
The Division 2 first impressions: An exercise in redemption

The signs are strong so far, and The Division 2 appears to have learnt a lot from the first game. Here are early impressions after a few hours with the game.

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Sniperwithacause1919d ago (Edited 1919d ago )

Loving the game so far! I've only put in a few hours so far , and the game is solid. There are still some slight blurry pop ins, but nothing that distracts the eyes from the objective. The random loot that you can donate to your allies to make better strong holds are a nice addition. I've only played solo so far, but have been enjoying roaming the streets of DC.

alb3rt1919d ago

Impressions have been positive overall. Can't wait to play this.

shadowraiden1919d ago

Division 1 right now is arguably one of best looter shooters out there they really took the feedback and turned it into something amazing. Division 2 seems to show they are continueing to listen to feedback and have learnt from the mistakes themselves and other games made. when you have the flop that was Anthem that refused to learn from other game's mistakes its nice to see some developers who have looked at all the feedback and tried to not only fix those issues but offer alternative options for everything. its most likely going to have its own few issues every game does but the signs are looking great. if im honest for all the flack Ubisoft took a few years ago recently they have done a very good job of just going back and focusing on games. Far Cry is a fun shooter sometimes bit over the top but thats what makes it fun. Assassin's Creed has learnt from its mistakes and become a very solid action RPG and Division 2 looks like it will add to the list of games worth owning and could really challenge Destiny 2 for being the looter shooter people play.


The Division 2 - Year 6 Deep Dive | Ubisoft Forward

Year 6 starts now!


The Division 2: Year 6 Season 1 - First Rogue Official Launch Trailer Revealed | Ubisoft Forward

Year 6 Season 1 "First Rogue" is available now, Agents.


Tom Clancy’s The Division 2: Year 6 Season 1 Trailer

Looks like some solid action ahead as Ubisoft announced the launch of Year 6, Season 1 for Tom Clancy’s The Division 2. After a massive health overhaul from Project Resolve in Year 5, Year 6 gives players a fresh approach when playing The Division 2.

just_looken3d ago

Year 6 yet the pc version still crashes



5yrs to 3 months still crashing

Garethvk2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

I had an issue after one update where the game looked muted like a filter was on. It had not been there before and after years I playing just fine I deleted it when all the usual fixes did not work and got their usual nothing support response.

just_looken2d ago

On ps4 i think its still uploaded i had the world disappear was walking on air had to do a full reinstall.

Remember last year a division 2 update had to be pulled because it corrupted there own servers.

Garethvk2d ago

Glitches were common after updates; that is for sure.