
G4TV: Raving Rabbids: Travels In Time Preview

Silly Rabbids, traveling in time is for kids. Well, the whole family, really. This latest installment of one of the Nintendo Wii’s most stalwart party games sees the crazy rabbits – er, rabbids – traveling through time and messing up that whole space time continuum. But their fun-loving and destructive ways shouldn’t create any real paradoxes; they should only provide a bunch of family time fun.


Rayman and Rabbids Family Pack Confirmed

"Earlier today we reported on a possible Rayman compilation coming to the 3DS thanks to an Amazon Germany listing. At that time, we had no information as to whether this was even a real compilation, and if it was, what games it would contain. Now, it looks like we confirmation of the game’s existence thanks to the German ranking system USK. Furthermore, we also have some more information on the bundle itself, as well as some box art."

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Wiiloveit.com: E3 2011 - Pre-Show Hype: Raving Rabbids

"I think if you asked most people who have been following the Rabbids IP what direction Ubisoft should take the series in next, they would probably ask for another platformer. I, on the other hand, actually want to see a mini-game collection again. And here's why." -- Wiiloveit.com

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The Mortal Kombat story is absurd...ly awesome! - The Good, Bad, Fugly 10

GamingUnion.net recently released the 10th episode of The Good, The Bad, and the Fugly:

"April comes to a close, and it closes on a low key note! The new episode of GBF is here and we give the quick rundown of titles that we reviewed in the last week. Niki and Brian will give you the game reviews from April 23 - 29, 2011.

Not everyone wants to read full reviews for every game. We remedy that by doing short 1 minute reviews for each game that we've most recently played. Get all the information you need on a game just by watching this weekly video series! If you like what you see in a game, check out our full review of the title.

This episode, we reviewed 3 games: Mortal Kombat, Raving Rabbids: Travel in Time, and Steel Diver. The Good, The Bad, and The Fugly is a video series from GamingUnion.net and has a weekly release schedule."

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Hardedge4887d ago

Now we just needs PSN to get back up for some online brutality!

mephman4887d ago

Fatality! I'm surprised MK turned out so well.

tweex4887d ago

I agree. With a franchise that has the legacy that it has, they really stepped up and made an excellent installment this time around.

RedPawn4887d ago (Edited 4887d ago )

They had to, we're in the second life of fighting games, you know the one where everyone believes tournament play is the only way to enjoy them.

Seriously though, the games direction had to be revamped heavily, cause special moves & fatalities just won't cut it.

tweex4887d ago

I was disappointed in Raving Rabbids since I loved the TV party series. Oh well, maybe next time.

Fallouts4887d ago

the story in mk is how stories should be done for fighting games..

not that bs cooky cutter story, clipse rather, that street fighter and many other fighters have..

netherrealms thank you! you put me back on i gave up on fighting games cause of the story and they never offer much to do offline..

thank you! can you bring back mytholigies again? i know it wasnt well recieved but i loved it and wish fighting games can go in that direction. i want to unlock the move then master it. kon quest was great too challenge tower reminds me of it at some points..

I_killed_TheMart4883d ago

I disagree, i'd rather not see story in a fighting game. That way they can focus and emphasize on the fighting gameplay and nothing else...story is a waist of time, mortal kombat's story was cheesy, too cheesy.. personal opinion of course but I still wish they wouldve just didn't make it. IF your going to do something make sure u do it right...nd they didn't

Fallouts4882d ago

what? what they didnt do right? its a great game all around.. stick with street fighter i guess....