
The Next Assassin's Creed May Explore The Vikings, But I Am Not Excited

Rumours have pegged the Viking era as the next playground for the Assassin's Creed series, but is that really a wise choice? The problem with Vikings is that it continues a trend in the series towards the expected.

Christopher1887d ago

***Aside from the tired, expected complaints that the series steadfastly refuses to visit Japan or (in a mainline entry, at least) China***
***What is dull is how rote the Viking age feels in 2019.***

So, the oft utilized asian fantasy concept is preferred over the actually not-often-utilized norse mythology concept?


Gardenia1887d ago

Japan would have been a bad move because of all the Japanese themed games lately. Nioh, Sekiro, Ghost of Tsushima to name a few.

One problem is that Assassins Creed always has been about cities and beautiful places. The vikings didn't have big cities like ancient Greece or Rome so the setup of the game would have to be completely different

jbull1887d ago

Still though the potential with Ninja vs samurai, Europeans arriving bringing muskets you have serious potential right there, I actually think we don't do enough or appreciate Japan as it's a beautiful country with rich history.

Kingthrash3601887d ago

Assassins creed died to me the day you couldn't assassinate people while sleep if you level wasn't high enough.
Dont even think there is a hidden blade anymore....they should rename or just make it a all new franchise. It's no where where it used to be as far as being an assassin goes.

AnubisG1887d ago

Big cities huh? Where was this concern when AC3 came out? Tiny towns were just fine than. It will be fine, I'm sure.

jznrpg1887d ago (Edited 1887d ago )

They both get lots of games . Norse games get less AAA but there are plenty of them

ziggurcat1887d ago (Edited 1887d ago )

I think the Norse age could be interesting, and I would love to see it over feudal Japan or China, but there's a few things off the top of my head that might not fit:

1. I am not sure if Vikings would fit within a realm of assassins...

2. They might go a bit heavy-handed on the sea-faring stuff as that's what the Vikings were known for - it's a fun element to the game, but I only like it in small doses (the only thing I didn't care for with Black Flag was the focus on the sea combat/exploration as it felt more like a pirate game than an assassin game). Making it a focus might ruin it for me.

I would personally love to see them do something in the 1940's/WWII era, but I think they've said that'll never happen :(

Atom6661887d ago

Even worse, the author ends with some suggestions that don't seem nearly as interesting or as commercially viable.

Vikings makes a lot of sense and should be a lot of fun -- especially if there is a meta game where you try to direct their invasion across Europe.

UltraNova1886d ago

No none of that is the issue here. Franchise fatigue is the real problem here. Trust me, if they take a 2-3 year break, allow us to miss this game and come back renewed and bigger than ever with fresh ideas I can guarantee that even if they choose the most mundane era/country in history we wouldn't even care.

Atom6661886d ago

That's exactly what they did for Origins, and it was a critical and commercial success. Then they followed it up with Odyssey, which was even better and more successful.

UltraNova1886d ago

Now that was a one year break. I'm talking about 2,3 or more!

Christopher1886d ago

They have been putting out less AC games. And I definitely would care about the era/location. Especially after Origins and Odyssey.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1886d ago
jbull1887d ago

The series has now evolved where it's not really AC anymore as your not an assassin, it's a more action RPG more closer to the Witcher especially now that they will definitely have mythical creatures in this one and same again for the inevitable China, Japan setting.
Point is I wish Ubisoft would have the courage to make their own open world action RPG and quit using the AC name.

Psychotica1887d ago

If I just kill a random soldier didn’t I assassinate him?

jbull1887d ago

You know what I mean by assassin, one hit kill against the target, now if your not up a certain level you will have to battle the target more akin to Dragon Age, Witcher and other rpgs.

ziggurcat1887d ago

"The series has now evolved where it's not really AC anymore as your not an assassin"

I think that's mostly due to the fact that the time periods of the last two games have been prior to the Creed being established.

Atom6661887d ago

The games are better now then ever in my opinion. It's never been a full stealth game, and going around one-hit killing everyone would not make for a very fun experience.

Poopmist1887d ago

The only 1 in the series with good stealth was Syndicate imo, but the game was overall extremely repetitive.

No Way1886d ago

I disagree. I still think, as far as an Assassins game goes, the 1st one still takes the blade. Blending with the monks was fantastic.. also, the fact that you couldn't (easily) kill an entire army of trained soldiers was much preferred.. i hate that you can do that, now. You either had to plan your attack stealthily or hit em and run.

KillZallthebeast1887d ago

Ehh say what you want about ubisoft their choice to evolve the series was a good move.

jbull1887d ago

I like the new AC games don't get me wrong, loved origins and Odyssey and excited to see where they go next. I got burned out playing them I didn't bother pick up syndicate but then Origins came along which was different and which to me seemed the developer got bored of making AC games but just kept the name.

King_Noctis1887d ago

You are right, the last two AC games should have been spinoffs rather than mainline entries.

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CP_Company1887d ago

why they release the game in japan? they have for Honor, they are going to reuse those assets and so on... they milking everything in their franchises. another activision in the making. they even lied about Good and Evil, now it is always online game that they could milk it to...

Scatpants1887d ago

The last 2 games in the series have been some of the best they've made. I really enjoyed all the RPG additions and the combat has never been better. Looking forward to whatever they do next. I would argue that Norse is probable because they were seafarers and the past 2 games have had a big boat component to them.

Movefasta19931886d ago

facts dude, I returned for some ac2 recently, and that entire counter combat waiting for the hordes of enemies to attack has been played out.

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OlderGamer1711h ago

All nice and well but i want to see that in real gameplay on a console...and Hellblade 2 dont cut it....