
Death Stranding Reviews Are a Mixed Bag, But Do You Really Care?

Death Stranding reviews are a mixed bag, but we don't think that players will drop their pre-orders because of it.

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1689d ago Replies(12)
-Foxtrot1689d ago

Not really, will try it anyway but it's nice to see different opinions rather then licking Kojima's ass like the majority did with MGSV

Jon_Targaryen1689d ago

I used to be a Kojima fanboy through and through.. But this game does look kinda boring... I dunno maybe majority of us were expecting a type of MGS-esque kinda game..?

Atom6661689d ago

MGSV really showed how review scores (and games media) can be so easily manipulated. Remember, initial reviewers were flown in to a week-long review event where they were welcomed, fed, and treated by staff while they "crtically" evaluated the game. The perfect scores then flowed.

As a result, I bought it day one. First 1/3 of the game was fantastic. Then the remainder began to sit in and I was given a reminder of how little I trust traditional outlets. Good game, but I encourage anyone to look at initial reviews compared to late reviews to see if you too see the trend.

I suspect you might see something similar here. I'll wait to hear from some of my go-to independent critics before judging this initial set of reviews though. I will say that their absence is conspicuous right now.

I'll inevitably try the game myself at some point and form my own opinion about it, but these discussions should remind people why review scores don't mean much anymore.

Zarock1688d ago

The same thing happened with Breath of the wild easily manipulated reviews.

NecrumOddBoy1689d ago

Every IGN site gave it a 9+ except IGN Canada. The US team didn't even play it.

Then Kallie from GS gave it a 9 so clearly Kojima just turned the earth upside down.

I will be buying this after I finish Outer Worlds.

AngelicIceDiamond1689d ago

Its very strange I've rarely seen IGN international here on N4G for any AAA game but there scores are all over the news sites now.

yoshatabi1689d ago

Where have you been? Those reviews have always been there for all games

rainslacker1688d ago

They don't usually show up on the main scroll of top articles, but I see them quite often for every major game. Especially the Italian site. Probably because we do have some prolific users on this site in Italy.

-Ghost1689d ago (Edited 1689d ago )

Actually, U.S and Canada for IGN is one site since their part of North America. If you're in Canada, the link changes to .ca but it's the same site as the U.S.

Sophisticated_Chap1688d ago

Canadians are a different breed. The ones from Ontario and Quebec, just re-elected a 'Black Face' Prime Minister Trudeau for a second term. Pretty historic I'd say....

ChrisW1688d ago

Blame the hype-train for the reviews.

If this game was kept under wraps and secretly released... The whole gaming industry would have been blown away.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1688d ago
JKSimmons1689d ago

Nope. Going to pick it up for myself and play through it. Don't really care about review scores.

Veneno1688d ago

You do care that's why you're here pretending like you don't.. I'm never in the Call of Duty stories because I actually don't care.

ArchangelMike1689d ago

I pre-ordered this game weeks ago. Shows how much I care about basement game journalists.

Why do we even empower random strangers to tell us what we should or shouldn't like based on their arbitrary scores. It's not like there's even a consensus on what a score of 10/10 even means. Does it mean it's a perfect game? Does it mean everyone will like it?

When you have two people working for the same company and one person gives that game a 9, and the other gives the game a 6.8 and both scores get published - then you know it's all bullshit.

King_Noctis1689d ago (Edited 1689d ago )

“ Why do we even empower random strangers to tell us what we should or shouldn't like based on their arbitrary scores.”

So...don’t listen to them? Buy why you want to buy? The reviewers are paid to do their jobs, which is to give us their opinion on a product handed to them. U don’t have to trust their opinion if you don’t want to.

“ When you have two people working for the same company and one person gives that game a 9, and the other gives the game a 6.8 and both scores get published”

I know right? Its like different people have different opinions or something. Its like the company don’t want to force their reviewers to produce the same opinion or something. We’re living in a mad world I tell ya.

porkChop1689d ago

"Why do we even empower random strangers to tell us what we should or shouldn't like based on their arbitrary scores."

Reviews don't tell you what to like. They're meant to inform you of what to expect, and tell you how the reviewer feels about the game. You're not supposed to take it as gospel. You read multiple reviews and use that knowledge to make your own informed decision, and understand any potential issues with the game. No one is telling you what to like or what to buy, that's entirely up to you.

"When you have two people working for the same company and one person gives that game a 9, and the other gives the game a 6.8 and both scores get published - then you know it's all bullshit."

No it isn't bullshit. IGN has multiple regional outlets/sites, and they all act independently. Two reviewers having different opinions is perfectly normal, regardless of whether they work for the same company. They don't have to think the same way, just as the general public are allowed to have their own opinions.

1688d ago
tontontam01688d ago

"I think it's just denial,
a lot of it,
when so many different sites are citing the same thing,"

Lol maybe those site are also in denial,
a lot of it,
when so many different sites are citing that this game is a masterpiece.

1689d ago
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Juancho51129d ago

Just got to chapter 5 and Im loving every second of this game. Phenomenal boss fight at chapter 4, and just great dialogue and story. What a GEM.