
Fortnite Pros React Strongly Against Epic Games Banning Stretched Res from Competitive Tournaments

The community is outraged with Epic Games banning stretched resolution from competitive tournaments.

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dpatrick1896d ago

Looks like some good news for Apex players

Alexious1896d ago

Faux entitled eSports outrage, oh my!

Mostafeto1896d ago

if I am a pro player who spent the last year or even six months playing stretched res and can't wait for the first step in the world cup road then this happens literally a week before, I would definitely get mad.

KeenBean3451896d ago

Literally spent the past few months practising and grinding to even get a chance to qualify and this shit makes that almost completely void. Going back to Native after playing on stretched for months is painful

Cobra9511895d ago

I didn't understand until I read the story. Yeah, this isn't something you do to participants a week before the competition. A couple of months before, maybe.

Player1241896d ago

EA literally didn't do anything and I bet their Apex player count increased considerably since the no mats and no health/shield on kill. Fortnite reached a point of success where the only people who could ruin it or shorten its success period is Epic Games themselves. It is so sad to see tbh.

Mostafeto1896d ago

Apex's battle pass was so weird really. Nothing even comparable to what Epic Games offers with their Fortnite's battle pass. I hope they hear their community and decide accordingly.

nucky641896d ago

someone explain why this is a big deal for the players - i don't understand. it seems like epic is just trying to make the playing field equal for all players for the tournament.

Mostafeto1896d ago

I see your point and it is completely valid. A level playing field is needed when there is so much money at stake. However, think of it from the pros standpoint. You have some of the most important months of your professional career ahead of you, been playing COMPETITIVELY with stretched res normally, practising with it, finding your ideal resolution, and ONE WEEK before it all starts, they ban everything. see their side of view? Both sides are valid but imo the pro players point wins since Epic already allowed them to compete in events with stretched res since the game released.

ApocalypseShadow1896d ago

Don't know about that. Maybe they thought it gave an unfair advantage after looking into it. Just like removing Nintendo Switch from cross play was giving Xbox and PS4 an unfair advantage.

A real "PRO" can play at any level. Not cry when things don't favor them.

Teflon021896d ago

You're technically cheating if you're not playing your proper ratio. It's your problem if you decide to do that and can't qualify because you can't play native ratio. The community cried because kb played with controls. I found that to be fair but people cried. So clearly anything that can be seen as giving an advantage somewhere is qualified to be removed from comp. I think the best comp is one where people can win with the defaults given to them. Not the ones where you gotta shrink the play area for focus etc.

TKCMuzzer1896d ago

mmm. all competitions, in anything really should be a level playing field. Epic are at fault as this should be a standardised format for all tournaments but then the 'Pro's' have to take some accountability. Anything away from the norm is always likely to be looked into at some point as prize funds increase and 'fairness' starts to become an issue.

Mostafeto1896d ago

@TKCMuzzer I think that is the main reason they decided to standardize it after all this time. Once the prize pool became considerably larger and bigger than anything they ever done, they wanted to maintain a level playing field for all. it was always going to spark controversy whether they left it in or banned it as they did.

nucky641896d ago

when we're talking "stretched" - what is the BIG advantage over 16:9?.....i don't play on PC and i don't play fortnite so i'm at a loss as to it being such a big deal.

Teflon021896d ago

It's a focus thing. The smaller amount you can see, the more focused on your target you can be. Also you can adjust the horizontal aim alot better when it's based off a stretched ratio as opposed to the regular one. It's not a big difference on a normal level of play but for pros it can make a difference. They do it in counterstrike as well. Overwatch doesn't allow ultrawide support for the same reason in reverse. It's a game where seeing more will be beneficial to your playing so they fix it where you're not allowed past 16:9 so you don't get the advantage of a bigger view

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1896d ago
rainslacker1896d ago

I think it is about making sure the tournament plays on a base level, which would be the native res. Stretched res can be an advantage that not all potential competitive players may have to practice with.

I would think if a player is good, then it shouldn't matter what res they play in. The skillset should be the same. Just you have less pixels on screen.

Cobra9511895d ago

Completely agree. But they changed the rules one week before the event. If they had done so a few months earlier, I'd have no problem with it at all.

Cobra9511895d ago

Think of it in terms of another sport. Certain moves are allowed, and you get good at it by mastering those moves. Then a week before the big event, they make those moves illegal. Now you're no longer competitive against whoever got good by mastering different moves. Motorsports: Your engine is competitive because certain intake modifications are allowed. A week before the race, those mods are made illegal.

ramiuk11895d ago (Edited 1895d ago )

thats what i thought tbh,im assuming stretching the res is some kind of advantage?
id say its almost a cheat

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1895d ago
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