
New PS5 Slim Bundle to Include Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III for Free

A new advert reveals a PS5 Slim bundle will include Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III for $499.99. The PS5 Slim with the Ultra HD Blu-ray disc drive will launch for the same price, so this essentially includes Modern Warfare III for free.

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Obscure_Observer221d ago (Edited 221d ago )

Yes! Time to make that money back to fund new games from classic ABK´s IPs for us!

Curious to see how well it gonna sell after that ABK deal.

Funny how how some people were talking how MS would take COD away from Playstation and now Phil is even allowing it to be bundle with the new PS5 slim.

Another narrative dead in the water

Vengeance1138221d ago

The only narrative dead in the water is your own LOL
Its like you don't understand what a 10yr deal means, yes MS will indeed remove CoD from PS, once the deal has run its length. You cant be that blind, or can you?

You better hope to God PS fans buy CoD since it doesn't sell on Xbox! What's it like having the fate of Xbox in the hands of PS players?

Obscure_Observer221d ago

"Its like you don't understand what a 10yr deal means, yes MS will indeed remove CoD from PS, once the deal has run its length. You cant be that blind, or can you?"

You´re the blind one! COD on Playstation means a steady revenue stream for Xbox, genius.

"You better hope to God PS fans buy CoD since it doesn't sell on Xbox! What's it like having the fate of Xbox in the hands of PS players?"

Trust me, it feels amazing! To know that both Playstation and PC gamers are helping funding our games its too good to be true. For instance, we been getting MLB games from Sony for three years straight thanks to you!

Now, Xbox will make BILLIONS out of Playstation, Nintendo, Cloud and PC while we continue to get amazing games day one on Gamepass.

Only the finest for Xbox gamers.

XiNatsuDragnel221d ago


Essentially third party publisher which hey Sega went that route and look how successful that was.

Vengeance1138221d ago


Delusion at its finest! Hahahaha
Xbox hasn't had an "amazing" game to play in what? 3-4yrs? Or is it 10?
Don't you bottom feeders take whatever scraps lyin Phil throws at you? lol

Last place console for a reason bud, nothing but a bone yard over there. What will you play in 2027? I don't think PS would accept your kind, too sub human lol

DarXyde221d ago

Some advice, Vengeance1138:

Just ignore. Really. As much as I want to say it's just trolling because no one can be this hopelessly fanatical (for an exec, a piece of plastic, and a trillion dollar corporation who can do no wrong in his blind or impaired eyes, no less), dude might really be that sick and obsessed. He gets upset enough to send me PMs (I've just blocked you, by the way, mate —save your keystrokes). I don't read them, but can you imagine? Walls of text, and my immediate reaction is "nope, we're not doing that".

Whether it's zealotry, having nothing better to do, not getting enough oxygen at birth, or some combination thereof, it simply isn't worth it.

It's tedious and boring at this point. Just stupid, hyperbolic, incendiary nonsense, time and time again. It isn't clever or interesting.

Just let him exist in a vacuum. Your time on this site will be easier, I promise.

Vengeance1138221d ago

Fair point mate, wise words. I'll do exactly that ;)

Just let em cope and seethe and his kind does.


"You better hope to God PS fans buy CoD since it doesn't sell on Xbox!"

Do you honestly believe COD, the most successful yearly IP in gaming, would fade into obscurity if it wasn't on Playstation?

You have to be a bot. I can't accept that you're a human being capable of critical thinking.

VenomUK221d ago

This deal was likely signed some time before the ABK deal was completed, possibly over a year ago.

Whilst Microsoft the game publisher profits from games sold on PlayStation, it currently has is own console, so allowing a pack-in to a rival brand does not make sense as it could boost sales of the PS5.

outsider1624221d ago

With the space requirement of 200GB+, they might as well just put it on an SSD and sell it separately.

No thanks. Sony should just bring back Killzone ot SOCOM.

Cacabunga221d ago


So delusional..
What do you think about the consoles gap this gen and how it will become after this deal? dare to enlighten us?

CombatEmu220d ago


So Xbox is a publisher brand and not a console brand anymore (though let's be real, it kind of stopped being a console brand since mid last gen). I wouldn't mind if Microsoft starts publishing their games on GOG.

Gamingsince1981220d ago


COD will be dead within a year when they drop playstation, if it's not dead before then because of decisions by MS. Xbox is dead in the water, MS will be a game publisher by 2027.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 220d ago
gold_drake221d ago

as to the bundle, there was a contract prior to the acquisition.

so Phil did not "allow" anyone anything.

Shane Kim221d ago

The link is common sense.

thesoftware730221d ago (Edited 221d ago )

Getting CoD with a slim PS5 is awesome, that is getting one of the biggest games of the year for free.

In 10 years MS will have made back more than 1/2 of what they paid for A/B from CoD games alone, not to mention Candy Crush and Diablo...such a good deal for MS.

They effectively have their hands in everyone's pockets, Sony, Nintendo, Steam, Cloud services, and Mobile devices. Like them or not, MS pulled the biggest power move in the gaming industry, they are a console maker with a whole town of developers, and now a major publisher on every platform for the next 10-plus, years wow!.

Console wars be damned, Phil is a smart man.

Rockstar221d ago (Edited 221d ago )

I don't know if you can give the credit to Phil. People have been buying up the competition since the dawn of time. Microsoft has been doing this since its inception without the help of good guy Phil.

220d ago
badz149220d ago

"In 10 years MS will have made back more than 1/2 of what they paid for A/B from CoD games alone, not to mention Candy Crush and Diablo...such a good deal for MS."

so, you're saying ABK will make a profit totalling over $35B in 10 years? that's $3.5B yearly profit on average. but based on this data:


ABK made $3.3B in REVENUE in 2022 with 2020 generated their highest at $3.9B since CoD4 was launched in 2007. So how much was the PROFIT?

now with CoD expected to be launched on GP day 1, it's gonna hit the revenue for sure too. so I still can't see how they are gonna suddenly generate $3.5B in PROFIT every year out of nowhere.

Rynxie217d ago (Edited 217d ago )

Nintendo proved that Sony nor them (Nintendo) needs cod, as Nintendo switch sold over a 100-thousand. I really hope Sony aggressively invest in a new fps or revives an old one (socom, mag, unit 13 are my preferred for military shooters and kz, resistance for sci-fi). Even if it's gaas game, I don't care. I always said MAG would have been around much longer if it had micro transactions.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 217d ago
Rockstar221d ago

@ Obscure

If there is ever a poll for the #1 fanboy on n4g you've got my vote. You seem very mature and not at all unhinged and obsessed with your Microsoft overlords...

1Victor221d ago

@obscured brain:”Funny how how some people were talking how MS would take COD away from Playstation and now Phil is even allowing it to be bundle with the new PS5 slim.”

It’s time for your truth medication open wide

Only a moronic idiot will thing that after all the hurtles Microsoft had to go and the 10 years promises of keeping CoD third party they will now (as much as Microsoft wants it badly )have it exclusive and not fulfill activision contracts with Sony, don’t be surprised if Sony had multiple years contract for this bundle as they was the clear industry leader before the acquisition.

shinoff2183221d ago (Edited 221d ago )

Phil ain't allowing sh dude. It was probably already contracted.

Only the finest for Xbox gamers. Where tf have you been. Xbox one was a waste of time the first few years of this Gen were pretty bad for Xbox. Your definitely turning a blind eye to that. Your either trolling real hard or need to lay down in an office with a couch.

Obscure_Observer220d ago (Edited 220d ago )

"Xbox one was a waste of time the first few years of this Gen were pretty bad for Xbox. Your definitely turning a blind eye to that. Your either trolling real hard or need to lay down in an office with a couch."

Sure thing dude. Now, YOU lay down on that couch and speak your mind to whatever person interested in hearing your delusional and bs lies.


Microsoft Flight Simulator

Halo Infinite

Forza Horizon5

Age of Empire IV

Psychonauts 2



That´s why most haters got mad at me. They can´t counter my arguments with FACTS, they´ll always resort to ad hominen, lies and misdirection.

I brought you facts to expose the truth and dismantle your lies. Next time, just make sure and known your facts before address to me again.

ironmonkey221d ago

naw its just sony making the decision. microsoft is just learning how to do it.

DEEHULK88220d ago

This COD is the last one under Sony's initial agreement, so yheyvsre allowed to bundle the game, but it won't happen anymore after this year.

220d ago
220d ago
+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 217d ago
Kakashi Hatake221d ago

Xbots are the most toxic fandom in gaming. Can't believe console wars is reduced to gloating over ownership regardless of platform. It's like Android fans gloating over IOS using Goggle Maps. What clowns. Some fanboys are deprived of a good woman and it shows...

Eonjay221d ago

Without a doubt Xbox fanboys are the worse but please remember it is by design. People who play Xbox aren't any better or worse than any of us. However, Microsoft has been exposing and feeding toxicity to their fanbase sense the very beginning. It is part of the Xbox DNA. Its why Xbox fanboys are willing to destroy the industry to take out Sony. It why they they won't acknowledge the danger of monopolization. Its why they wont acknowledge that Microsoft has not given them anything, only taken it away from others.

OptimusDK221d ago

Lol are you fir real takling about fanboys in an extremely fanboyish fashion 🤥

Eonjay221d ago

I'm dead serious. All fanboys can be considered annoying but Xbox fanboys are the most toxic by far. They don't even care about the industry. They hardly care about Xbox. They only care about sticking it to PlayStation. They are a danger to anyone who has even a passing interest in the hobby. Time to speak up before its too late. They are fanatics. It is not fanboyish to call something what it is. Are we as consumers supposed to say nothing while they destroy the industry? I think not.

CombatEmu220d ago

I'm going to have to side with Eonjay as someone who mains on PC. Xbox fanboys are still stuck in the old console wars mindset when it was over since the Xbox One announcement. Now, they are looking for something, anything to stick it to Playstation. If that means "You'll own nothing and be happy", they'll gladly support that future without considering the consequences.

But look at what's happening in the TV/film industry. The subscription model is proving to not be a lucrative venture, after all. The vast majority of subscription services are losing customers and corporations like Disney feel the need to cut back to save money. Not to mention, the quality of the entertainment greatly suffered, too.

What Microsoft wants to do in the long term is to have total control of the game subscription market and make subscriptions the main way to play games. This is a dangerous outcome not just for Playstation, but everyone. Heck, we kind of see this with anime distribution in the west with Sony owning both Crunchyroll and Funimation.

So yeah, I'm going to buy games on GOG and Itch as much as I can with some Steam on the side, thank you very much.

shinoff2183221d ago

You aren't wrong. Look no further then youtube. Some of those guys are outright crazy. Reminiscent of the Xbox 360 Era on here.

Hofstaderman221d ago

Never mind a good woman...any woman lol

blackblades220d ago

As we can see with the 1st post of this article. The one that we shouldn't speak his name.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 220d ago
SimpleSlave221d ago

Why is Sony giving the PS5s an STD and selling them to us too?

"Hey! But it's free!"

That's disgusting. No, thanks...

z2g221d ago (Edited 221d ago )

that dope, but just remember that will be a digital copy, on your new machine with an optical drive.... and you'll still need that Internet connection ;) (which I personally have no problem with but.... politics)

shinoff2183221d ago

I'd rather of had a handful of indies personally. Cod no in fact military shooters are completly overdone.

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COD Warzone and Modern Warfare 3 Pride Month Freebies Released; Gundam Mobile Suit Collab Launched

Activision has not launched the Warzone and Modern Warfare 3 Gundam collab cosmetics, and also freebie skins in celebration of Pride month.

Ninjamonkey826d ago

Wish the hadn't put them among the event camos.

VenomUK6d ago

Reset Era regulars are delighted at this news.

6d ago
Elda6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Nice to have inclusivity. Happy Pride Month to the Puerto Rican community & the LGBTQ community here in NYC.

6d ago
anast6d ago

Who downvotes a comment like this?

Storm236d ago

Yeah...the internet sucks.

Huey_My_D_Long6d ago

Welcome to the N4g. Where the gamers complain about gamer stereotypes while acting like gamer stereotypes.

Elda5d ago

Bigots & there are plenty on this site.

just_looken5d ago

The down votes because this is call of duty a first person shooter not pride month parade #45

I used to play first person shooter's for the military on military action not to watch someone with a pride flag stapled onto a cat shooting a gun from the boys on a map from my little pony.

Now you first up a game its all over your splash screen almost like a porn game can i just play a quick game like it was on the ps3 era ffs.

Elda5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

It's an article that's talking about COD & Pride freebies that coincides Pride month. June is the month of Pride & in the city & state of NY Puerto Rican heritage is celebrated including the LGBTQ community. You know where you can take your BS bigotry.

just_looken4d ago


Go bang a dude or be a trans i do not care just do not spread that crap in my face 24/7

I do not care if its dung beetal month i am just sick on tired of it being everywhere like the fury shit or in the old days were church's went door 2 door preaching like gtfo with your cult crap.

Elda4d ago

It goes to show how immature you are because the article didn't look for you you decided to enter the article yourself knowing you knew what the article was about from the get go. Your ignorance shows through knowing Pride month isn't just for the LGBTQ but for all cultures & communities. No one put a gun to your head to enter this article you decided to enter the article just to spew your negative bigoted BS or just maybe you entered the article out of curiosity because you're a closet case.

just_looken4d ago

I entered the article because its about call of duty a videogame because we are on a videogame website

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4d ago
Daeloki5d ago

Happy Pride to you too, and have my upvote to at least try offsetting the downvotes!

4d ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4d ago
6d ago
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