
The PlayStation 4 Pro, Was it Worth It?

Alex S. from Link Cable Gaming writes: "The PlayStation 4 Pro, was it worth it? Now that the PlayStation 5 has been released and Sony has reportedly begun discontinuing all but the base PS4 (Slim) model, we felt like it would be a good time to look back at the legacy of Sony’s premium PS4 system and answer the question we asked ourselves way back near its launch."

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RazzerRedux1228d ago

"So what’s the verdict? Was the PlayStation 4 Pro worth it? Honestly, unless you’re the kind of person who always wants to be on the cutting edge and needed to play your PS4 games in 4K, then no, it never was – and now that it’s being discontinued to make room for the PlayStation 5, likely won’t be talked about much."

Uh yeah.....if you are not going to utilize newer tech then you probably shouldn't buy newer tech. And last gen is always talked about less and less than current gen. Quite the Captain Obvious conclusion there.

SullysCigar1227d ago

Quite agree. What's more, for anyone with PSVR, the Pro made a notable difference to clarity and performance.

It also removed the effect where the centre of the image was clearer than that in your peripheral vision (I forget the name of the effect, but it's used to save memory).

Notellin1227d ago

Came here to mention VR and PS4 pro were where it really shined.

UltraNova1227d ago

I've owned the Pro since day one and it was not worth in hindsight. But, seeing and experiencing the current PS5 shortage, which looks like continuing for a good while, I'm happy to be able to play cross gen games at a "respectable performance" until I finally find a ps5 in stock. For that reason alone can we say it's kinda worth it? Personally speaking no.

That leaves me with the next question, will a PS5 Pro worth it? I'm not that optimistic tbh.

SullysCigar1227d ago

^ @UltraNova, so to you it wasn't worth it, but it was, but it wasn't. Got it (kinda)!

What I don't get, is why you've replied to me without even acknowledging VR, which both me and @Notellin were talking about.

UltraNova1227d ago (Edited 1227d ago )


Valid questions I must admit. It wasn't worth it to me in the end because all OG PS4 games were optimised well and the difference in performance vs the Pro wasn't so dramatic. That said I can't discount the Pro's value today when cross gen is a thing as well. I'm being fair and unbiased.

As for VR from what I've read and heard, yes it was totally worth it pairing it with a Pro, I have neglected to touch on that because I do not own a PSVR and I don't like commenting on something I haven't experienced that well.

Hope that clears things up.

Taero1227d ago

Foveated rendering I think?

SullysCigar1227d ago

^ Fair play @UltraNova :^)

And @Taero, I believe you're right - thanks!

darthv721226d ago

I just picked up the battlefront pro last night for $100. The seller said it stopped working, turns out it was just a bad hard drive. I had it up and running in no time. As for the VR, I recently hooked it up to my original pro and yeah it makes a difference compared to the slim. Has anyone had issues with lens fogging? I am and was wondering if there is something I can put on the inside to prevent that.

bouzebbal1226d ago

Pro is amazing.. 4K gaming, supersampling for 1080p screens, enhances VR games.. A good beast!
Days Gone, God of War, Tlou2, Tsushima, GTS Horizon look stunning.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1226d ago
CorndogBurglar1227d ago (Edited 1227d ago )

The funny thing is I would have loved to have gotten a PS4 Pro, but I never did. I didn't feel like it was NEEDED or NECESSARY. But thats just me. Its all up to opinion. For me, I wasn't going to go spend another $400 or $500 (whatever it cost at launch) for a mid-gen upgrade knowing PS5 was only a couple years around the corner.

If my base PS4 had died on me, 100% I would have replaced it with a Pro. It just all depends on what people want. But my base PS4 served me well, and still is. The only game I ever felt like I needed a Pro for was Control, because it struggles on the base console. And CyberPunk, also, but thats kind of a different story and still runs poorly on the Pro.

Ju1227d ago

Traded mine in. So, was $150, not 400...and it was absolutely worth it.

TallDarknWavy1227d ago

I've read Cyberpunk runs around 30 FPS with dips in open world driving. It's not exactly poor.
I love my Pro, every game runs so much better with more solid frame rates and crisper textures due to super sampling.

fr0sty1227d ago

I love mine, especially for VR. Getting to enjoy all my games in above 1080p (sometimes true) 4K in HDR has been great.

mikeslemonade1227d ago

Yea it was worth it. I would even be a proponent for 3 console iterations per generation. The Pro is not even a 4k console and not at all cutting edge.

demonseye1226d ago

@UltraNova so far all we know about the ps5 Pro is that there wont be one.
are we a 100% sure their won't be one of course not.
but we are a 100% sure they are planing not to make a ps5 pro right now.
as they said they thought it won't be needed and instead they think the ps5 life cycle will just be a lot shorter than the ps4. because the chances of 8k becoming a standard in games in the next 4 years are exteremly low. the chances are higher the consoles cant keep up perfomance wise so that means next gen will come earlier.

1226d ago
Teflon021226d ago

All I say is. If it wasn't for pro. We'd never have upgraded versions of PS4 games at higher res for _k use on ps5. That alone is good enough

RazzerRedux1226d ago

That's an excellent point.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1226d ago
Elda1228d ago

It was well worth it for me. I love new tech including seeing great graphics looking sharp vivid & clean on a tv screen. When I bought my first 50 inch Samsung 4k hdr tv back in early 2016 the games on the Pro displayed on the tv looked fab!

CobraKai1227d ago

It was totally worth it. Even playing non-pro-enhanced games saw upscaling to 4k.

Vits1228d ago

This is something that will vary greatly between people. From my anectodal experience there is those that found it to be a disappointment because it was often not 4K. Others though it was a worth upgrade, but nothing amazing. Meanwhile a third group found it to be the only PS4 version that was worth it given how much better games runned on it in comparison to the base model.

Knushwood Butt1228d ago

The psvr benefits are worth it to me.

Currently playing Robinson The Journey on my pro.

purple1011227d ago

Morpheus and neo were the code names for ps4 pro and psvr. The resolution anti aailising and load times were improved. It's was never a full 4k system and to think otherwise is silly.

I got one even to pay on 1080p as i got a good deal with uncharted 4 & GT sport for 300.

Just sold it on eBay for 275.

I couldn't be happier.

Knushwood Butt1227d ago

I'm considering selling my main Pro as I can get good money for it now where I am (Japan). They are in demand here and very hard to get. I could get 27,000 Yen for it selling to a second hand store. More if I auctioned it privately. I plan to get a PS5, but they are also very hard to get here.

I also have a limited edition Death Stranding Pro, unopened, which I am putting into the vault for collection purposes.

waverider1227d ago

Of course it did. Any game looked better and it only cost 399.... if you got a 4k tv even better.

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New PlayStation Handheld Reported Again, Supposedly Runs PS4 Games

Another leaker has claimed that a PSP/PS Vita style PlayStation handheld is in the works, and it'll supposedly support PS4 games.

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anast13h ago

If this is true, it will crush everything for the price.

VenomUK17m ago(Edited 12m ago)

Needs to be a PS5 portable.

crazyCoconuts2m ago

It would be a niche product like Portal. Not bad, but not mainstream. It's legacy PS4 right?

-Foxtrot12h ago

If you had every PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP and PSV game then sure but I mean if it's just the PS4 why not just get a Steam Deck?

anast1h ago

You might be correct, but it depends on the price point. Also, most PC gamers wait years for Sony releases, so it might be better just to get the PS4 handheld.

MrBaskerville27m ago(Edited 27m ago)

If it supports your library, some people own more ps4 games than steam games. I know I do.

MeteorPanda1h ago

I still play my vita. The oled screen was too good for it's time. I obviously had to home brew it but playing my old snes/ps1 games on it is so good.

Skuletor1h ago

How many people will buy this at launch? As a Vita owner, I'd definitely hold back after how Sony's support for that turned out.
Also, PSP played near PS2 quality games, PS Vita played near PS3 quality games, shouldn't the next Playstation handheld be aiming for near PS5 quality?

MeteorPanda13m ago

the sadest thing on vita support for me was the removal of Close? The app that let you see local players and what they were playing. i made friends back in the day for co op that way lol.

I think it was privacy breaching? such a shame.

Skuletor4m ago

Vita had so much promise, I wonder what it would have taken for Sony to have been more supportive. GTA: San Andreas Stories would have probably brought more sales alone, if they could have gotten that. I was disappointed we never really got anything on the same level as Killzone: Mercenary after that game, which looked amazing running on the Killzone 3 engine. Would have loved to see new entries of PS IP like Infamous, God of War etc, Sony really dropped the ball and using proprietary memory cards that were ridiculously priced didn't help, if they were smart, they'd have sold them cheaper since they were mainly being used to store stuff people were paying for in their store anyway, lol.

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