
Divinity: Original Sin 2 Definitive Edition discounted to under $20 on PS4

Amazon has discounted the physical version of Divinity: Original Sin 2 Definitive Edition to $19.99 on PlayStation 4.

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mafiabrett1808d ago

Not every one will enjoy it, especially those who never played a cRPG before or ones who don't like the genre.

However if you are a cRPG fan or possibly even Diablo style game fans then it's worth checking out

gangsta_red1808d ago

If you are a true western RPG fan then you will definitely love this game. We seriously need more of these top down, stat intensive type games set in fantasy and sci fi.

I highly recommend people just give it a shot even if they're not a fan of this style.

Christopher1808d ago

For a cRPG, this one is pretty easy for entry into the genre, IMHO. There are so many things to mix and match and it's easy to try them out. And the combat is way less rigid and more about trying out new things. lLke, teleporting enemies near each other to have them battle it out rather than you do anything.

MadLad1807d ago

This is nothing like Diablo. The combat is highly tactical, and players are given seemingly limitless agency over how they tackle the game world..

CrystalFantasy31808d ago

I have the game but the problem is it makes me dizzy

SamPao1808d ago

it has some serious screentearing happening from time to time

txboy051808d ago

I’m currently playing through the first one but I’m going to snag this and add to my super long backlog.

l33t_haxx0r1808d ago (Edited 1808d ago )

I loved the first one but for some reason I can't get into the second. Every battle i have entered starts with me wasting moves to get closer to the enemies and with the enemies blasting all my health to half before I even attack once lol. Maybe I have lost my patience with games like this now.

franwex1808d ago

Interesting, i had the opposite effect. The 1st one I found to be a slog and really damn unfair.

This one I found it to be more balanced and fun.

l33t_haxx0r1807d ago

How dare you have the opposite effect than me


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The Dungeons and Dragons genre has seen a big wave of evolution through these 3 titles that defined the genre's success and direction.


Here are five top deals you may have missed from the Steam Spring Sale

Jack writes: "The Spring Sale is currently taking place, spanning from March 14th until March 21st. Some of the most popular games on the market are having their price slashed and we’ve hand-picked a few."

FinalFantasyFanatic87d ago

These kinds of lists are often terrible for me, mainly because I either already have the games, or I'm just not interested in some of them. Great for people new to PC games or people who haven't kept up with game releases.

phoenixwing87d ago (Edited 87d ago )

I'm too poor these days to buy every game like I used to. I quit my job because it was too exploitive. So until I find a new one I'll be enjoying my immense backlog lol

FinalFantasyFanatic86d ago

Mine's become very exploitative too, sick and tired of doing the work of 3 or 4 people, failing and getting stressed out while the company makes record profits every year. I can't go without work, but I'm hanging on until I can find something else, sometimes it sucks living in a rural/regional town.

phoenixwing86d ago

Yeah I'm lucky that I can go without work for awhile. Otherwise I would have just had to bear it. Hang in there. One important thing is to always be looking for a job somewhere else on the side if you're even a little bit unsatisfied.


Xbox Store Kicks Off ID@Xbox RPG & Countdown Add-On Sales

Daily Video Game writes: "Today, Xbox Store has just kicked off two new digital sales titled "ID@Xbox RPG Sale" and "Countdown Add-On Sale" that offer big discounts on plenty of role-playing games, add-ons, and season passes for Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One gamers right now!"

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