
Hogwarts Legacy in London? - Hogwarts Legacy sequel rumors spark community theories

The ideas for what the players and fans of Hogwarts Legacy want for the sequel are from one end to the other, and it is quite amazing to hear all these cool ideas from the community and what could be ahead for Harry Potter fans alike.

GooGobbler318d ago

It was a toss up between London and Burkina Faso

thorstein318d ago

They should use the school from Dangerous Wands.

gerbintosh318d ago

It was London and Botswana. Really close but London edged em out, barely

Yung-T317d ago

But there have been zero leaks on the location and the entire article is just about fans arguing about where it should be.
Not sure why ppl here think the game will definitely be in London.

victorMaje318d ago

They made a great Harry Potter game, but an overall ok game. Legacy did some things right but other things wrong (game design-wise).
I don’t think the sales should be a metric for success here. Fans were hungry for anything Harry Potter & this one hit the spot but imo could’ve been better in many ways.
I’ll call it a good start (as a game), but Avalanche Software will have to be careful with the sequel.

Notellin318d ago

Yeah I'm sure they are scouring the forums for upset players and really taking the edgelord feedback to heart.

The game will be fine you are not that important and your opinion is anecdotal.

victorMaje318d ago

Who’s upset? I’m saying this because I want them to succeed. & this is coming from someone who’s not that big a fan. I only watched the movies (which I loved), never read the books.

ClayRules2012318d ago

I agree.

An overall okay game.

HL is a Harry Potter fans dream come true, it really is. Avalanche poured so much love into the most recognizable things from the books and films, that fans will recognize, admire and love the attention to detail that was given to the games specific locations, objects, things said in this world. However, when it comes to basic video game design, such as the open world, HL doesn’t do anything great. Not only that, it isn’t consistent across the board with so much, that things the game does solid/well get riddled down because of other aspects of the game in other areas that just aren’t well implement.

I could go on and on, more about what Avalanche didn’t do well (long list) but also point out a few of the games strengths. But ultimately, as you said, and I agree, it’s a good start as a game. But a lot of work to make the sequel great as a game in itself, being great across the board.

Zeref318d ago

London is so basic. We've seen it a billion times.
If they wanna do something unique.
Set it in Uagadou in Uganda. But they probably don't got the balls.

porkChop318d ago

That would actually be pretty cool to see.

Zeref317d ago

I like that they use magic differently, they don't use wands apparently

-Foxtrot318d ago (Edited 318d ago )

True but it’s not like we’ve had many games set in London, have we?

Only one I can really think of was The Getaway

Would be nice if in the future other open world games outside of HP would take place in Manchester, Edinburgh or Newcastle etc

porkChop318d ago

Assassin's Creed, Watch Dogs, The Order: 1886, The Getaway, Tomb Raider, Uncharted, Resistance, Sherlock Holmes, GTA, and Hellgate: London. There's also Fallout: London coming which is a total conversion mod. I wouldn't be opposed to Hogwarts Legacy 2 being set in London though.

-Foxtrot316d ago (Edited 316d ago )

I kind of meant recent modern / near modern open world games

318d ago
Vits318d ago

Honestly, I really wish they went with the other schools.
Like pick Uagadou, Castelobruxo, Mahoutokoro or even Ilvermorny and make a game set there with their own little twist to the magic system and flash out the different cultures that are honestly barely explored in other media.

Inverno318d ago

I think they should take the series outside of Hogwarts and London. There are other schools out there that have not been very fleshed out, and other kinds of magic and forms of casting. JKs wizarding world needs to be fleshed out more and they have the opportunity to do just that.

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Hogwarts Legacy Summer 2024 Update Trailer

This sounds like another great update for the game as Warner Bros. Games today announced that the Hogwarts Legacy Summer 2024 update is officially live on all platforms for players who own the game.

Kosic5d ago

Great game, but this summer update was over hyped. It's just a camera mode and dlc from Playstation to Xbox...


Was Hogwarts Legacy Only Successful Because Of Nostalgia?

Shahmeer from eXputer: "I've always wondered whether the success of Hogwarts Legacy had much to do with nostalgia. The RPG is great but certainly not free of issues."

Markdn42d ago

I totally agree, and no replay value for sure but enjoyed every minute I was playing it. Not a Harry Potter fan but still really enjoyed

Lexreborn242d ago

I still haven’t finished it, mostly due to it not holding my interest after 20 hours. Wouldn’t say it’s a bad game, wouldn’t say it’s amazing I really can’t judge it fully due to not completing it.

Lexreborn242d ago

lol are people upset because I said I put 20 hours into the game and that because I haven’t finished I won’t criticize it’s value or if nostalgia generates it’s success? That’s funny

CrimsonWing6942d ago

Harry Potter is one of the biggest IPs in the world. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why it sold so much. It’s a great game on top of that, so the math kind of maths here.

Can’t wait for the article on if Zelda or Mario only sold well due to nostalgia.

Crows9042d ago

They're trying to find a fake reason for its success...the mainstream hate how successful it became because of the writer behind the series.

So now they want to say that people bought it not because they liked it but only because of nostalgia....as if harry potter is really that old or even a classic IP in the game industry.

thorstein42d ago

That doesn't even make any sense. The author made those statements before the game released. People knew ahead of time and wanted a boycott.

But most people knew any boycott would only punish the people who worked on the game and put their hearts into it (like most boycotts).

So many people bought it, enjoyed it immensely, and moved on.

VenomUK42d ago

@CrimsonWing69 A greatly in demand IP only takes you so far, if it was crap quality then the reviews and word of mouth would have stalled its sales. But it is a good game (judged by Metacritic and user reviews) and that has given the game legs.

Tzuno42d ago (Edited 42d ago )

ngl, it got me in the first half hour
after that, a big let down, mediocre at every step
only fans are praising it

Markdn42d ago

In what way was it mediocre, can't really find anything about it that was mediocre and I'm not a hp fan

Demetrius42d ago

It's still a good game almost time for a 2nd playthrough, the passion they put into it is🔥🔥 crazy how after a couple months or a year folks get to complaining about this n that about certain games smh childish mfs

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Hogwarts Legacy might be hiding a grotto in here

A Hogwarts Legacy player came across a gigantic tree under Bakar's tower, which might be hiding a grotto in it.

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