
Housemarque shares Returnal player statistics

Housemarque: "It's been almost a month since our fantastic launch of Returnal! To celebrate here are some statistics showing how you are all adjusting to Atropos!"

ArchangelMike1110d ago

It's great that this game is getting traction among gamers. I'm actually really surprised that most player deaths are casued by Phrike. The Fallen in the Fractured Wastes for example, must have killed me so many times, it got to the point where I just avoided them at all costs.

jukins1110d ago

Usually the rocket drones for me

UnSelf1110d ago

rocket drones without question. everyone else is paltry by comparison

Flawlessmic1110d ago

Those dammm roxket drones with homing missiles 😭😭😭 biome 3 has officially been my wall in this game.

Phrike was piss easy though, cant really see why hes so hard for most.

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masterfox1110d ago

this game helps alot for anger control management, I mean you can be frustrated a lot, but since you cant just go ahead a break your pricey next gen PS5 controller throwing it to the floor, you learn control your self very quickly and so you become a better human being and better gamer with Returnal :D

Robodrake1110d ago (Edited 1110d ago )

This gave me the feels, because i'had my patience pushed almost to the limit with this game:D luckily i finished it and it was amazing!

Update: im now a better human

FlavorLav011110d ago (Edited 1110d ago )

I’m very ok with that bowl of soup lol. I just finished it as well. Still feeling a smile inducing serenity after a job well done, and introspective to boot after that thematic experience to chew on. Man! Phew!

Storm231110d ago

Loved this game. Had a blast with it.

I’m concerned about the sales numbers though. I hope it’s enough for Sony to be happy about and for them to purchase HM. My concern comes from only 8.1 million player deaths. I’m not sure what the average amount of deaths are per player so I can’t make an accurate guess at how many players there are, but my feeling is that it’s well under 1 million based on how many times people are saying they are dying in their play through. Hope I’m wrong or that Sony sees it as the success that we the players see it is. It’s such a great game.

jznrpg1110d ago

It’s been at the top of the charts for some time . It has done well

Darkborn1110d ago

Idk, I pre-ordered the game, but I havnt booted it up yet myself. I heard the previews talking about crashing and bugged doors and stuff so I just said I'd wait a few weeks and still havnt touched it. I'm sure other people havnt either though because of all the hubub of save files and all that. I just didn't want to deal with crashes on a game with no saves.

Knushwood Butt1110d ago

Well the daily challenges seem to have fairly small numbers of players these days, but that could be partly due to the fact that 5 Ertel or whatever they are called in English isn't much of a reward for beating the challenge.

jukins1110d ago

Most people probably dont even know about the challenges. Just watching people stream it seems people are just playing without knowing what's actually going on. Like keeping an lvl 10 hollowseeker vs picking up a lvl 18 rot globber then wonder why theyre not doing any damage

jukins1110d ago

It charted npd top at 5 or something with 1 day of sales recorded vs multiplats like outriders and mlb the show. I it did well

northpaws1109d ago

With the limited number of consoles out there for a genre that is not for everyone, I think those are good number. And it is all about the ROI too, it is a good game but budget wise should be smaller because of the limited scope, so it doesn't has to sell as many to justify it.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1109d ago
VersusDMC1110d ago

Nice. Only 30 deaths for me having gotten the platinum. 12,289 enemies killed. Total suit usage is 5 days 17 hours. Pretty sure i died mostly from Severed enemies. The teleport and slash keeped getting me. Handgun with homing and Carbine with raising pitch or leech rounds were my go to beat the game.

Orchard1110d ago

Where are the sales numbers? We don't care about stats like bullets fired, times died, enemies killed etc.

ArchangelMike1110d ago

Probably waiting for a milestone before they announce the numbers.

Lore1110d ago

I unfortunately don’t think they will ever release the numbers for it

Darkborn1110d ago

It's been less than a month so far. I heard it was number 8 for April in sales for one day on the market though.

LucasRuinedChildhood1110d ago (Edited 1110d ago )

They never said how Days Gone sold, and it definitely sold a lot better.

Their expectations were definitely not as high as something like Days Gone though, and this had a much lower budget and low marketing costs.

Knushwood Butt1110d ago

Stats such as average number of players per month on Bleeding Edge?

northpaws1109d ago

I disagree, these stats are far more interesting than sales number.

Ratty1109d ago

Agreed. Apparently everyone here is an investor.

Pricey1109d ago

Why don't you tell us what you really think. Instead of hiding behind a question.

lodossrage1109d ago

Well the NPD came out, but that would only cover 1 day of sales since Returnal came out on the last day of the month.

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The best PS5 exclusives 2024

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Hereandthere58d ago

PlayStation is killing it with the exclusives this year. Exclusive wise, what has xbox released this year?

VersusDMC58d ago

They won't complain about Microsoft not releasing games here but put all their effort into saying that only first party counts. Games like Rebirth and Grandblue Relink don't count. Games published by Sony like Helldivers 2, Stellar Blade and Rise of the Ronin don't count because Sony don't own the studios.

It's some narrative building so for when Hellblade 2 come out they can say, seemingly without shame, that Microsoft is actually releasing first party games this year. And claim victory.🙃

Chevalier58d ago

Weird 1st party games didn't matter when Xbox had so little, but, now they're important again? Guess Ark 3, Stalker 2 don't count any more?

KyRo58d ago (Edited 58d ago )

ARK 3 doesn't exist and it's just a timed exclusive. It's also a game that a majority of the ARK player base doesn't want as it's a massive deviation from what people like about the original game

Abnor_Mal58d ago (Edited 58d ago )

Honestly to me it doesn’t matter what they say, they are just finally getting a chance to say all the things PS fan(boy)s were saying to them for the past few years. Let them get that, they deserve a “win” for a change.

The new narrative is that suddenly first party games matter again when awhile ago they didn’t, but that was because they were struggling with the same three games with the occasional fourth or fifth. That games should be everywhere on all platforms since that’s whats happening to theirs. The consoles don’t matter just the ability to play anywhere. Whatever Xbox is doing Sony will soon follow.

They’re not moving the goalpost anymore, but rather just moving the whole damn stadium.

jwillj2k458d ago

Only a incel would care about who published what and who owns who.

If it’s not on the other consoles it’s an exclusive.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 58d ago
Cacabunga58d ago

Killing what? Where are the 1st party games??
Stellar Blade and FF7 is what I’m seeing this year.. so shallow!!!!

andy8558d ago

Doesn't really matter as long as they're great games. Baffles me why people put an emphasis on 1st party. They're still games you can't play anywhere else this year

Cacabunga58d ago


PS brand is my favorite because of their stellar first party software.. currently I see absolutely nothing to go crazy for..

CS758d ago


PS1 and PS2 was built on great third party exclusives like FF, MGS, GTA & Tekken.

58d ago Replies(2)
raWfodog58d ago

Of course I love the games I’ve played from PS but I don’t believe we need to limit it to ‘exclusive’ to acknowledge that Xbox will be releasing some good games this year also. In that same vein, I believe that Xbox diehards shouldn’t limit their acknowledgment of good PS games to 1st party. There are plenty of good games to go around for everybody.

Tacoboto58d ago

This is a Playstation article about Playstation games and your comment is about Xbox. Can't you just celebrate what PS has without dragging this into console war BS?

ChasterMies58d ago

I don’t think Microsoft is releasing games exclusively on Xbox anymore. They have some timed exclusives that release on Xbox first.

58d ago
58d ago
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Abear2158d ago (Edited 58d ago )

Returnal, Astro Bot, and Ratchet made having it since day one worth it.

GT7 free updates and Spiderman 2 and others at 60fps have made this last year more than okay.

But yeah, it’s been dry lately. BG3 and third party have made great filler, but we ready for that SOCOM or Killzone announcement and some more 1st party goodness. Crossing fingers for Ghost of Tsushima 2 announcement this summer.

Didn’t know Helldivers was exclusive! Wtf is going on at Xbox that they can’t get these games, series s strikes again.

SonyStyled58d ago (Edited 58d ago )

Sony owns the Helldivers IP. The first was a PS3/Vita/PC game. It was never an Xbox game that they could ‘get’ a decade ago. I’m not sure what the upset is with Xbox here

CS758d ago

Lol, how do you ignore Rebirth one of the best games ever made?

anast58d ago

Looks like they are on par with the previous gens. Solid games all around. Interestingly enough, we can't say they released a bad game yet this gen. Unlike the Quiet Man dustup.

58d ago Replies(2)
58d ago
DefenderOfDoom258d ago

I actually do not mind if Marathon releases on multiple platforms . I just wish that Marathon has a dedicated single player campaign.

DaniMacYo58d ago

Helldivers 2 is exactly what gaming needed. I’m loving it.

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Humble Choice Bundle April 2024 Lineup Includes Returnal

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TheEnigma31374d ago

Some solid choices but i feel they're late to the party. I'm subscriptioned out like most people.

vTuro2473d ago

This made me check out the current month and holy crap it's actually a great bundle. It's unfortunate that Saints Row is among them but the Nioh 2 and Afterimage make it worth it. I think I'll probably grab it and give away Saints Crap.


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