
New PlayStation Plus Subscribers Can Get Free PS Store Credit Now

Credit where credit’s due: Sony has taken PlayStation Plus to new heights this year. The perks – particularly if you’re a PS5 owner – are the strongest they’ve been since the PS3 days, and it’s clearly a concerted effort from the platform holder to retain its highly lucrative userbase. Of course, while it wants to keep existing members in its ecosystem, it’s also eager to attract new users – and it’s running a deal now through 22nd March to achieve that.

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Jin_Sakai1175d ago (Edited 1175d ago )

Slap some newer games on there including first party games day 1. Then I’d definitely subscribe.

badz1491175d ago

MS gives you new 1st party games day 1 on XBL Gold? when? COOL!

LucasRuinedChildhood1175d ago (Edited 1175d ago )

A valid criticism of PS Now, but definitely not PS Plus. XBL Gold (forced to exist because of PS Plus) is atrocious by comparison, and PS Plus has particularly good since the PS5 released.

Risky_241175d ago

I think you are confusing Games with Gold with Xbox Live Gold, which was there long before PS Plus. But you are correct in saying GWG came about because of PS Plus.

Jin_Sakai1175d ago (Edited 1175d ago )

I read that as PS Now. I get them confused all the time. Lol

BrainSyphoned1175d ago

Sigh, just bought a card at Target for my son's account, guess I get that one.

jznrpg1174d ago

Always check CDKeys first . I search 50% off PS Plus CDKeys and usually a link pops up with something close . I usually buy them from 28.99-31.99 . I am subbed til 2028 but next time it’s under 30 I’ll grab another year

shepherdzeMan1175d ago

Or get ps plus for 35$ from cdkeys and save 25$!

MajorLazer1175d ago

Yep. £30 on ShopTo from time to time.

1175d ago Replies(1)
Highrevz1175d ago

How about letting us transfer our PS4 saves over to PS5 for free. Or even better yet just remove the whole paywall on cloud saves.

Mangomates1175d ago

Was this bait? I just moved mine over wifi/ network cable when setting up the ps5.

Futureshark1175d ago

I guess @Highrevz is not a real PS5 owner then. Whoops, kind of went to the shops there without your trousers on mate!

Highrevz1175d ago

No, it wasn’t intended as bait.

When did this become a thing? You can’t use USB to carry saves over so that requires PS+ Which costs money.

Happy to be wrong about this as it’s a big deal to me.

Highrevz1175d ago

No I don’t own a PS5 yet but I thought my only option was to buy PS+ to transfer the saves.
If I can move them locally then that’s good news to me.

Still think it’ sucks that cloud saves are not free, using usb like a memory card feels silly.

Silly gameAr1175d ago

Ooops. Guess that one backfired, hey Highrevz?

Highrevz1175d ago

How so? I wasn’t aware I could transfer over Ethernet or WiFi And I learned I could, that’s a bonus to me. I don’t remember this being announced by Sony at any point only that USB couldn’t be used to carry over.

It’s a negative point towards owning a PlayStation and I buy them so I’ll bash that if I wanted. Im not some fanboy that pretends things are perfect the way they are, you ain’t going to hear that crap from me.
No one should have to lose save data with the point we are at with technology.

LucasRuinedChildhood1175d ago

You can transfer saves and even games over an ethernet cable between the PS4 and PS5. PS Plus isn't required.

Highrevz1175d ago


I’m glad to see it will let me copy the save file so it remains on both consoles, that’s nice.

CrimsonWing691175d ago

I think maybe you need to do some research before commenting.

Also, many places charge for cloud saving like One Drive, Dropbox, Apple, etc. Arguing about paying for cloud saving is kinda like arguing that the Internet should be free.

Highrevz1175d ago

Terrible examples as they give you a free limited amount of cloud storage. This isn’t nit picking its me wanting a better service.

I wouldn’t have to worry about cloud saves but PlayStation doesn’t exactly handle hard crashes and power cuts well.
I have lost hundreds of hours worth of saves More then once and I’ll remain salty about that.
Admittedly I used USB for backups after the first few corruptions but it’s hardly ideal in 2021.

I think your too far up Sony’s ass to not see it as a negative 🤷‍♂️

CrimsonWing691175d ago

It’s included in the PS+ subscription. Geezus complaining about cloud saving is pretty stupid and it has nothing to do with my head up Sony’s ass.

Xbox doesn’t even have cloud saving. Nintendo charges for it as well and doesn’t support it with every game.

You made a mistake not realizing that you can transfer PS4 saves to PS5 not using cloud saves. So, just learn from your mistake and move on. The cloud service exists as a perk to being a PS+ subscriber.

Highrevz1175d ago

I think maybe you need to do some research before commenting... Looks like we both do.

The inner fanboy is what let’s you be triggered by this stuff and then you go on to defend it. I wasted my time replying to you, I see that now.

Edgelordsupreme1175d ago

Wait, no no the Xbox does have cloud saves. The Xbox to its credit is just extremely seamless with the cloud saves, but it absolutely has them.

CrimsonWing691175d ago

“I think maybe you need to do some research before commenting... Looks like we both do.

The inner fanboy is what let’s you be triggered by this stuff and then you go on to defend it. I wasted my time replying to you, I see that now.“

I’m sorry, but what?

I’m not a fanboy, btw. I think it’s sad that’s your reaction when people call you out for not having the full facts.

I’m not trying to pick a fight with you, but you’re looking kind of silly on here.

Highrevz1175d ago

Fair enough, I’ll reply to that. I’m not ignorant but I have wasted more time on this then I intended too.

I didn’t mention other consoles but Nintendo is lacking with cloud saves also, before the switch you couldn’t transfer saves if the console broke or was lost. Nintendo has games that are worth paying to play online for so I can justify that.
Xbox has free cloud saves that work anywhere you are signed in,it works very well.
You didn’t have the facts right yourself here But felt the need to bring other consoles into it before I even mentioned them. This wasn’t about Xbox or Nintendo but there’s my views on them.

I didn’t know you could use Ethernet to transfer, I even admitted to that, it’s nice but could be managed better.

I’m glad PlayStation has cloud saves, I just wish They was free or at least worked better. There’s room for improvement.

CrimsonWing691174d ago

Sorry, I thought the way Xbox allows save management was different than Sony.I have a question because I've tried to access Xbox cloud saves before and I couldn't figure out how to replace saves. For example, if there's a game that autosaves locally and I want to revert to a cloud save to replace the local save, how do I do that on an Xbox?

Like do you know the steps to do so?

Highrevz1174d ago

cloud save files are the same as the local ones as long as your are connected to the internet.
If you have a cloud save that is more recent then the local save it will automatically download and use the cloud save. You don’t have to do anything as it all works seamlessly.

You can manage save data in settings, choosing to delete an offline save or cloud save.

Autosave can do you over sometimes it’s best to save on a separate slot occasionally, I didn’t learn this until locking myself out of a few games.

Some games like Subnautica can get you stuck in a cloud sync loop if the game uploads a corrupted save.
to get around this you have to set the console to offline mode and start the game, then connect back to online to overwrite the save data.

ApocalypseShadow1174d ago

Dude, you got caught lying. Just own it and move on. You got outed.

As for the article and the credits, I got an email on this but still don't need Plus. But it's a nice gesture for free money for those that do.

Highrevz1174d ago

There’s no lies in any of my comments, a misconception yes.

So to clarify you can transfer saves for free, it’s just not well advertised and you would need to keep your old console until after buying a new one 👍 got it

Hope you never have to deal with lost save data, if your not paying for PS+ or using USB’s you are risking that happening.

b777conehead1174d ago

You do not own one you can transfer saves by WiFi from ps4 to ps5. And you can put saves on a usb drive. You can not put them on a external drive.

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