
Resident Evil 2 Remake vs. Resident Evil 7: Which Is the Better Horror Game?

Zhiqing W. writes:

The Resident Evil 2 remake is finally out, but how does it compare to 2017's Resident Evil 7? Let's compare them and see who wins.

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naruga2062d ago (Edited 2062d ago )

Resident Evil 2 remake is a far far far fa far superior product End of Story (not just a better RE game)....RE 7 should have never be developped in the fist place....probably was a mistake made by Capcom and Sony as they wanted a VR title for the newborn PSvr ....though except that that it was cheapy VR based game had an awfull direction too (Paranormal -psychedelic type of horror that destroyed an Resident Evil sense

Neonridr2062d ago

are you kidding me? First person and horror go hand-in-hand. I love that they tried something new. And it was clear that it worked.

mikeslemonade2062d ago

2 > 7. And 7 isn’t even a RE game.

xenz2061d ago (Edited 2061d ago )

@Mikeslemonade Strongly disagree. RE7 brought back so many things that the series had lost over the last few games. It has a mansion, complex puzzles, tense atmosphere, high level of fear and its super immersive.

Neonridr2061d ago

@mikeslemonade - people say that about part 4 as well. I guess if it doesn't have zombies it can't be a Resident Evil game?

mikeslemonade2061d ago

I hope 2 sells more than 7 so they will only make 2 types and classic types

Neonridr2061d ago

@mikeslemonade - I just hope 2 sells well enough so that they remake 3.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2061d ago
Hungryalpaca2062d ago

Literally no one agrees with you.

xenz2062d ago

Resident Evil 7 is a masterpiece. What are you smoking?

S2Killinit2061d ago

7 was mind blowing in VR. Not to mention it was a great game regardless of how you played it. But i think the change in direction was needed to refresh the series.

CorndogBurglar2061d ago

"Paranormal -psychedelic type of horror that destroyed an Resident Evil sense"

What are you even talking about? There was no paranormal stuff in RE7.

NecrumOddBoy2061d ago

Ok, now I'm lost. What was it then with the mold, possession from the girl plotline then?

I loved RE7 and thought it was a hell of an amazing RE return to form.

bjjcna2061d ago

@ necrum,
like the plagas from RE 4, the fungus was a parasite. If you remember the flash back scenes from the dad, it explains the fungus caused the family's insanity.

TheGamingArt2061d ago

RE7 is and remains to be one of the best REs. Please stop pushing your unpopular opinion as if it’s truth.

BenRC012061d ago

Wrong. Utterly and completely wrong.
Re7 in VR is a new standard for horror media.

Gaming4Life19812061d ago

Resident evil 7 was great and I really dont understand all the hate for it. Resident evil 2 remake is better because its classic re from our chilhood(at least mine) and the remake is so well done. Resident evil 7 may not be my favorite but was still great. The worst ones are 5 and 6 but I thought 5 was good and I enjoyed the co op but 6 was flat out garbage.

Pennywise1382061d ago

Give it up dude! RE7 is a great game and in VR also one of the most terrifying/fun experiences I’ve ever had with a game. Also I’m sorry you have nothing better to do than continuously troll your clearly unpopular opinion about the game in every single article. Must be a lonely life. Maybe instead of trolling you can go play one of the resident evil games you do like.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2061d ago
chrisx2062d ago

I loved both games but I'd pick RE2 remake over RE7 anytime.

UltraNova2062d ago

I've played neither. I'm on the fence one which one I should play first the next few days. Need to scratch my horror game itch and I only have the time to play one of them(the other will have to wait until summer).

Concertoine2061d ago

Well, 7 is a lot cheaper now.

bjjcna2061d ago

RES 2 first, help with the sales numbers so we can get RES 3 soon 😉

Gaming4Life19812061d ago

I would pick up 7 first because it's like 10 bucks but if money is no concern then get 2 because its classic re, either way both are great.

UltraNova2061d ago

Thanks guys. I want the RE7 Gold edition but its a bit pricey at the moment. Thing is, are the.extra stuff worth the price or should I go for the standard edition?

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Eamon2061d ago

Finished Leon campaign yesterday. I'll say RE2 remake is definitely the more RE game out of the two. Both are true survival horrors but I think RE7 is scarier. Probably because you feel much more vulnerable in RE7. Maybe it's the 1st person perspective? In RE2 remake I felt more in control and effective when trying to mange the little resources I had and keeping my back secure. I don't know if this is due to experience from past RE games or if RE2 remake is a bit too easy? But I absolutely loved RE2 remake. I couldn't stop playing it which is why I completed it rather quickly.

ArchangelMike2062d ago

Wait if the question is strictly - "which is the better horror game," Then RE7 hands down. However, If you're asking which is the better Resident Evil game - then I'd say RE2 without a doubt.

munnyndonuts2062d ago

Hmm, not necessarily. I feel that RE2 actually nails the atmospheric tension a little better than RE7 did. In 7, the Baker house was by far the best part of the game, but it was way too short. The segments after that felt significantly less scary in my opinion.

RE2 manages to space out the tense moments pretty well, and the enemy variety certainly works in its favor as well. Ultimately, both games deal with very different brands of horror though, and they're both excellent, but I feel RE2 edges it out very slightly.

sampsonon2062d ago

VR it's all about the VR.

TheEnigma3132062d ago

The VR mode makes RE7 more tense than RE2.

sampsonon2062d ago

100%, i almost had a heart attack playing the VR version.

2061d ago
HeisenbergX2062d ago

As a massive Resi fan i can safely say that both are fantastic !!

Can't wait for RE8 and RE3 Remake

DuckOnQuack352061d ago

A gamer can only pray lol. Really hoping for this

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Video Game Villain OSTs That Strike Fear Into Your Heart Like Nothing Else

Certain villains in gaming, such as Resident Evil's Mr. X and Baldur's Gate 3's Raphael, have accompanying, super fitting OSTs that strike terror into the hearts of players.

P_Bomb26d ago

The NES Ninja Gaiden boss music is forever burned into my brain! 😝


Resident Evil 7 Flops On Mobile; Sells Less Than 2000 iOS Units

Resident Evil 7 has massively flopped by making fewer than 2000 purchases on iOS, with other console mobile ports also performing poorly.

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cthulhucultist65d ago

Well at least there are games like angry birds or clash of clans for mobile gamers :-)

Cacabunga64d ago

Good it flopped.. they must have realized that the target audience is totally different

ABizzel163d ago

This is a win for gaming even if it’s not an ideal experience on iPhone yet:

1. It’s a huge step forward for mobile gaming showing in the next 2 - 4 years this will be a solid 720p@30fps experience for AA / AAA PS4-PS5 quality games on a device we carry with us everywhere.

2. It’s a huge step forward for Apple gaming in general which has been underwhelming for years running NATIVELY and flawlessly on any M2 / M3 / M4 iPad and MacBook. At worst 900p@60fps Medium-High Settings + Metal on the M2 iPad, 1440p@60 - 80fps Max settings on the M3 Pro Max which is equivalent to a RTX 4060 / RX 6700XT, so slightly above console settings…..but in a $3000 - $4000 laptop (Apple and they’re ridiculous prices).

3. But most important for all of us, it shows what the future of mobile platforms like the Switch 2 will be capable of and ports like RE7, RE Village, and RE4 Remake should be lined up for the Switch 2, optimized even more for mobile PC like SteamDeck / ROG, and eventually Android based platforms.

OtterX64d ago

Who the hell would want to play this on a phone?

ABizzel163d ago

The iPhone version won’t be good for another 2 years (iPhone 18) or so when they have their next fabrication node (2nm), so they can hopefully improve the CPU cores (AA/AAA games will need 3 or 4 performance cores instead of 2), add 2 more GPU cores, and improve memory bandwidth with LPDDR6.

Then it should be a stable 720p - 900p resolution, @ locked 30fps, Medium-High Settings, with better Type-C out for larger displays.

KwietStorm_BLM64d ago

Apple users ain't gamers. I don't know whether this push with "metal" was just to say they did it and it's possible to run modern games, or if Capcom just said hey more units is better, but either way this shouldn't be all that surprising.

ChasterMies64d ago

You say that but everyime I’m waiting for one of my kids’ events to start, I see an audience full of kids playing games on phones. No Nintendos. Just phones. Lots of Minecraft. Lots of Clash of Clans style games.

jwillj2k464d ago

Roblox as well. Gigantic mega platform. Kids can’t get enough of it. Sony/Nintendo would be wise to integrate more with their platform as kids get older.

KwietStorm_BLM63d ago

Playing clash of clans doesn't make you a *gamer.* Most mobile games are designed to literally be time wasters and money pits. They're for casuals who don't actually have a gaming platform. Kids on phones today is just a symptom of the modern era. Doesn't mean gaming is what they're really into, as proven by those sales numbers.

Goodguy0164d ago (Edited 64d ago )

Mobile gamers only want simple games and gachas. Nobody wants to pay up front for a mobile game, you have to hide it behind micro transactions lol.

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Resident Evil 2 Remake Achieves A New Unfathomable Sales Milestone

The Resident Evil 2 remake has hit yet another huge milestone that no one saw coming, becoming the series' highest-sold single SKU title.

Cacabunga89d ago

Great game, shows how enjoyable old school games are

franwex89d ago

Bought this game like 2 years ago and have yet to play it. I was about to yesterday night, but decided to plow through my existing ff7 rebirth play through instead. But this is next up.

CrimsonWing6989d ago (Edited 89d ago )

Man, I hope that rumored classic trilogy collection drops. One thing I loved about these Remakes were how they blended that old-school obtuse back-tracking puzzle solving gameplay and this is going to sound psycho but the gore was kinda next level, lol.

Excellent game, though I kinda hate how these Remakes omit large portions of the originals. I’d have liked to see the giant spiders in the sewer or do something creative with the giant moth. Also I wish the city bit was more 1:1. One of the coolest parts was just seeing the city and the chaos that happened in the OG 2 and 3.