. So It might be just a simple update to the shellcode/payload/memory address's to the jailbreak for it to work on 3.42

Why this disagrees? In the next couple of days you will see an article saying "PSJailbreak ported to 3.42"

goldensfree5030d ago

tho like jhawk said might not even be meant ta disable the hack...

blitz06235030d ago

Well that didn't take long. But Sony knows these hackers are persistent. They're gonna find a new way for PSJ to work... and get screwed over by another FW update.

Method5030d ago

If you have to ask why you're getting disagrees you're a complete idiot.

People click the disagree button because they disagree with your statement. This is how the system works.

darkdoom30005030d ago

wrong kiddo. PS jailbreak guys claimed that it would work on all firmwares. Well... all I can say is... Good job sony.

OhReginald5030d ago

So if say say the sun is in the middle of the solar system I will not get disagrees?

SilentNegotiator5030d ago

It probably is just a temporary solution, but for now....T-bag time.

I guess you'll just have to make firmwares more often, eh, Sony?
*Gets in face with a grin*

e1ace5030d ago

Someone posted a link to a new update for PSJailbreak and PSGroove. The link has been removed now.


Theoneneo815030d ago

To all those idiots who paid money for the JB all i have to say is Bwah ha ha ha ha.

DelbertGrady5030d ago (Edited 5030d ago )

Great news! No chance at all of getting backwards compability now. What will be next? Will they remove the internet browser? Will the video channel say it's last goodbye? Find out in the next firmware downgr...update!

sikbeta5030d ago

Muahahaha.... there goes the pirates dream....

kneon5030d ago

It may not be that simple, remember the hackers didn't actually hack the PS3, they just put it in debug mode using a supported, but not publicly available method. It's quite possible that Sony have permanently disabled this capability. If that's the case then they will actually have to try and hack it next time.

sikbeta5029d ago

Boo-hoo for pirates, seems like the dream is over...

DarkFantasy5029d ago

It only Dose Stopping pirates... ARHHHH!!!
Now swab The Deck you Crusty liver smelling scallywags!! ARHHH!!!

hikayu5029d ago

more like : Sony 1 , PSJ : 1 and gamers: -1

psj won 1 point for hacking the "unhackable"
sony win 1 point for blocking it , even if it's temporarily
gamers get -1 because we lost otherOS and times updating these meaningless updates .

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 5029d ago
CrazyForGames5030d ago (Edited 5030d ago )

im not gonna celebrate about this i mean chances are they are gonna turn it around we have seen it so many times already

i can already see this turning into some sort of back and forth thing

doesn't really matter since jailbreak or no jailbreak nothing was gonna change for me anyways

deadreckoning6665030d ago (Edited 5030d ago )

The Internet Browser seems faster. Culd just be me though.

zoks3105030d ago

About time, now pre install this in ever new ps3 and watch the hackers go nuts wasting their time trying to keep up.

Playerz85030d ago

Finally! Sick of hearing bout this crap.

EYEamNUMBER15030d ago

uh technically speaking your going to hear even more about it now

Naughty Dog5030d ago (Edited 5030d ago )

This is good but within 24hrs I think we will be seeing an article like " PSJailbreak now works on 3.42", I hope not.

ALFAxD_CENTAURO5030d ago (Edited 5030d ago )

Well, is software, so they can change the Software for a different purpose which is the Firmware. Until Sony implement a software for the purpose to make unusable the Software (the Hacks) and not only changing the version of the Firmware.

But there are other good news.

PS3 is still not hacked via Hardware, which is what Geohot was doing and fail doing that. This all stuff is via software.

commodore645030d ago (Edited 5030d ago )

Yes, I think we can bet money on that.

If Sony has disabled the JB, then they certainly seem to have won a battle.

However, the hackers are probably already at work sorting out how to overcome this firmware update for new revisions of JB.

As such, Sony's victory is really a phyrric Victory.

mac_sparrow5030d ago

Genius Commodore, simply genius. Lucky for you I'm here to administer a little surgery.

I can't believe you used the word pyrrhic to describe this.

Tell me, what devastating casualties for which the phrase was coined have Sony suffered thus far?
Ah yes, you mean the millions of consoles already running this? Or the millions of devices sold? Or the admittedly funny but likely also currently defunct ps3 calculator hack?

As is you need to wait and see, while unlikely to be either it is just as valid at this unknown stage to announce it a flawless victory (Mortal Kombat stylee). Oh and in case you think I'm trying to say that, by equally, I mean also ridiculous.

Achievement Unlocked
Head, arse, separated. Surgery Complete!
10G (It wasn't worth more).


24 hours? Common PS3s are no longer capable to work in debug/dev mode. Those "crackers" will have to buy their way in to another back door, maybe they can steal from Sony again as they can't actually crack it, but I'm pretty sure they will need a "bit" more than 24 hours... LOL

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5030d ago
Method5030d ago (Edited 5030d ago )

Indeed. Sony are much faster than MS and Nintendo on anti-piracy.

GraySnake5029d ago

look what happened to the psp....

Immortal3215030d ago

the future is toooooo digital.

bobcostus5030d ago

Rofl that was fast! Show those pirates Sony! Fuckin' pirates stealin' and plunderin'...

Death24945030d ago

people are worried about playing ps2 backups. This is where being an early adopter really pays off. While those who used PSjailbreak to play ps2 games, long after this hack is dead and gone I (60gig ps3 owner) can still play them. Sony didn't consider it a threat until the recent news about playing ps2 and psone games came out. I'm updating right now without having to worry about losing my backwards compatibility.

Off topic: This isn't the first we've seen of this kind of hack. It was a coffee shop in Korea if i'm not mistaken that claimed that they were running ps3 backups off the internal HDD. I remember it having a red "Z" on the cover of the disc. It also came with a usb drive and they were selling it for about the same as the Jailbreak.

SephireX5030d ago

PS3 doesn't play PS2 games as well as PS2 and 60gb covers only about 90% of the games. Plus they can't be played from the HD so Jailbreak wins there I'm afraid. Also, most people don't have 60gb PS3s. There are more people in the world besides you.

BLuKhaos5029d ago

Actually it's the PAL 60GB PS3's that can't play all PS2 games, the NA/JP 60giggers can play all PS2 games since they have both the CPU and the GPU unlike the PAL version which only has the PS2's GPU onboard.

TrailerParkSupervisr5030d ago

So if say say the sun is in the middle of the solar system I will not get disagrees?

I would disagree because the sun is not in the exact center of the solar system. It wobbles a little.

xAlmostPro5030d ago

agreed it was well played by not announcing the update, and seeing how there actually is NO homebrew apps as of yet, lets see how many people just update out of boredom from waiting for a good homebrew app lol..

also now sony know EXACTLY how the exploit is done, so as hackers try to make another one sony are probably already one step ahead of the new hacker :)

SephireX5030d ago

People who have gotten jailbreak already can still profit from it because they can easily buy a cheap pre-owned PS3 for online play. Sure they won't be able to play the free games they get online but most games have most of their value offline. Example: Infamous, God of War 3, GT5, Demon Souls etc...
When Jailbreak developers said compatible with all firmwares, they obviously meant all existing firmwares. When they said that, 3.42 didn't exist. Its good that Sony has reacted quickly but the hackers will keep striking until Sony changes the low level code which may never happen.

Christopher5029d ago

Yeah, works great for old games and games in the next two months. But, after that, you know games are going to come with 3.42 on the disc and required to play them.

BARF5030d ago

the hackers will figure it out again. its only a matter of time.

Biggest5030d ago

I wonder if it'll be another 4 years. LOL!

Christopher5029d ago

Now we'll see if the hackers have truly hacked the source code or if all of this hullabaloo is over code that no one has even accessed yet.

gta28005029d ago

These hackers are annoying. It's too bad the same laws don't apply like when someone breaks into your house. "You loot, I shoot" lol. Cause they're basically breaking into the PS3 and stealing games. Freakin bums lol.

JsonHenry5029d ago

Yeah, it will just be updated again and again. And Sony will patch it again and again. Rinse, repeat.

Who cares? such a small amount of people pirate console games anyway I doubt it will make much of a difference in total sales.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 5029d ago
tiamat55030d ago ShowReplies(1)
WetN00dle695030d ago (Edited 5030d ago )

I smell a patch by pass soon.
Dont really care since i dont plan on using the jailbreak.

EYEamNUMBER15030d ago (Edited 5030d ago )

EDIT: oops wrong post

ingiomar5030d ago (Edited 5030d ago )


Hackerz can't be stopped once they find a weakness

Resources are irrelevant when it comes to hacking..

BeAGamer5030d ago

Hackers are low life losers.

8-bit5030d ago

That's where you are wrong BeAGamer.. Hackers and Pirates are two completely different things. Game pirates are low life losers, Hackers just want to get the most out of their hardware in fact..

One way to define the term hack is to find or create a new use for a product that it wasn't intended for. So technically using a key as a screw driver can be referred to as a "Hack"

SilverSlug5030d ago

...... really? Judging a group of people without even knowing them..

Pretty ignorant comment.

5029d ago
djfullshred5029d ago

People like me that work in IT, view hackers as equally low as pirates. And because I work for a financial company, anyone getting caught trying to hack us will have a nice vacation in Federal prison.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5029d ago
jmare5030d ago

Did you stop to think of how Sony stopped it? If Sony disabled the USB ports during startup until after the OS is running, then the hack is now useless. Every version of this hack uses the same procedure and if that procedure is disrupted, then bye bye Jailbreak.

CrAnKiTuP_015030d ago

I didn't think of that!
+ Intelligence bubbles

SilverSlug5030d ago

Easy fix. Since you have to boot it in debug mode upon boot.

What about devs, don't they need debug mode? Or is this for people that fix PS3s?

I assume the later.

PirateThom5030d ago

Devs have debug units. They would need this on retail PS3s.

darkdoom30005030d ago

These 'hackers' didnt do any real HACKING.

They just obtained a USB device that sony repair centers use to restore consoles. and just mass produced it.

Hackers? more like theives.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5029d ago
MGRogue20175030d ago (Edited 5030d ago )

Job well done Sony, You've done us all proud! :P

CaptainMarvelQ85030d ago (Edited 5030d ago )

they could've waited longer so that people buy ps3 for jailreaking
then update! and boom! ,look at all the money

XXXCouture5030d ago (Edited 5030d ago )

you just noticed the difference between ms and sony

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Why Metal Gear Solid 3 is the Best Prequel Ever Made

With Metal Gear Solid Delta on its way, we look back to see how the original Snake Eater is the foundation on which the entire Metal Gear series is built and is without doubt the greatest prequel ever made.

just_looken7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

The fact you can kill the end by either changing your console clock or my way when he is on the dock is such a cool Easter egg.

My video/play through i time coded the part of end getting killed at the dock

The river scene with ocelot's dad will also change depending on your kill count

So many things that can change on each playthrough

Oh also the iconic ladder scene always a classic

just_looken6h ago

wait are people upset i gave out spoilers on a 20 year old ps2 game?

Like for real this was on top of alot of charts for sales with so many different versions

SimpleDad5h ago

There are many people (new) that didn't experience the game dude.

just_looken5h ago

It's 20 years old man these new "gamers" are weak

No one here ever turn on a history channel or go to school there are scary spoilers there too.

Getting hate for talking about a 20year old game on a comment section with a article that talks about the 20year old game with spoilers in the article

" original Snake, aka Big Boss, whose DNA was used to create the clones Solid, Liquid and Solidus"

Quick call 911 IGN spoiled the game

Chard4h ago

Wait til he realises there are people born years after MGS3 released who are now getting into mature gaming

just_looken2h ago


I was watching robocop before i grew chest hair are you seriously saying people only play M rated games after they turn 17?

Chard1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

That’s not what I’m saying at all.
Im referring to the weird conclusion you jumped to, which is that anyone who hasn’t played MGS3 by now took too long and are also weak for being bothered by spoilers this long after the original release.

Plenty of people without chest hair will try this remake as their first exposure to MGS3. It’s not somebody’s fault or weakness if they were born in 2010 and had better things to do than play MGS3 prior to this remake. The world doesn’t revolve around you

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1h ago
Inverno5h ago

Have an agree, if people haven't bothered playing a 20 year old game and get mad at spoilers then they should stay out of enthusiast posts.

just_looken2h ago

Right and this article has series/game spoilers

Yui_Suzumiya4h ago

I'll call the WHAMBULANCE for the down voters, lol

just_looken2h ago

Right? like wow perhaps i should post about the gta 3 story in the next article get hate there for spoiling that game.

SimpleDad3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

You really are something. Not only does a world turn around you, but you also are sensitive to 5 dislikes.
Who is weak now?
All remakes are done to bring in a new audience and make new money.
Why would you spoil a game or any kind of media for whatever reason If You experienced it?

Ohhh for your Youtube channel... there it is.

Jesus... imagine if someone commented your gameplay. Badly...

My boys will experience this remake for the first time.

just_looken2h ago

1. Its not the dislikes its many post's on this site and other's always the haters or like you mad about spoilers on old old games.

2. My youtube channel is older that most "gamers" today i lost alot of vids do too youtube bots and yourself has no proof even playing any of the games so go ahead post away on stuff you have no idea how to play.

3. My header is real i used to make a few k or more a month or more with mahcinima when bf/gta/halo/world of tanks were in there prime.Now there is just few vids here there

MeteorPanda3h ago

love it.

Just remember while this game came out years ago, theres a whole generation f gamers who would have never played it. it wasn't current for them.

So the remasters are aimed at bringing in new fans of the franchise, posting these may spoil it for some.

just_looken2h ago

The article literally has spoilers in it who the boss's kid is the eva relationship and entire series information you only get by playing the games.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1h ago
VersusDMC5h ago

Personally DMC3 is my favorite prequel. MGS3 is top 3 though next to Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep.

Kinda surprised Red Dead 2 isn't IGN's pick for best prequel.

just_looken5h ago

Its red dead revolver red dead redemption red dead redemption 2

I am still waiting for a way to turn off kingdom hearts looping music but the collection is cheap on amazon for those wanting 2 play the games.

franwex5h ago

My favorite prequel is Yoshi’s Island.

Yui_Suzumiya4h ago

Dan Salvato's favorite game to speed run

mastershredder1h ago

Ever? So much nopes to this. Also, IGN licks feat for $.


Tango Gameworks employee shares pictures from the Xbox studio's final day

The Evil Within, Ghostwire: Tokyo and Hi-Fi Rush studio has closed its doors.

Read Full Story >>
Einhander197213h ago

This shouldn't have happened.

Who's next..

tay870111h ago

Ninja theory. Others will follow as well. The smaller studios MS owns should all be worried. Maybe MS will try and release some of their games day and date on ps5 to save some of these studios.

jznrpg7h ago

I can see Ninja Theory. At least Tango made a game that was reviewed well. Ninja Theory spent a lot of years to release a tech demo that didn’t do well at all.

repsahj4h ago

I get it that Hellblade 2 is a boring game, but I hope they are not the next to be closed.

Petebloodyonion13h ago

I rarely agree with you but on this I do!


3 trillion MS is worth, yet they do this, well Phil the shit bag did. No studio needed to be let go, when you are worth this much.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4h ago
anast12h ago

Sad, but I see characters and posters of either less than average or barely average games.

LoveSpuds12h ago

Have to disagree here duder, with respect. Evil Within was a good game and the sequel was fantastic, as was HiFi Rush. I'd concede Ghostwire was pretty average but regardless, shuttering a studio which just put out MS best game in donkeys years was complete shithousery on XBox' part.

Einhander197211h ago(Edited 11h ago)

Microsoft paid 8B to buy Zenimax then fired well over 1000 people from Zenimax between the time they closed the deal and they announced these shut downs.

People talk about the 1900 they fired most recently, but that was only one wave of three sets of layoffs from their gaming division so far this generation totalling around 5000 people this generation. Not counting the dozen plus studios they canned last gen including Lionhead the original Fable developers.

anast9h ago

By every real metric HiFi was an average game. I don't see an Evil within poster in the thumb, which is a shame, because if they threw their weight behind that IP, they might have still been around.

LoveSpuds8h ago

I don't understand how you can say it was average in every metric when it garnered the reviews it did?

romulus237h ago

Hi-FI Rush sits at an 87 on Meta with an 8.8 User Score. By every real metric that matters it's better than average and it's definitely a game made by a studio that should not have been shut down.

Fonsecap11h ago

Working people paying the price for leadership bad decisions, so unfair...

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"Ninja Gaiden Combat on a Souls Game Map" - Phantom Blade Zero Director Talks Kung Fu Punk Approach

Game Rant speaks with Phantom Blade Zero's director about its approach to combat and worldbuilding through the lens of 'Kung Fu Punk.'

Read Full Story >>
Abnor_Mal18h ago

I heard the other day that the makers of Phantom Blade Zero doesn’t even have an exclusivity contract with Sony to bring the game to PS5.

Yet it’s only coming to PS5 and PC, I wonder why is that. But with that bit of information I guess anything can happen before release and another platform could be added.

MIDGETonSTILTS1714h ago(Edited 14h ago)

If: “Profit of releasing on Xbox” < “dev cost to get game to run on a Series S”

Then: game is not made for Xbox.

Either Xbox has to pay them to port, or Xbox needs to grow as a market.

Friendlygamer17h ago

Damn that sounds promising, the latest gameplay looked amazing