
King's Bounty: Armored Princess 50% Off on GamersGate

GamersGate has slashed 50% off of 1C's RPG King's Bounty: Armored Princess as part of its weekend sale.

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-MD-5171d ago (Edited 5171d ago )

If anybody buys it I highly recommend playing on easy as normal made me lose interest in the game entirely.

2late5171d ago

for people who play this game interest also comes from having a challenge. I fail to see how switching from normal to easy is a challenge.

You simply suck at this .

-MD-5171d ago (Edited 5171d ago )

You're simply an idiot. I made a thread on the steam forums when I purchased it asking why normal was so difficult and a bunch of people posted saying the exact same thing.

There comes a point in the game (a few hours in) where you completely run out of enemies to level up on and are forced to fight enemies that one shot your team. There's no possible strategy involved to a fight that lasts 20 seconds. The only way to advance is to restart the game completely and pick and choose a wiser team makeup.

2late5171d ago

I never ran into such a problem and I never heard of people running into it. Maybe it's related to the class you played... in which case you should specify that (as a paladin I had no such issues and seeing how the map is filled with tons of creatures of various levels there was always someone to pick a fight with).

-MD-5171d ago (Edited 5171d ago )

I played a Mage.

Here's the thread I made a few months ago. http://forums.steampowered....

There's like 5 people that responded with the same problems with most if not all of them playing as the mage. Still the game shouldn't be that frustrating, especially for someone like me (and them) who are new to the series.

Bolts5170d ago

I could not get every far in the first King Bounty's game, it's just too damn hard and you're constantly fighting battles where you're out numbered 3 to 1.

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Letros5170d ago

The gold pack is $15 on Direct2Drive until tomorrow, you get both games in that.


Humble Weekly Sale Features 6 Steam 1C Company Games

Gamesta is back with more news about both the Humble bundle people and 1C Company. The two have come together to make this week's Humble sale, which sets up 6 Steam games from the notable publisher, for not even $4.


Indiegala 7 is here, get awesome games, help charity, you know the deal

The Humble Music Bundle which went live yesterday, let you pay what you wanted for some hip albums (yeah, I said hip) and in turn support a great charity. Today, Indiegala 7 will let you do pretty much the same, except you're getting some sweet games that can be immediately unlocked on your Steam account.

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TheSanchezDavid4339d ago

There are some cool games in this bundle!


Indie Gala 7 is Live Now!

The seventh Indie Gala is now live and while the Humble Bundle is pushing the limits of being an indie game bundle, Gala is as obscure and indie as ever. The bundle includes Rig’n'Roll, Space Rangers, Reign and a 4th mystery game that will unlock in the 2nd week. If you pay more than $5, you’ll get Death to Spies with DLC, King’s Bounty, UFO and another mystery title to be unlocked in the 2nd week as well. That’s a very decent number of games even though they’ve totally been under my radar till now.

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