
Did Bruce Campbell Debunk the Mortal Kombat 11 Leak?

A list of highly anticipated DLC fighters was recent data mined for Mortal Kombat 11. However, Bruce Campbell has something to say about the leaks.

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Smokehouse1860d ago

I hope he’s just being full of shit. Ash is the perfect choice for an mk guest character. Guns, blades and magic.

Intros with him falling through a portal. A fatality with his car falling through a portal. Evil clone. Botched necronomicon spells. Chainsaw and boomstick. S-mart uniform alt. Compact cabin stage with laughing deer head.

NecrumOddBoy1860d ago

1. Opens the pit and let the witch do her kill, with fountain of blood.
2. Fade in Fade out of chainsaw dismemberment of opposite on table screaming. Then closes with a wooden cross over the shoulder camera seal the deal.
Brutality Slow Mo: Uses shaky cam affect as Ash beats the hell out of opposite with shotgun up the nose.
Catch Phrases like, Groovy, Show Smart, and Hail to the King, Baby.
Unlocks FAT old ASH with wooden hand as a costume.

Smokehouse1860d ago

Chainsaw decap and the headless body dances around and juggles their head lmao. So many cool things to do with him. “First you want to kill me, now you want to kiss me? Blow.”

PapaBop1857d ago

Don't do this to me. I need that first Fatality in my life!

optimus1860d ago

duplicate story, this news came out last week.


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