
"Mighty Doom" Review \\ paulsemel

Don't let the price, or the payments, fool you; this is an addictive and exhilarating arcade shooter.

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rpad443d ago

a might wind was better :P

chobit_A5HL3Y443d ago

"Don't let the price, or the payments, fool you; this is an addictive and exhilarating arcade shooter.". well, yeah, isn't that the point of mobile games? lol they try to hook you for the first few hours before you hit a pay-wall. then you're suddenly forced to either only play a couple minutes a day or fork over ridiculous amounts of money just to keep progressing. some are definitely worse than others but it's always there to some degree.

i don't let the price or payments of any mobile game fool me because they're all complete garbage after a certain point. they always have a "welcome bundle" or some other cash-grab transaction that's like 1-10$, just to give you a little boost. then they hope you'll keep paying 5-10$+ every day/week to keep playing. no matter how good any "free" mobile game is, there's always a catch with absolutely terrible monetization behind it. the whole point of mobile games is to slowly bleed their consumers for infinite amounts of money. it wouldn't be difficult for any dev to release a "normal" mobile game, where you just pay a one-time price, but the whole model behind mobile is completely different and it's to rip you off lol

Kaii443d ago (Edited 443d ago )

"this ain’t greedy at all"
*$152.50 billion is the estimated mobile gaming market value in the world this 2023
tldr, GTF outta here

DExer443d ago

meh.Its maybe will be fun

cammers1995442d ago (Edited 442d ago )

This type of game is the next big mobile "fad" that nobody asked for and somehow has an unbelievable amount of "active" players. Much like that new Tomb Raider reloaded that came out recently. Same game, different IP.

Watch, there will soon be one for Fallout, Call of duty, and probably some angry birds, rabbids, homescapes and family guy themed clones in a year or so. And don't worry, once family guy does one American Dad, simpsons and South Park will be close behind it.


Mighty DOOM Review | Hardcore iOS

The DOOM series has been around for close to 30 years. Since 1993, we have seen countless reiterations and revivals. Fast-paced gameplay, recognizable design, and a paper-thin plot all contribute to what gives DOOM that special flare. However, through the years, the underlying gameplay remained mostly the same. The series is the poster boy for violent, gory first-person shooters and has rarely departed from that mantra. Enter Mighty DOOM—Bethesda’s bizarre offshoot that takes everything great about the franchise and turns it into a top-down, roguelike shooter for iOS. Mighty DOOM brings a very new perspective to a very old idea and absolutely knocks it out of the park, with a few caveats.

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mastershredder333d ago

Yeah, its always the iOS sites that fluff utter toilet water titles.

You guys gotta knock it off with the quid pro quo “reviews”.

cammers1995333d ago

Its garbage. It's the same retread of a ton of other mobile games out right now like Tomb Raider Reloaded. Where's the originality?


Best Android Games of the Month - May 2023

The best android games of the month are compiled into a short list. These are the games from May that you need to play.

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Mighty DOOM Review - Hardcore Droid

Mighty DOOM feels, plays, looks and sounds like Doom. This game feels like it was created with passion and love for the series.

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