
Phil Spencer may have just answered whether Elder Scrolls 6 will be an Xbox exclusive

Phil Spencer may have just answered what platforms we're going to see Elder Scrolls 6 on, and one console is notably absent.

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MrDead275d ago (Edited 275d ago )

Of cause it is, the question is will he ban the game not just from Sony gamers but also Steam and Epic too? The Elder Scrolls is a massive IP and has a huge player base, I have a feeling it won't be long before the ban hammer is extended to other platforms, especially if banning Starfield from releasing on PS has worked. MS has shown it can't be bothered to make games, so why not just take and limit access to what's already been built?

ken2813275d ago

Starfield not releasing on PS didn’t work at all. Xbox players are not buying or even playing it. PS was a stronger market for Bethesda. How many people do you really think bought a Xbox for starfield? I want Starfield to be a success so PS can get off their high horse.

MrDead274d ago

Starfield sales are completely reliant on Steam as it's a new IP, MS would be nuts to ban it from there. Fallout, Elder Scrolls, are already established IP's that has a huge player base, I can see MS start pulling those games from competing storefronts to force people onto on Live if they want to keep playing, they banned Starfield, Redfall, Hifi Rush being released on Bethesda's largest console market so let's see what they ban next... Also don't forget the Activision deal and all their studios and IP's are soon to be banned from PS leaving gamers with less choice where to play multiplatform games and forcing people onto Live if they want to keep playing.

Bethesda, Activision are purchased for the IP's, some of the biggest in gaming. MS want to force gamers onto Live by removing choice of where we play, they do this by industry consolidation. Lets see what other publishers they buy and ban from gamers when the Activision deal goes through, as we already know there are very little protections for the consumer and what there is can be easily bypassed with cash.

itsmebryan274d ago

I have gampass and I paid for the upgrade that included early access. A lot of other people paid because remember when early access started they had over a million players. The only way to have early access was to pay.

green274d ago

I bought the constellation edition and I have game pass

lilmikey2011274d ago

where are you getting your info lol hundreds of thousands of people are playing the game and bought it. go on reddit thats all anyones talking about.

CobraKai272d ago

I bought it, but, im not gonna lie, i probably woulda picked up the PS version of the game if it were multiplat

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 272d ago
Notellin274d ago

Not a single person is questioning if it will release on Steam or not besides you.

Sony on the other hand would lock it down forever on console if given the opportunity.

MrDead274d ago

Why would they allow games on a competing store front once they've consolidated the industry? Steam is only useful for now.

mkis007274d ago

What are you even talking about. This is demonstratably false. Playstation is even releasing their own games on pc.

MrDead274d ago


How is this false? It's happened to every industry that has seen consolidation, once you control a certain percentage of what's available you call the shots. Your Sony comparison doesn't work, PS exclusives are not reliant on other platforms for sales and are only multiplatform when Sony choses. MS has taken the biggest multiplatform ip's that already have a huge active user base and is slowly banning them from competing platforms, Steam is competition and useful only for as long as MS needs the sales once they buy enough of the industry the strength of the IP's will direct consumers to Live.

Babadook7274d ago (Edited 274d ago )

"Sony on the other hand would lock it down forever on console if given the opportunity."

Name one time where Sony bought a multiplat studio (that being a studio NOT heavily associated with Playstation exclusives) and then released an exclusive title that would have come to xbox.

fr0sty274d ago

So that's why all their biggest hits are releasing on PC now... lol. Schrodinger's Xbot... Sony wants to lock every game behind console exclusivity, but there's no reason to buy a PS5 because you can get all its best games on PC.

kayoss274d ago

Sony bought Bungie, they still allowed Destiny 2 to be on other consoles and platforms. So the opportunity was there and they didnt do it. So your statement is false.

Rynxie274d ago

You're incredibly estúpido, but the person who gave you a 💯 beat you by miles.

Notellin273d ago

Dang it feels good to clown all these losers that responded.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 273d ago
neutralgamer1992274d ago

Starfield will show MS is they see an increase in the subscriptions. TBH all MS owned studios will make Xbox exclusives

They will continue to release on PC there is absolutely no way that they will stop supporting PC. Only MS games to come on PS will be Minecraft and COD

All those gamers that were saying MS buying studios isn’t about monopoly or keeping away from other platforms are completely wrong. I have a question ask yourself this question:

If Sony buys capcom and make their games like resident evil, monster hunter, street fighter etc only on PS how would you feel. So when you are laughing at PlayStation fans now for being salty don’t be surprised if this becomes a reality

MS just started this bad practice and we as gamers will be left with less options. In 5 years time there will be no more capcom, sega, square or Konami. You can bookmark this comment. In less than 5 years we will be left with greedy publishers

Take Two

MrDead274d ago

"They will continue to release on PC there is absolutely no way that they will stop supporting PC" Who said they'll stop releasing games on PC?.. you do know Live is on PC too don't you?

So you're asking me will Sony be forced into buying publishers to try and protect it's self from MS buying the industry and will I hate Sony (and anyone else that wants to keep 3rd party games) for being pushed into this position? Yes it will suck, and it'll be thanks to MS

Sony doesn't need to buy multiplatform publishers as their platform is the lead platform for sales in the console market thanks to their investment in quality exclusives, only MS is pushing this future and it's success with banning established IP's and publishers from competition will dictate the future of buyouts and bans.

neutralgamer1992274d ago (Edited 274d ago )

No I wasn’t asking you. That’s my observation, from where the industry is going, especially with the recent acquisition. There is no way Sony will not acquire publishers.

And I disagree with you Sony being the market leader, this generation has no bearing on what happens next generation, when many gamers realize that games like fallout in elder scrolls, can only be had on Xbox.

Yes, Sony has made very smart investments in the past as a longtime PlayStation fan. I can’t disagree with that, but they are severely lacking when it comes to any sort of RPG‘s.

Also, keep in mind I am not being negative towards Microsoft, acquiring studios simply because development cost has gone way too high for a lot of small size publishers. Even the parent company for Bethesda zenimax were struggling financially. During the FTC case we saw firsthand that both Sony and Microsoft said that the development cost for most AAA blockbusters is 200+ million dollars. Keep in mind epic games which is worth more than $20 billion. Did not want to pay the development cost for gears of war that’s why they sold IP.

For many of the small to medium size publishers moving forward industry is going to price them out

MrDead274d ago (Edited 274d ago )

So what's the point you're trying to make to me?
I have issues with MS buying up and banning competition from the biggest IP's and publishers in gaming and consolidating the industry which practices have been proven to be negative for the consumer, workers and any competition.

No one else is doing this, only MS.

itsmebryan274d ago

I also have a PC and XSX. Sony can't afford to buy dev and make them PS only exclusives. Look at the Bungie deal and the fact they bought a company just to port games to PC. With Gamepass and my PC for Sony "exclusives " I will be fine. 😁

neutralgamer1992274d ago


That’s where the industry is heading towards whether we like it or not. Gaming industry will either be AAA or indies. There isn’t much space for AA size publishers. A proper AAA game costs 100 plus million to develop not counting PR campaign


Keep thinking that. Sony not only has the funds but intentions of making exclusives. PC space is different because both MS and Sony are releasing games on PC. They don’t consider PC their competition. I recently got a gaming PC and prefer to play games on PC even though I own XSX and PS5. PC just provides more options and freedom

Square enix

Within next 18-24 months both will be acquired by Sony IMO and their respective games will not come to Xbox. Also sony is different when it comes to PC. They make games for PS5 first and after a year or so they will release them on PC. This way they can charge full price on PS5 and again full price on PC

Square enix acquisition was confirmed by all industry veterans. Sony wants capcom way more RN and have 20 billion in acquisition fund. 20 billion can buy them capcom and square enix with hefty amount still left over

crazyCoconuts274d ago

I think the heart of it is that MS is too big. Biggest company in the world. So the benefits of competition/capitalism just break down when a single company has that many resources and can pull the rug out from competitors just by spending money.
If Sony had that much money, they would undoubtedly be the bad guy. It just needs to be more balanced for competition to work.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 274d ago
TheColbertinator274d ago

Elder Scrolls 6 must be on Steam or it is a no from me.

lelo2play274d ago

I can see it as a Xbox/PC exclusive. Sony fanboys have claimed several times that Bethesda games are crap. For them Fallout 4 and 76 is crap, Skyrim is crap, Starfield is crap. Why bother launching Bethesda games on Playstation?

lilmikey2011274d ago

why do you have an issue with what microsoft is doing..do you have stakes in sony or something? buy an xbox so you can play every game and stop crying

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 272d ago
crazyCoconuts275d ago

Spencer may not even be in that position by the time ES6 comes around

MrNinosan274d ago

Hell we might not even ne around 🧓

bigfish275d ago (Edited 275d ago )

Reckon sales/player engagement will drop if its not on ps. Don't forget Sony/nintendo is the console market and the console market is sony/nintendo . The rest are just smaller players fighting for the remaining player base.

itsmebryan274d ago

No, PC is actually is a much larger market than Playstation.

The_Blue274d ago

Lol. Did you even have to tell him that. Blinded by the PS lights.

Babadook7274d ago (Edited 274d ago )

"No, PC is actually is a much larger market than Playstation."


PS sells more multiplat units of software vs PC and it's not even close. Which is why almost all 3rd party developers consider PS as the first choice for software.

itsmebryan274d ago

They always pretend to forget. Smh

HectixTulip274d ago

Elden ring sold 20 million units and 10 million were sold on pc, thats 50% of game sales on pc. Your kind of delusional idiots keep on riding sony and thats why they can get away with increasing ps subscription prices by 30%.

jlove4life275d ago

Money talk bs walk rip Bob barker but if price is right it will be on Playstation

itsmebryan274d ago

After seeing the numbers Starfield is doing without Playstation. What does ES6 need to be on Playstation?

ocelot07274d ago

@Lolly you know the numbers. The 6 millions who have played at least 1 minutes of the game. You know them numbers. Where we don't know if that's 6 million sold. Or 6 million rented for a month via gamepass or a mix of both.

Guaranteed gamepass has had a lot more subs for this month due to starfield. I subbed as I found a cheap as chips 14 day trial. Making it my goal I complete it on that £2 trial lol.

shinoff2183274d ago

Well when it comes to numbers thanks to gamepass they really don't mean sh. They damn sure don't equate sales.

itsmebryan274d ago

Early access was all people who paid. They say over 1 million on steam and over 2 million total. Now add the gamepass people. Those are the numbers. Any other questions on the numbers?😉
Here's a link

UltimateOwnage274d ago

Really? It’s selling relatively poor vs other exclusive games on almost any platform. Considering this was a 25 years in the making behemoth previously intended to be multi platforms and the best it can muster is a million or so out of the gate, the piddly performance Nintendo Switch exclusive Zelda and Pikmin both eclipsed it in sales.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 274d ago
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Elder Scrolls 6 Not Coming To PS5 Shouldn't Be A Surprise

You don't spend billions on a company like Bethesda to share your toys.

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Christopher263d ago

The huge take away people should get from this is to never, NEVER, trust the words coming out of an executive's mouth. They are not your friends. They are not one of us. They are the face for business decisions, which are purely profit driven. Stop holding them up like they're people of morals. They're people of greed. It's their job.

PrinceOfAnger263d ago (Edited 263d ago )

They are all like that، all looking out for their own benefit, despite what they say
,sony make deals for console exclusives Microsoft make console exclusives no difference. only microsoft have the money to do more lately.

raWfodog262d ago

Every time an exec (or politician) gives a non-answer or act like they 'don't know', you can bet that they already know exactly what they are going to do but just don't want any bad press surrounding their decision or their answer.

ravens52262d ago (Edited 262d ago )

Microsoft buys console exclusives*. Let's not sugar coat it. But yes, none of the suits are for us gamers.

GodsSon90261d ago

Why do you have so many downvotes lmfao

lelo2play263d ago (Edited 263d ago )

" ...NEVER, trust the words coming out of an executive's mouth..."

No, you shouldn't trust words coming out of an any (Microsoft, Sony, Apple, Google, etc) executive's mouth.
... but did Microsoft ever say they would release Elder Scrolls 6 on Playstation?

Honestly, so much fuss about nothing. Microsoft purchased Bethesda, they can do whatever they want with them. People really need to stop bitching about Bethesda.

shinoff2183263d ago

Wasn't it something about established ips or something.

Christopher262d ago (Edited 262d ago )

Literally said they want to reach more gamers (literally advertised this), had no intention of removing games from gamers, no plans to limit existing IPs. All things said during the CMA and FTC hearings.

Also, how is me saying "NEVER, trust the words coming out of an executive's mouth..." different from what you said? You essentially said "No, but yes." Why?

DOMination-262d ago

I think those comments were open to interpretation - I always understood them to mean that they were supporting already released games - ie. the MMOs and DLC for stuff like Deathloop.

InUrFoxHole262d ago

You can't cherry pick... He also said case by case basis. If you look at the totality of the situation you would have to be brain dead if you think a company would pay all that money not to have some exclusives

Huey_My_D_Long262d ago (Edited 262d ago )

Politicians and CEOS speak the same language.
If you put words in a certain order, you can insinuate something, while at the same time leaving wiggle room if you are ever pushed on what you said..
Same way Trump gets people to stage a coup without him saying the words.
I honestly wasn't expecting ES6 on PS, but I have a PC if it piques my interest.
I said if because Bethesda hasn't done any advancement in the decade, and I've see starfield...it has reinforced my belief that B is just overrated.

NOW if MS announced Obsidian was developing ES6, they couldn't take my money fast enough.

Markdn261d ago

Sorry Phil I think he was just saying that already, only you took it a personal attack on your beloved Microshaft

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 261d ago
mjchitown262d ago

like sony right ? jim ryan lied many times and you said nothing . where did Microsoft said they was gonna keep making BGS make games for PlayStation ?? what if sony some how make Bungie make games only for PlayStation. are you gonna say the same about sony lied ? i bet you wont

Christopher262d ago

What part of "an executive's mouth" was unclear? And as I said above, Microsoft said they want to reach more gamers (literally advertised this), had no intention of removing games from gamers, no plans to limit existing IPs. All things said during the CMA and FTC hearings.

DickyD1226262d ago

Man the whataboutisms coming out of your comment. But mom he did this! Bro no corporation is your friend you shouldn't trust anyone.

neutralgamer1992262d ago

Yes absolutely don’t trust them. They say what we want to hear around the time of acquisitions but as soon as they take control the company they can do whatever they want

MS started a very bad trend of buying publishers. Sony will react accordingly and buy what they can afford (square capcom sega etc)

CrimsonWing69262d ago

Is this your first time dealing with exclusivity? Like, why the PSA when anything first-party becomes exclusive to a publisher?

Did you get this way with Spider-Man?

Lightning77262d ago (Edited 262d ago )

"Microsoft said they want to reach more gamers (literally advertised this), had no intention of removing games from gamers, no plans to limit existing IPs."

I know what your talking about. The internal rumble within MS by possibly making everything exclusive. That's just internal talk about plans and internal speculation.

They never announced or said future games were going multiplat, never unless you know something that I don't.

They said future ips will be on xbox older games or legacy titles were multiplat. That was their final decision not internal talk and speculation like all companies do.

Christopher262d ago

*** I know what your talking about. The internal rumble within MS by possibly making everything exclusive. That's just internal talk about plans and internal speculation. ***

These were statements confirmed during the CMA/FTC hearings and were confirmed to still be their plan. And they literally advertised the 'more games in more gamers' hands' during the CMA process. Advertised it. So, no. That's public-facing confirmation.

Lightning77262d ago (Edited 262d ago )

"These were statements confirmed during the CMA/FTC hearings and were confirmed to still be their plan."

Not saying you're wrong but unless you give facts MS would immediately have gotten shut down in court for going back in their word and lying.

"And they literally advertised the 'more games in more gamers' hands' during the CMA process. Advertised it. So, no. That's public-facing confirmation."

You know exactly what they mean when they say that. Since Quantum Break in March 2016 the first Xbox published game to go PC. Then they started working on cloud and play anyway, GP came in now you can play on TV, tablets, Phones, handhelds/Steam deck ROG Ally. This is nothing new everyone knows what they mean by getting their games in more hands as possible. If you thought that included PS then I don't know what to tell you.

Christopher262d ago

*** Not saying you're wrong but unless you give facts MS would immediately have gotten shut down in court for going back in their word and lying. ***


"Since we announced our intent, our actions have demonstrated our commitment to bringing more games to more people on more devices. This includes numerous signed agreements to make Activision Blizzard’s games, Xbox first party games and Game Pass all available to more players than they are today. I’m proud of our efforts to expand player access and choice throughout the process. This deal has already been cleared to move forward in 38 countries, and we will continue to work toward timely resolution in other jurisdictions."

"We embarked on this deal with a clear vision for meeting players where they are, and with today’s decision by the Court, we take an important step forward in bringing this vision to life."

Lightning77262d ago

Yes they are doing that many devices. They agreed to support legacy Bethesda titles on PS, COD being on PS also. That's it, that's what was announced to us. Where did they say ES6 and future Bethesda games are going on PS? They made it clear 2 years ago after they bought Bethesda.


Unless GP hits PS then the games will remain on Xbox PC and everywhere else besides PS or Nintendo.

I honestly thought you knew all this already.

derek261d ago

@Christopher, let's not assume all executives are as myopic about the destruction of their competitors or controlling a market absolutely. Sure they all want to compete but Microsoft is unique in that they believe they're wealth entitles them to monopolize any industry they're in and if they can't they'll bounce. I doubt very much if you poured through James Ryan's emails, you find him glibbly talking about strategies to take control of Nintendo and how it would be "good" for Nintendo.

Christopher261d ago

I get the idea that there are lesser evils, but they're all still evil and oftentimes they're lesser only because they haven't had a taste of greater power yet but would do the same if they had it.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 261d ago
shadowT263d ago

"When everyone plays, we all win.", Phil Spencer

ken2813262d ago

I don’t. I’m a console gamer

PunksOnN4G262d ago

So much for Case by Case i cant wait till Destiny 3 drops and Sony only Puts on on PC and Ps5. When that day comes i will make sure to have all these articles ready to go!

outsider1624262d ago

Speaking of which..is destniy 2 servers removed or something. I downloaded ps5 version of destiny and couldn't connect like at all

Sonic1881262d ago (Edited 262d ago )

It won't just be Destiny though. I have a feeling that most Bungie new IPs will be exclusive to Playstation and PC in the future especially after these Microsoft leaks

VersusDMC262d ago

They said when they bought Bungie that all games would remain multiplatform. They could have put Marathon on PC and PS only since it was announced after the purchase. But didn't because they weren't vague about their wording like using Case by Case.

Lightning77262d ago

What do you mean so much for case by case?

Seraphim262d ago (Edited 262d ago )

except, if the reporting is true, PS/Sony have zero say as to whether a Bungie game is or is not released on other platforms. It's one reason so many people were scratching their heads at the deal with Bungie. PS offers Bungie the necessary funding they absolutely needed, but Bungie still retains rights to develop games on whatever platforms they so choose. Now I'm not saying Bungie will never make an exclusive, but if the reporting is correct that would be their decision, not Sony/PS.

Huey_My_D_Long262d ago (Edited 262d ago )

Thats the Bungie pull for you. Damn nice move on Bungies part remaining in control like that

PunksOnN4G261d ago

Sony has Every right an can do what ever it wants with Bungies Ip and the studio if u think otherwise u stupid as hell

Profchaos261d ago (Edited 261d ago )

Tbh I actually feel like Sony is seeing the dollars these games make and wants Bungie focussing on these MMO multi play games so they can take in that loot box money.

I'm actually very worried about Sony tbh as the sudden pivot to majority spending on online games is worrying.

As someone who has always enjoyed PlayStation for the single player experiences every gen since the PS1 I don't know how much is left for me in the future plans

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 261d ago
GoodGuy09262d ago

Sony would have to do a contract as they did with COD. Otherwise there's no point in xbox putting it on PS.

Christopher262d ago

Profits from the largest home console market, who needs that? No point at all to sell to the largest market in consoles. None. Unless you're purposefully losing out on potential cash to push your subscription service and nothing else. Unless your goal isn't profits, but control of where the industry goes and ensuring you control that element as well as are the only provider of the backend for said element.

Lightning77262d ago (Edited 262d ago )

"Profits from the largest home console market, who needs that? No point at all to sell to the largest market in consoles. None."

OK that's literally the whole point of competition. You have a big dog and under dog. Under dog wants to chip away at said Big dog. That's how it works since the dawn of time.

If Sony bought Bethesda it sounds like wouldn't be complaining about ES6 being only on PS only then. Since they have the largest console market right? In your own words?

Oobah262d ago

Isn't that the point of competition? Should Microsoft forfeit or share every AAA game with Sony because PlayStation is CURRENTLY the largest console market? How else would Microsoft level the playing field? By forfeiting every game to Sony because of PlayStation's install base?

Should Nintendo also put all their games on PlayStation?

Christopher262d ago

You guys have a problem with me replying to "there's no point in putting it on PS"? I also literally said it is about competition.

So, what are you guys replying to? The fact that I pointed out why they would put it on PS? Or just to say something?

Elda262d ago

I never had any interest in playing Elder Scrolls so it doesn't bother me though I own all 3 current consoles but I'm quite sure most solely PS5 owners don't care either.

KwietStorm_BLM262d ago

How or why are you quite sure everyone else feels the same way about a very popular game as you?

Elda262d ago

Most folks played Elder Scrolls on PC. Again most solely PS5 owners won't care about ES6 being exclusive to XB.

RedDevils261d ago

I'm the same as him, Haven't care/play Skyrim since 7 years ago, and that the only games worth playing from Bethesda.

Rebel_Scum262d ago

Worst generalisation take of 2023.

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Elder Scrolls 6 and Fallout 5: why Bethesda’s slowness is a good thing

Elder Scrolls 6 and Fallout 5 are still in the ether, but as we wait on the Starfield release date, perhaps Bethesda’s RPG game slowness is a good thing

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lucian229585d ago

Becaaaaaaaaaause it isn't a good thing. I mean as long as the games come out good I guess, but 100 re releases is annoying

The3faces585d ago

Because Bethesda is content to keep milking Skyrim over and over. The next Elder Scrolls will most likely release on the next Xbox and PlayStation

adamwparker585d ago


Unfortunately, I don't think so. Not even THIS Playstation, right?

porkChop585d ago

It's not releasing on PS though.

The3faces585d ago

I'd be surprised if Microsoft keeps Elder Scrolls 6 off PlayStation. New IP such as Starfield and Redfall yeah they'll be exclusive to Xbox but Elder Scrolls and Fallout have been on PlayStation and sell way too many copies to be made exclusive to just one platform.

CrimsonWing69585d ago

Wait till you get old and we'll have this chat again.

adaminoregon585d ago

No it isnt good. There is no reason we should be waiting a decade for a game sequel. All bethesda is doing is losing 10s of millions a year and destroying hype for games. At least with microsoft in charge maybe they wont release stuff so buggy.

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Why Fable is More Important Than Elder Scrolls 6 or Avowed

Amidst a sea of projects picked up through acquisitions, the Fable reboot could prove that the Xbox’s old franchises aren’t tapped yet.

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anast594d ago

No. They spent an obscene amount on Bethesda. If they fail to deliver on ES6, the Bethesda buyout will look like the Russell Wilson trade to the Broncos. It will be the biggest misstep in gaming history. Not to offend Fable fans, but Fable is really far down on the ladder compared to ES6.

HardKnockKid24594d ago (Edited 594d ago )

Agreed, from a Fable & ES fan. ES has sold millions and millions more units that fable for a reason.

shinoff2183594d ago

Great analogy. I always felt wilson a bit overrated but he was a good qb. Hes not showing it though.

anast593d ago

I agree. The Wilson trade might set back Denver for years. They gave way too much for a QB that has to have a hall of fame D and a hall of fame RB to win. Similarly Bethesda has to have a great modding community because they can't do it on their own.

NINJA5689594d ago

yeah, i dont know why this is even talked about and it should be obvious. No one even talks about fable at this point.

SinisterKieran594d ago

its gonna be hard, need to see it. fable had such a nice charm to it that i don't know if they can capture again.
fable 1 is amazing but i loved them all.

Gamesual1594d ago

Nope, no comparison in legacy or importance between it and ES.

fitofficial594d ago

LOL... this is one of the most delusional things I've ever read. Main Elder Scrolls releases are literally generation-defining games.

Fable? Yeah. No.

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