
Life is Strange: True Colors | Power and Consequence

In March, the latest entry in the Life is Strange series was revealed: Life is Strange: True Colors, a small-town supernatural mystery.

Brought to life through full performance capture by rising talent Erika Mori, players will navigate Haven Springs as Alex Chen, a young woman who has long suppressed her 'curse': the psychic power of Empathy, a supernatural ability that allows her to experience, absorb and influence the strong emotions of others - which she sees as blazing, colored auras.


Life is Strange: True Colors - Forgiveness, Self Love, & Human Connection

Life is Strange: True Colors is an emotional tale that dives into some deep topics. From forgiveness to self love and human connection.

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SullysCigar511d ago

A tale of "self love"? Bit much. 😳


Why the Life is Strange Franchise May Never Be Able to Replicate Chloe and Max's Success

Max and Chloe were the memorable duo at the heart of the first Life is Strange, but the series hasn't been able to recreate their bond so far.

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ClayRules2012591d ago

While I enjoyed Max and Chloe in the first season of Life is Strange, season 2 with Sean and Daniel was far superior in my opinion. The writing, performances (although all the 3 different iterations have had great writing and amazing performances) season 2 was by far the strongest, in all areas, to me. Well, minus the lip syncing, which True colors just nailed it so well! But yeah.


Amazon Square Enix Game Sale For PS5, PS4, XSX, XB1 & NSW

Daily Video Game writes: "Amazon is running a new game sale on Square Enix games, offering big savings on some of its best titles, including Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, Final Fantasy VII: Remake, and more right now across multiple gaming platforms!"

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CrimsonWing69660d ago

I highly recommend Guardians of the Galaxy. Such an amazing game especially if you’re into narratively driven cinematic kind of third person games.

After10Ben660d ago

How long did it take you to complete the campaign?

CrimsonWing69660d ago

I can’t recall off the top of my head. I went for the platinum so I was following walkthroughs for the collectibles, which made it longer for me than the average playthrough. I can tell you the story and experience felt complete. There’s moments when you think it’s wrapping up only for something huge to happen and gives several more chapters to finish.

I’d say it’s comparable to how long The Last of Us was for me. Again, it’s been a while, but I want to say 20ish hours or so. Keep in mind I went for the platinum so if you don’t care about that it might be a few hours less.

It’s a hell of a ride though and I didn’t feel like it was short or ended up leaving me feel like I didn’t get a fleshed out story.

Petebloodyonion660d ago

took me around 15 hours
really worth it just for the banters between Rocket and you.

Double_O_Revan660d ago

Guardians was fantastic. I hope one day we can get a sequel. Loved the combat, and the story was top notch. Guardians has been one of my favorite comics series to read, and the game has so many great nods and easter eggs.

brewin660d ago (Edited 660d ago )

Did no one else find the gameplay basic and boring? I thought it was very... Meh. Too simplistic and just very ho hum. I just couldn't bring myself to finish the game it was so boring. I don't care how good a games story is if the gameplay is so boring. Not worth paying just to hear the characters banter IMO. Maybe i need to get further? Does it get better? I played like 5 it 6 hours so about half way, just couldn't feel the fun factor. Very paint by numbers gameplay.

CrimsonWing69660d ago

Honestly, I didn’t. I

liked making use of party member moves and switching ammo based on enemy weak points. I never understood why people say it’s so basic when I’m not sure how combat in say Uncharted or even The Last of Us does anything that’s less basic. 🤷‍♂️

This gives you options with your team that I felt made combat feel varied.

Chexs1990660d ago

Loved the story, but I agree about the combat. It was basic and fine, but didn't carry all the way through to the end.
Think it would've worked better if you could switch between the characters for a little more variation in basic combinations

Pyrofire95660d ago

The way it used dialog choices was deceptively unique and a really cool part of the game. They really another part of gameplay.
Great game all around and a constant blast.
tldr: I agree. Everyone play this game!

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Retroman660d ago

We used to wait years for a sale now it only takes 3-6 months now.

660d ago
660d ago
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