
What the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 mean for PC gaming

Console tech affects the kinds of games on PC. Even among indie developers, multiplatform game development is normal these days, and the capabilities the platforms share naturally become the baseline. Both in terms of games and tech, here's what PC gamers can expect from this year's new console releases:

Jin_Sakai1385d ago

It means they become the lowest common denominator. Every single Series X and PS5 owner will has a fast SSD at their disposal.

Tech51385d ago (Edited 1385d ago )

PC already has faster SSDs though
the Samsung 980 pro already does 6.5GB/s
and the XPG Sage already does 7GB/s

and Nvidia's latest hardware is scheduled to release soon. (RTX 3060 GPU will retail for $399)

it's just only a mater of time before all of the prices reach the typical pc market. like always.

Jin_Sakai1385d ago (Edited 1385d ago )

It doesn’t matter if PC has faster SSDs or not because until it becomes the standard and every PC has one you’ll have to account for HDDs.

Also we’ve been through this many times, even though PC may have faster SSDs they can’t handle the bandwidth like PS5 because of the custom 12 channel controller Sony developed.

Tech51385d ago (Edited 1385d ago )

"It doesn’t matter if PC has faster SSDs or not because until it becomes the standard and every PC has one you’ll have to account for HDDs."

that's not how pc gaming works though. the original Crysis 2007 released in full scale from.
it was not downgraded because of gamers failing to have a $2,000 gaming rig.
in the pc gaming community all games are released in their full form. from there they can scale back to any gaming pc.

edit - it makes it simpler for developers. if gamers have to upgrade then that is the result of buying a new gen title. this nothing new to the pc gaming community. it has many different generations of games added to it's selection of games. eventually all new hardware runs games even better than before.

DevilOgreFish1385d ago (Edited 1385d ago )

@ Tech5
agreed. Crysis made gamers upgrade, same with every title with new features. how is this any different?
whether it's a CPU upgrade, GPU, HDD space, or god forbid a sound card upgrade. upgrading is upgrading.

tontontam01385d ago (Edited 1385d ago )

I've had my m.2 nvme ssd on pc for quite a while now, I've never encountered a game that loads blazing fast.
even with ssd, any game on pc takes about 5 secs or above load.

RDR2 takes 2 minutes to load on a samsung 970 pro ssd. THEORETICALLY with the speed of that SSD it should not take 2 minutes.

but with next gen consoles coming devs are suddenly boasting that their game will have virtually no loading screen.

pc gamers should pray hard that devs will optimize the games to take advantage of ssds on pc, considering that "millions" of pc gamers only have "HDD's".

outsider16241385d ago

Yeah but are there games built around that SSD?

Unless everyone owns a gaming pc with that kind ssd, i don't think we'll see games built around that. It'll just be like it has always been before- powerful hardware.

lonewolf101385d ago


How many games do you think in the first few years of the consoles cycle do you think will be developed solely for SSD speed, I think there will be a few games that might be impacted by PC's that have older SSD's but not enough to worry about.

ProjectVulcan1385d ago (Edited 1385d ago )

"It doesn’t matter if PC has faster SSDs or not because until it becomes the standard and every PC has one you’ll have to account for HDDs."

Firstly Microsoft have made it clear they are still supporting very old consoles with very old hard drives in them. That means every cross gen title designed for these platforms finds that a 7 year old Xbox One is the slowest machine, and that has to be taken into account for at least the first two years!

How many next gen consoles do you think will be sold in the first couple of years? Priced at $499 or $599 in this economic climate?

Not enough to impact PC gaming. It'll be 3 or 4 years before next gen hardware are the default platforms for developer focus, another 3 or 4 years while every PC gamer pretty much already has an SSD now anyway. I have not met a PC gamer in the past 5 years that does not use an SSD, even a small one for for their latest games. It's the small file read/write speed that matters more, not a headline theoretical peak speed.

Still, accounting for peak speeds If PS5 can load a full scene in 2 seconds how fast can a previous gen PCIe 3.0 drive on direct storage load the same scene? Well even if it is only half as fast that's still only 4 seconds. Nobody will care. Or notice. Twice as fast for something already very fast isn't nearly as important as you think it is.

Finally you have the constant advantage PC has always enjoyed, and that is most machines has much more RAM than consoles. It wouldn't be a stretch to use a bunch of it as a fast cache on PC, assigning a portion to be used as a volatile virtual SSD. Typical bandwidth (to CPU) in excess of 30GB/s with slow DDR4. If peak speed were everything then RAM caching is the top dog.

You don't seem to understand that the difference between these console SSDs and everyone with an SSD already on PC is meaningless. PC gamers are already there. It's the consoles that are finally moving forwards to meet PC standards, and eventually the software too. It's only a good thing for PC gamers.

_LarZen_1385d ago

Don’t matter if PC has faster SSD/NVMe as the IO is a bottleneck on all PC’s. There’s a solution but it’s costs a ridiculous amount of money and not for the consumer market at all.

Master of Unlocking1385d ago

OK for the SSDs, but did you see the price of the Nvidia graphics card Ampere RTX 3090 on that Twitter page? First it's mentioned at a price of 2000$, then corrected at 1400$. That's still one hell of an investment for plenty of folks out there...

rainslacker1385d ago (Edited 1385d ago )

It'll take a while for PC minimum standards require an SSD for gaming. It's not just something where one or two games come out which cause a large number of people to upgrade, and suddenly all devs are making games which take advantage of SSD.

Just think of any relevant jump in DirectX....the one's that don't skip a version or two. They get all these great new features, but it takes years before they ever get used, and often, the version has already been updated again. It caused a hardware cycle where whole GPU lines would go under-utilized.

While it won't be like that for SSD, it's the same principal in terms of what devs are coding for.

That said, the advance in console GPU's means the PC GPU standards will rise sooner rather than later. PC will still offer more powerful GPU's though, but they won't be the minimum, so nothing will change there.

Babadook71385d ago (Edited 1385d ago )

"PC already has faster SSDs though "

Not really. A faster SSD, (although none of those PC SSDs have as many levels of priority as PS5 so in actuality they aren't faster) is only one piece of the pipeline. You have to look at bottlenecks in the whole pipeline. PS5 and even XSX have a major advantage out of the gate.

FanboysKiller1385d ago

Legacy games won't show a massive upgrade to loading speed , games should be rebuild from the scratch to take the full advantage of the ssd.

XxINFERNUSxX1385d ago

Exactly, I'm more excited for the 3000 series GPUs out of all of this. Even if the SSD on the Series X is slower than the PS5's and most PC gamers use PCIe 3.0 for their nvme drives devs are nothing going make it seem like the Series X's SSD will be an issue, same with PC. They will have tricks to minimize that. And I saw that awesome 980 Pro. I'm using a 970 EVO 1TB and I know without a doubt any PC game now or in a few years will not be an issue with the PCIe 3.0 SSD speeds.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 1385d ago
1385d ago Replies(2)
nowitzki20041385d ago

Just stick to Playstation talk Jin, do yourself a favor.

Matology1385d ago

Most modern mother boards have an m.2 drive and SSD drives are cheap for enough for PC owners. You put the operating system on the m.2 and games can go on a SSD or hybrid drive and it works fine and dandy...

1385d ago
CaptainHenry9161385d ago

It also means you don't need an Xbox

1385d ago
Donnie811385d ago

Or a PlayStation for that matter because they are putting everything on to.

CaptainHenry9161385d ago (Edited 1385d ago )


Every Playstation exclusive won't be on PC though and you'll have to wait a year if they decide to release it on PC. All Xbox exclusives will be on PC on day one

Weapon_of_choice1385d ago

Also HDR 4k as a standard and out of the box

Profchaos1384d ago

Yes in a regard that PC games will need to start addressing hard drive speeds as a minimum component.
Also the thing I've noticed is despite GPU models evolving over the past few years is that the bulk of users are running older models according to steam db
With only under 1% of users with a 2080 and over 11% with a 1060 the hardware out there paints a different story about what Devs will target in the Future

I think we will see PC gamers being forced to upgrade their rigs in order to keep up as consoles become the baseline and the 10 series of GPU cards will not be able to really keep up.

I get that the 20 series was disappointing I own a 2070 I loved it but I understand why it was generally skipped. But I'm very excited to see the 30 series in action

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1384d ago
Einhander19711385d ago

It means pc development will have to pull its finger out and get creative. Consoles always have the best games anyway.

1385d ago Replies(2)
FlyingFoxy1385d ago

Enjoy playing FPS games with a controller! Couldn't go back to that personally.

Plus I like all the options I get on PC, and I use it for things besides gaming

kneon1385d ago (Edited 1385d ago )

I do enjoy playing FPS with a controller as I hate mouse and keyboard controls, mostly the keyboard part. I could play on one of my PCs that are all more powerful than my consoles, I even just added another 4k monitor to my main machine. It's starting to look like mission control, I counted 8 monitors in my home office not including all the laptops, and it's just me working in there. But I'm already on my PCs 8-12 hours a day, when I'm goofing off I'm not going to use a PC.

Oops, make that 9 monitors, I forgot the little one for the server.

TheSaint1385d ago

Do you play driving games with a mouse?

Father__Merrin1385d ago

Console games have always been better for AAA pc does have an advantage in indies as its cheaper to publish etc. But overall PlayStation gamers have been the happiest this generation.

PS5 when it gets into full swing will humiliate pc

Donnie811385d ago

How’s it gonna do that ? It might help make checkerboard rendering a more common setting on pc. Be about it

Clonetrooper11391385d ago

You have no idea what you are talking about.

NeoGamer2321384d ago

I can play Horizon Zero Dawn on PC. And with its success I can see more and more PS exclusives come to PC.

Between exclusives coming to PC and PS Now I can play most major Sony exclusives through my PC.

rainslacker1385d ago (Edited 1385d ago )

What we'll probably see in PC game programming for the short term is more use of system memory to make up for the lower drive speeds in most PC gamer's setup. This shouldn't be an issue since most games don't use anywhere near as much as would be available to them on modern PC's, or at least don't need to. This will mean devs will also have to consider how much data they can pre-load into memory, but it also means that more will be available to do the same thing that the SSD's can do, just without as much flexibility. In the larger picture, this means devs will also have to be more mindful of their memory management on PC, which I feel was always kind of half-assed by most PC devs for years now.

This in turn will also help devs come more to grips with predictive models that can be used to stream in assets which is the biggest benefit of SSD, and since this principal can be used for any data transfer medium(hard drive or memory) it'll also benefit those who have SSD's.

PC owners with the appropriate hardware can see added benefit with SSD, as they may be able to free up more memory for other things, which will be important for maintaining GPU compute which is pretty well utilized today.

Overall, devs are pretty creative when it comes to getting things done.

The biggest drawback to PC's outside of all that is what it's always been. The OS handles data transfer at a higher level, and DMA access isn't as quick because of the need of OS's to keep themselves secure(stable in this context).

kneon1385d ago

The SSD pipeline on the PS5 is so fast that they don't need to bother with this predictive nonsense, it just loads in so fast that it doesn't matter.

rainslacker1385d ago

It's not nonsense to do predictive models. But, there is less need to spend resources on it in the consoles compared to the PC in the scenario I cited in my original comment. Predictive models allow for a lot more than just pre-fetching data, and can lead to more innovation in things like animation and AI through more complex algorithms which it wouldn't be reasonable to store within memory at all times.

This of course would be years in the making, and not something you'd see overnight, but built upon through smaller steps.

agent45321385d ago

Not really for its subjective. Some PC exclusives include Planet Coaster, Planet Zoo, Green Hell, Total War Franchise, King Crusaders Franchise, To the Moon series, etc. Most genres started on PC before moving to consoles like survival games, battle royale games, VR, etc. PC still offers horror exclusives like HK, Doorway Franchise, Dreadout Series, etc. Is the system you can play any game in any genre including AO games which are forbidden on consoles

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1384d ago
Father__Merrin1385d ago

nothing will change games will be console forst and this time the visuals and performance on next gen consoles is soo good its going to be very difficult for them to spew thier nonsence on here. if you notice they seldon talk about games but rather wait till this wait till that faster this faster that

1385d ago Replies(2)
lonewolf101385d ago

Talking of spewing nonsense.

agent45321385d ago

I am rare for one of my favorite indy game series that didn't came to consoles is To the moon for it offer a great story about marriage. Green Hell difficult as hell for being the most realistic survival game. Then there is the Total War Franchise, King Crusaders, Planet Coaster/Zoo along with my favorite game Enola. Not the best visual game but it talks about rape, husband abuse, and has a very trippy environment. The biggest drawback to pc gaming is early access for most early access games end on console.

SegaGamer1385d ago (Edited 1385d ago )

"if you notice they seldon talk about games"

Are you sure you're not talking about yourself? You're on every pc article complaining about pc's, same for Xbox. We get it, you're PS fanboy, you're not special, there are tons of them on here.

Clonetrooper11391385d ago

JESUS...Do you believe that tripe you just typed? Talk about delusional.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1385d ago
franwex1385d ago

I think it will propel SSDs more. Maybe even becoming a requirement with some games.

rainslacker1385d ago

It almost has to. There is a limit to how much physical memory is reasonable to put into an actual PC. While modern systems can certainly use much more than they typically have, it's silly to just keep upping that memory. Plus, you still have to fill that memory, which takes time.

SSD's will become a standard, and always would have. I also expect more integrated solutions to come which means CPU, GPU, bus, and hard drive all on single chips, or smaller pre-made boards, because the technology is there to make such small systems without the use of moving parts.

kneon1385d ago

I'm currently struggling with 64gb, but I'm not playing games. For games I just can't see too many main stream games requiring more than 16gb.

1385d ago Replies(3)
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Curilemu - Official Trailer | Latin American Games Showcase

Explore the creepy world of Curilemu in this trailer for the adventure-horror game inspired by the myths and legends of Chilean Patagonia. Explore a haunting world filled with Lovecraftian horrors and ancient mysteries. Fight colossal beasts and discover what is behind the plague to heal this island and restore the cosmic balance. Curilemu will be available on PC.


Alan Wake II Is Finally Getting A Physical Release

The sequel was notably a digital-only release when it launched last year.

anast18h ago

HA! It's little late, but it might bring up those numbers.

OhReginald2h ago

So you would rather have a physcial edition that doesn't include the day 1 patches and bug fixes Than a complete updated version of the game?

isarai1h ago

Nah, was a dumb move to launch with no physical. But I've seen MANY people including myself waiting for a physical release of this game. Already pre-ordered mine.

gold_drake17h ago

its about time

but ... i already saw limited run games selling it.

if there are others selling it too, i will get it, but if not, hard pass.

Petebloodyonion2h ago

Limited Run only makes the Collector edition.
The deluxe edition will be available everywhere

isarai1h ago

This, just pre-ordered mine from GameStop

ActualWhiteMan2h ago

Wont buy that shit til it’s on sale on steam.

TheColbertinator1h ago

Sounds good if they get the game on the disc itself not just a disc that sends you online to download it.

CobraKai1h ago

Now im interested. Looks like i gotta just wait patiently for Hellblade 2 um too.

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Once Human | Official Release Date Trailer

Wishlist now and pre-download our Steam Next Fest demo starting June 7th. Get ready to start playing at 10:00 AM on June 10th PT!