
Furwind (NSW, PS4, PSV, PC) Review | SPC

Phil writes, "In an age where 2D indie platformers are a dime a dozen (figuratively speaking, of course), it's growing increasingly more difficult for developers to differentiate their game from the rest of the pack. Enter Furwind, a pixel art-based 2D platformer that's solid enough on the surface, but control issues and level design quirks make for a game that stands out for the wrong reasons."

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FurWind (Switch) - EnthusPlays

Aaron plays some FurWind for the Nintendo Switch and remembers what is…and was.

Full Disclosure: This game was provided to GameEnthus by the PR rep, publisher or developer.
Genre: retro-styled platformer
Developer: BoomFire Games
Publisher: JanduSoft
Platform(s): Switch, Steam
Player(s): 1
Price: $9.99 (Switch)

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Furwind Review | TheXboxHub

Marcus writes: "Simple is better. It's a phrase I’ve often heard thrown around and it’s generally true. Avoiding the pitfalls of complication and the attempts to innovate can lead to a smoother experience. While sometimes this is a good motto to follow, occasionally people can take it a little too far. Not far enough where the experience is completely diluted, but enough where the simplicity can get a bit on the old side by the end. This is where I found Furwind on Xbox One to fall. By no means is it a bad game from any standpoint, but it is simple, almost to a fault."

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Review: Furwind (PlayStation 4)|GLG

Furwind is a colorful, pixel art style, action-platformer game that evokes the challeging classics of the old days. Embark on this epic adventure in which a little fox will fight the ominous darkness that is invading its world.

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