
Sifu would be a blast, if it could get out of its own way | Polygon

Patrick Gill: "Sifu is incredibly frustrating because beneath all of its messy, clunky contrivances, there is a fantastic action game that I really, really want to play. But Sifu can’t get out of its own way, and its high-concept ambitions spoil its fundamental pleasures."

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Community859d ago
ApocalypseShadow859d ago (Edited 859d ago )

No game is perfect. But let's see:

Complains that the game doesn't choreograph how an enemy will attack like previous combat in other games of the past.

"Hey guy." I'm Cecil. I'm about to punch you high. That should give you enough time to dodge. My job is to let you speed run to the boss I'm protecting. I hope I'm not making it difficult for you. Would you rather us do this for you?

Umm...Get Gud?!

DrShoe859d ago

I really appreciate it that there are brave souls who'll go the extra mile for their brothers and sisters on N4g and read a polygon review. It saves me the click because usually, I know their reviews are trash, and your summary is pretty much what I would expect from one of their reviews. So, in a nutshell, this is a game to get.

Escamotage858d ago

I read the whole article and it didn't seem like the reviewer was complaining about that. It was just an observation that was in contrast to previous melee games (i.e. Batman Arkham Asylum).

His main complaint were how complicated and counter-intuitive the skills and level systems are

ApocalypseShadow854d ago

Not every game or feature or whatever is going to hand hold you. You either adapt to how they created their game or move on. He shouldn't compare with past games when it's trying something different.

He's complaining he can't rush through the game or have to start over away from where he was. The game just came out. Who or what is he trying to rush through the game for? Is his other reviews stacking up? Who cares. Take your time and play it the way the developer created it. I have no sympathies.

jukins859d ago

Just like returnal "too hard 1/10"

AKS858d ago

I knew they'd be bitching about the difficulty. How do they play video games for a living and are still terrible at it? Too much time on Twitter and Tumblr and playing on easy modes, I guess. Any time I see these activist weirdo websites complaining I think of that clown who couldn't complete the Cuphead tutorial.

rpvenom858d ago (Edited 858d ago )

Unpopular opinion: yeah I do agree that this game is much more difficult than expected.. but I was very excited for this game. I'm a huge hack and slash and action brawler fan.. It definitely had all the makings of a great game but after getting to the 2nd boss in this game.. I was more irritated than having fun.. Maybe I am just bad at this game.. and that's coming from someone who beat Returnal with only 8 deaths. I'm also not a dark souls gamer cause that series is too frustrating for me.. so I can relate with reviewers saying this game is too difficult. Just being honest. I think if they made the dodge mechanic a bit more simple.. than I would have enjoyed it a lot more.. but again.. this is one man's opinion

abstractel858d ago

You're allowed to have it! I partly agree with you except in this case I'm enjoying it enough to want to get good. I actually gave up on Returnal after reaching the last biome, but hoping to get through this game. Second boss was annoying to me the first two times but honestly on the third attempt, I was able to beat the level at age 21 fairly easily. My main criticism would be sound design but based on their last game, this is their style and they're sticking to it.

A part of me wants to "farm" all the moves, at least the really useful ones. Just play the first 1-2 levels over and over again until they are permanently unlocked. That's just me, see how that strategy pans out. Still have to be good.

Eonjay859d ago

"Sifu can’t get out of its own way, and its high-concept ambitions spoil its fundamental pleasures"

What does that even mean? Stop trying to sound intellectual and learn how to play the game.

DrShoe859d ago

It's Polygon, if only their writers can stop getting in their own way, their high-concept ambitions of being an intellectual video game site would be realised... instead, we get pseudo-intellectual bunk from someone with an associates or bachelors in Critcal Indonesian Marxist Basketweaving lamenting about how hard a game is.

EvertonFC859d ago

Problem is 75% of gaming journalist or journalist in general these days are young clueless, no experience, no life experiences snowflakes.

859d ago
victorMaje859d ago

Sorry Polygon, I don't trust you, nor do I trust that other SixthAxis review, this game looks different & interesting enough it warrants a buy from me. I'm getting it today.

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15 PS5 Games That Are Extremely Addictive

GB: "With this feature, we take a look at 15 of the most addictive games that you can try right now on the PS5."

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Community57d ago

PS Plus Monthly Games for March: EA Sports F1 23, Sifu, Hello Neighbor 2, Destiny 2: Witch Queen

All playable March 5.

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Community107d ago
ChasterMies107d ago (Edited 107d ago )

“Sifu” is the perfect PS+ game for me. I’m not sure I’d like it so I’d never buy it. But I would like to try it.

1nsomniac107d ago

It’s perfect for me I already purchased it on PC and it’s a game I would play more i think on console.

…remember when we were told a digital future would mean purchase would be cross-buy. That lasted all of 2 seconds if at all…

purple101107d ago

Yeo will nab that , might not play it for a while but will get round to it.

I respect these arty type passion projects and this one has the gameplay to boot

Will be patched to high heaven by now and most probably bug free

Peace everyone & this time, especially, to all martial artists

I’m proud of you Xxx 😚

crazyCoconuts107d ago

Sifu has been on my list for a while. Looks incredible

CobraKai107d ago

Same. I always wanted to play but was apprehensive. I wished there was at least a demo

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MaximusPrime_107d ago

Good to see another racing game on ps plus.

Petebloodyonion107d ago

Cool for Sifu :)
Will give it a try :)

boing1107d ago

Sifu is absolutely fantastic.

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Sifu Gets Final Update as Sloclap Move onto New Project

Sloclap is closing the book on Sifu with the final update now available on Nintendo Switch, and the reveal of the studio's third title.

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Community207d ago
ApocalypseShadow207d ago

The developer did a great job creating a martial arts game with situational attacks, breakable objects, weapon fighting, etc. Not perfect but hitting all the right notes.

Can't wait to see what they do next. A side view fighting game would be awesome. Most fighters today from mortal Kombat and Street Fighter haven't changed their core fighting much and have become stale. Just added light effects with the hits and other modes. But not improved the fight engine. Sloclap has a combat engine that is very good to turn to a fighter next.

Yi-Long206d ago

I had high hopes for Sifu, bought it a while ago, and while I enjoyed it, I really lost interest once I unlocked all the moves. It’s just too linear IMO, in that you’re playing through the exact same levels each time, with every enemy in the exact same location. I thought the boss-fights were too big of a difficulty bump compared to the rest of the levels, with usually just 1 way to exploit in order to beat them, so instead of it feeling rewarding and using all your fighting moves, instead it felt like you had to just abuse 1 tactic in order to overcome that one boss.

Like I said, I enjoyed it quite a bit until I unlocked every move (permanently), but after that the linearity of the levels just kinda killed my enthusiasm to keep going. It also didn’t help that sometimes it felt ‘unfair’ in that either I was getting hit when I felt I had done what I had to do to parry, block or evade that hit, or that my punch/kick didn’t do what it was supposed to do. Just minor complaints, but in a game where every hit counts and can make or break your run, it just felt like it became less fun as a result.

Still a solid 7, and I think I might not have gotten everything out of it (yet?) that it has to offer, and clearly many other folks seem to love it. It does a lot of stuff well, but for me it was just a bit too linear I guess. I also would have liked (far) more interactivity in the environment, plus some other changes.

I appreciate they included Mandarin and Cantonese as voice-options post-release. That’s very good and I wish far more devs would include more language options in their releases.

oatmeal80206d ago

Something about the level design of "The Club"/level 2 made it stand out. Music, enemy/item positioning, and flow from one fight to the next. Trying to beat the same enemies just a tiny bit faster was fun on that level.

Snookies12207d ago

They've honestly given this a great deal of support post-launch. Awesome to see they showed that level of care in their project to keep updating it like that. Haven't played it yet, personally. But, their commitment to this title certainly has my attention on them as a studio. I definitely plan to pick it up at some point.

eagle21206d ago (Edited 206d ago )

It's on sale 60% off now (PlayStation Store). :) I think that's the lowest it's ever been: $15.99. ;)