
Media Molecule wants Dreams games published "to other devices and beyond"

At the View Conference, the studio's co-founder and art director Kareen Ettouney discussed the need for Dreams to be a creative platform outside the confines of PlayStation.
Media Molecule's plans for Dreams extend to giving users full commercial ownership of their creations, and allowing them to publish their games on other platforms.

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Abnor_Mal1697d ago

Some time ago I said that Sony should let this game go multiplatform after some exclusivity time of a few years. The disagrees hit me like a ton of bricks, now here we are seeing the developers saying they would like to reach different platforms and devices for created content.

My arguement then and still is to this day, if MS can get Minecraft onto other platforms then why should Sony keep such a creative title to only the PlayStation ecosystem. Only one person agreed with me in a private message saying they also had the same thought.

Hopefully this becomes a franchise that spans consoles and we all get to see creations from the community from games to movies to music and whatever else creative minds can conceive.

Wasabi1697d ago (Edited 1697d ago )


I agree with you buddy.

I dislike the fact that other gamers are not able to enjoy the same games I can, simply because of their choice of platform.

Traecy1697d ago

One will have to get over that knowing having exclusives is what differentiate consoles/ platforms & a company's business decision.

Wasabi1697d ago


Thanks for your input.

Tech51697d ago (Edited 1697d ago )

"Media Molecule's plans for Dreams extend to giving users full commercial ownership of their creations, and allowing them to publish their games on other platforms."

most interesting news yet. just as long as creators are able to receive commercial ownership.
and they can also publish on any platform they choose.

Just speaking for myself here, which I'm very fond of the existing tools on pc, which can achieve anything your imagination can put together and are not limited to a design. they also have imminence amount of support and can also make platform exclusives too.

but this is good news for creators of Dreams, that creators can be casual as well as serous.
one of the biggest issues for project spark was that creators were too serous, and that the tools did not accommodate all of their ambitions. and so they migrated to existing tools such as Unity, UE4, and Cryengine.

crazyCoconuts1697d ago

I think I agreed too. Check the tape 😉

Abnor_Mal1697d ago

Lol okay I checked the tape and you did. Here is what you said:

"I think they should keep the creation part of the app as exclusive to PS and make the creations portable with maybe some kind of licencing fee similar to game engines like Unity and Unreal. I think that's best of both worlds. If they really want to they could refuse to support certain consoles that are competitors, but I think they should open it up."



Abnor_Mal1697d ago

@Christopher really thought you would have used a Raider of the Lost Ark gif, or at the very least the Family Guy reference.

crazyCoconuts1697d ago

Thanks for checking. I probably couldn't have found that lol. I hope MM is successful. To spend so much time and energy on something, it would be disappointing to not see it get a big userbase

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1697d ago
UltraNova1697d ago

As much as this makes sense, it doesn't to the company who paid to have this IP made and that's what matters in the end, business is business.

Wasabi1697d ago (Edited 1697d ago )


I see what you are saying and you make a good point, but think how many more gamers Dreams could reach if it was opened up to more platforms.

Having said this, I agree. The problem for Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft is that keeping a game exclusive attracts gamers to their particular brand, so I understand why they choose not to.

Abnor_Mal1697d ago

Time will tell, Sony already went on record saying that they would like their multiplayer games reach a wider audience. Which could mean more games going to PC and or other consoles.

Look at The Last of Us2 and the decision the ship the MP seperate from the main campaign. The likely reason for doing so is because they are planning on expanding and fleshing out the MP and then release it possibly on PS Now day and date. Dreams could also be a game that would sell well on PC. Hell it could even become a gaas type of game, no one knows for sure, but the option should be considered. There's whispers of a Killzone Online, its unknown if it is real or just a rumor but Sony did tweet out a question recently that listed that "title".

I do not understand why you would think the company who paid to have this IP made would leave money on the table when they know they have a very lucrative product and are already talking about a ten year plan for it.

UltraNova1697d ago


What's there to understand, exclusives are Sony's bread and butter...soon everyone will double down on exclusives so they can differentiate their services (subs) from their competition.

Abnor_Mal1697d ago

Okay I get what you are saying, but I was not talking about all of Sonys exclusives becoming multiplatform. No even close, and I agree with you ninty nine percent that exclusives differentiate consoles from each other and help sales, all true.

I am just talking about this one particular game being multiplatform because it has the potential to be as large if not larger than Minecraft if allowed beyond PlatStation. This not not really a game but a tool, an application to he used to build other content. It is a content creator if you will, for content creators.

Anyway I do agree with you that exclusives are important to consoles. It is just my opinion this tool can make PlayStation more money if used by everyone, which could be used to strengthen other first party studios as a form of steady income.

rainslacker1697d ago (Edited 1697d ago )

It means more people buy the software to make these games.

OTOH, I still think that Sony should make the design tools available on systems other than the console, because that opens up a lot of possibilities for hobbyists, and easier interaction between multiple creators allowing for bigger designs, higher quality, and more timely releases. I also think that releasing design tools for free, would be a huge boon to getting people on board. Have the paid version so you can play non-commercial creations.

I wouldn't doubt though that the game follows a F2P model somewhere down the line, and maybe allow for a storefront where Sony makes money off sold content through the store, where they split the revenue with content creators.

Lots of possibilities, and if Sony plays their cards right, they have something that could become one of the most influential creation systems in the industry, because it is a single tool, which basically allows for everything to be done in one place.

VariantAEC1695d ago

This is already happening everywhere not just in gaming. See exclusive programs depending on TV services satellite and cable, online services like Hulu, Apple TV and Netflix and many more but this also happens across music streaming services too.
Exclusively is nothing new to any one anywhere regardless of what you do or make.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1695d ago
sprinterboy1697d ago

These games thrive on multiplatform, it's a no brainer it would be more successful on all platforms and not just one.
Especially a creative game.

Abnor_Mal1697d ago

Exactly and it was 266 days ago when you PM'ed in agreement. Glad to see we still see that the game would reach the stars in popularity if on multiple platforms. It would become Sonys biggest property and would make money by the truck loads. Every artist, musician, budding director and whoever else (obviously I'm not one of the talented I speak of) in the gaming industry and beyond would be flocking to this application.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1695d ago
Lionsguard1697d ago (Edited 1697d ago )

Allowing Dreams for PC would be absolutely HUGE. Then again, I do see how it would be very problematic. Considering they won't know how to gauge the thermo since very PC is different, user experience would vary. I would like to see Dreams ported to Xbox, Dreams is a game that is definitely helped by "the more the merrier".

Just letting users port their creations to other platforms however is a good idea but they'd have to be the creme of the crop. There are a few games that I've played that would be pretty awesome to play on the Switch.

rainslacker1697d ago (Edited 1697d ago )

The games themselves play within the runtime environment of the content creator itself. There are limits on what's allowed within the runtime environment, and that limit would require a minimum level of hardware on PC, like all games do. There's no hardware specific implementation, and likely a PC version would include a higher level implementation for tasks that may have hardware level implementation on consoles.

What you wouldn't see is more options to improve or reduce graphics on a game by game level like you do in most PC games, but there could potentially be some system level stuff which allows for changes to graphics. What is lost is that PC has more potential for causing disruption to the game itself when there are those times when the system puts the game on hold for other tasks. That's just a thing with how PC's and OS's operate, but it's not exceptionally common anymore in a properly powered PC.

Christopher1697d ago

This game on PC, with cross-platform content availability, would only serve to immensely support everyone everywhere. On other consoles as well, but PC would see the greatest benefit overall.

UltraNova1697d ago (Edited 1697d ago )

That's logical, but knowing Sony's policy on exclusives, their entire gaming business model and the massive success it apparently brought them, would they deviate from that (risk) just for one title?

Christopher1697d ago

I think with enough support they might. But, not at all likely otherwise.

Traecy1697d ago

That would definitely be a Sony decision knowing Sony owns MM. If so it would more likely be on PC.

Blu3_Berry1697d ago

I really do think this game in particular should be multiplatform because it's such a niche title and relies on the community. If the community dies out on the playstation then it's pretty much dead. It will benefit from having a larger community, especially the PC market. If it had cross-play support, then I think the game will do well.

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Inside the making of Astro Bot

During Summer Games Fest last week, I frequently asked our friends in the games media what they've seen or played that's impressed them. We don't get to play as much as we'd like at GamesIndustry.biz, and so it's useful intel to hear what the journalists think.

In almost every conversation, one game would come up again and again: Astro Bot.

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Jin_Sakai2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

First game I’ve been this excited for since the launch of PS5. Can’t wait!


The Lore Behind Rusty Rabbit is Absolutely Nuts | TechRaptor

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anast13h ago

Looking forward to this one.


Starfield Crossed 14M, to Get Annual Story DLC; Shattered Space Set on a Planet, Is Far Harbor-Sized

Starfield has crossed the 14 million player milestone and will get annual story expansions. Shattered Space takes place on a single planet.

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AsimLionheart18h ago


Looks like you are looking to start a players vs sales debate.

purple10116h ago

Il join

Here in the uk starfield is available for £12 in the bargain bins.

This doesn’t happen with Sony or Nintendo ‘s big first party games

Oh wait it isn’t first party, they were always going to have starfield anyway, they just brought the publisher and decided not to release on PlayStation

itsmebryan8h ago


Sony and Nintendo games never go to the bargain bin? Never Every? Not one game? That's a great achievement .

abstractel45m ago(Edited 39m ago)

14 million copies excluding game pass downloaders? Game was bound to be pretty successful given dev's reputation & MS's marketing. Still impressive considering it's at best an above average game that launched at 30fps. I played it on PC, so didn't have to deal with that. I liked it but this was not what I expected from the developers of Skyrim and Fallout.

Btw, is Far Harbor size a good size? Not sure if that comparison means good or bad for the DLC size-wise.

MrNinosan18h ago

14 million installs out of how many GamePass subscribers?
Starfield was supposed to be THE game of the generation, and providing it for free to over 25 million users should imo have a higher install base.

I like Starfield, even bought the game, but it's sadly nowhere near a game of the generation, not even one of the best games last year.

Hope it will make the same turn around as Cyberpunk, FFXIV and No Man Sky 👍

Armaggedon17h ago(Edited 17h ago)

The way people keep turning their attention to it says otherwise. People rely too much on statistics. It doesnt matter if people stopped playing it. People stop playing games

Stanlittle12h ago

Purple101 come on man stop lying I'm here and you are talking about trade in credit.


fr0sty10h ago

Trade in credit is still on sale. That means they're not moving copies as fast as they'd hoped to, so they're starting to employ different schemes to move it faster.

itsmebryan8h ago

Like that great poet Taylor swift said " Haters are goin' ,hate , hate..."

Obscure_Observer8h ago(Edited 8h ago)

"Starfield doomers punching air."

There´s nothing else they can do right now.

They should know better that games Bethesda Softworks has crazy legs.

So happy to know that we´ll be getting annual expansions! Bethesda is definitely better under Xbox with more money to fund their games, and more freedom to create.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 45m ago
Terry_B17h ago

Guess the game might be good in 2 years.

-Foxtrot13h ago

May aswell wait for the final completed game then

Terry_B12h ago(Edited 12h ago)

Thats the plan, worked well with Cyberpunk too

Reaper22_17h ago(Edited 17h ago)

Huge numbers. Congratulations to Microsoft and Bethesda.

ChasterMies16h ago

A $3 trillion company couldn’t do this without your support.

BeHunted16h ago

Sony will wish they had reached 14 million players with Concord

badz14915h ago


why use Concord? is it coming from a huge developer in the ballpark of Bethesda?



Spider-man 2 over 11mil units SOLD and Helldivers 2 over 12mil units SOLD. Bethesda wish they can use the word SOLD with Starfield LOL

MrNinosan15h ago

Why use Concord as an example, that doesn't come with a Subscription service that is handed out for free when buying a burger?

Use Astros Playroom for a better measurement, 58+ million installs 😘

Reaper22_11h ago

Doesn't matter. It's a good accomplishment. The game is a success.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 11h ago
Cockney16h ago

That's a possible revenue of nearly a £billion if sales were your main target

fr0sty10h ago

but instead, it wasn't, and GP subscriptions haven't risen by $3 billion, in fact, they're stagnant, so they've lost money.

ChasterMies16h ago

These numbers are difficult to parse without context. How do we compare nunbers played on Game Pass with actual sales of games like Skyrim and Cyberpunk 2077? A good start would be achievement data. If we know how many players kept playing past the first few missions, we would have a good idea of how many players considered the game a value addition for Game Pass.

MrNinosan13h ago

Still difficult to calculate.
I mean, every single MS game are supposed to be on GamePass Ultimate.
If you combine all those possible sales and on top of that, remove all costs for third party games on the services.

Would the total revenue/profit be bigger or smaller than the total revenue from GamePass alone?

I'm most certain this is eating profit madly

ChasterMies11h ago

$204/year for Game Pass Ultimate is a lot of potential profit for Microsoft. It’s $2B/year for every 10M subscribers. That pays for a lot of game development. The problem is that Microsoft also has to pay all those 3rd parties for their games. I think the future of Game Pass is fewer 3rd party games.

BeHunted10h ago(Edited 9h ago)


Amazon India: Xbox Game Pass Ultimate is about $100 for 24 Months, or $19 for 12 months (2x 6 Months Game Pass Core subscription). VPN does the trick when redeeming on Microsoft's website.

MrNinosan4h ago

No one spends $204/year for GPU...
Not even the dumb ones...

$2B/year doesn't even cover salaries for the employees, less so the 80 billion spent on trying to get monopoly last few years.

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