
Super Mario Bros. 35: Super Mario Battle Royale Announced

During a surprise Nintendo Direct this morning for the Super Mario Bros. 35th Anniversary, Nintendo announced a brand new game called Super Mario Bros. 35. Super Mario Bros. 35 is an online battle game where players compete against 34 other players across the world.

Tetsujin1372d ago

It's called Smash Bros and it's already available


Was Mario's 35th Anniversary a Worthy Celebration?

Alex S. from Link Cable Gaming writes: "The Super Mario Bros. 35th anniversary was a big deal for a few months there, basically dominating the Nintendo-related headlines for the last little while. But now that it’s done we wanted to take a look back and ask – was Mario’s 35th anniversary a worthy celebration?"

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NecrumOddBoy1161d ago

Not really. Ports and some on limited releases.

Terry_B1161d ago

Not really. No new games..No Remakes of older Games..just ports that were not flawless and one good port with new features that would be 10-15$ dlc if other companies would offer it.

King_Noctis1160d ago

You mean Paper Mario The Origami King is an old game?

Terry_B1160d ago

..that one is not even listed as being a part of the Mario 35th celebration there in the article ^^

King_Noctis1160d ago

That still doesn't mean it is not a part of the 35th anniversary. If anything, it is the fault of the writer for not doing proper research first.

1161d ago
1161d ago
execution171160d ago

Seeing how it's their biggest ip... they didn't do the 35h anniversary any justice... they could've gone all out with from the ground up remasters and maybe some new dlc for mario kart, party, and tennis but they didn't

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Mario’s Dead: Who Should Be the New Nintendo Overlord?

Half-Glass Gaming: "As far as the late Mario is concerned, I propose we elect a new poster child for the company. But who would be the perfect fit?"

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Shiken1162d ago

I mean, technically if Mario died then Bowser would take over and be the new king.

CorndogBurglar1162d ago

Nah man, you're underestimating Luigi. Don't feel bad though. Most do.

TheSanchezDavid1162d ago

Nah, there's a reason Luigi isn't even mentioned in this article. I'd put more money on Waluigi than Luigi.

TheSanchezDavid1162d ago

I mean, yes, that would likely happen -- but that seems temporary. Like, pretty soon someone would take a stand. Heck, maybe even Peach would go all Toy Story 4 Bo Peep and just be a badass. I still think Wario would be the best pick, though, but that could be simply because I love the audacity of that character.

Shiken1162d ago

I love Wario too, and I suppose a "Bowser vs Warrior" battle of the villains would be cool.

Brazz1162d ago

Pikachu, the most popular and cute pokemon. After Mario, Pokemon is Nintendo biggest IP. easy!

TheSanchezDavid1162d ago

You might be on to something there.

plmkoh1162d ago

Nintendo doesn't own Pokemon, they are a stakeholder and publisher.

Smbnokc871162d ago

Mario never "died". Only to the idiots who slept in the LIMITED collection. You snooze, you lose. It mustn't not have been that important enough for anyone who missed out. Sucks to be you.

TheSanchezDavid1162d ago

Naw, dude, he died. Burnt to a crisp.

Angyobangyo1160d ago

Nah, it’s fine. Got a jailbroken Switch. I have no problem not buying a product that Nintendo creates scarcity for. I can download and play it whenever I want to without some FOMO timer.

neomahi1162d ago

Who said Marios dead? Mario is Nintendos staple and as long as Miyamoto is around, so will Mario and Zelda. But, thats part of the problem. Nintendo havent really ever looked out at acquiring any new talent even to apprentice, theyve just relied on him and hes not getting any younger and all that smoking is catching up to him so when Miyamoto is gone, then you can really start worrying. Til then, relax already!

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The Curse That is March 31st for Nintendo Fans

For whatever reason, March 31st, 2021 has turned into a day of sorrow for Nintendo fans, because it unfortunately means the end for three games on the Nintendo Switch console.

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NotoriousWhiz1167d ago

I thought about buying that fire emblem game but then realized I owned the DS remake so I'll pass.