
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Sells over 200k Copies in Japan

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Sells over 200k Copies in Japan - Xenoblade Chronciles 2 sold over 200,000 copies in Japan and sold 64k copies in 2018.

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1976d ago Replies(2)
TiredandRetired1976d ago

I just beat Torna and am 5 hours into XB2. Wow, is it good. That ending. I can't truly say until I beat XB2, but playing the prequel "DLC" (amazed that it is just part of an expansion pass. I clocked 40 hours in.) first really is making XB2's story more impactful. Knowing the lineages, the history..

This game deserves all the success it gets.

Asuka1976d ago

I also clocked in about 40hrs for Torna. It was everything I would want in an expansion and prequel. As for the main game I have about 700hrs before I actually put it down. Easily got my money's worth. Enjoy it, otter!

1976d ago Replies(1)
Zeldafan641976d ago (Edited 1976d ago )

I haven't played Torna yet or even started new game+. If you plan on getting invested in completing the challenge mode then you'll almost assuredly need to look up strategies on youtube.

TiredandRetired1976d ago

Thanks guys, I'm ready to sink a ridiculous amount of time into the main game. Just the beginning setup is so great. The fact that it's portable will make it easier to squeeze in as much time as possible.

I actually bought the Torna standalone when I bought my Switch during the 1st week of Nov. Got XBC2 later for Christmas.

Sirk7x1976d ago

If you haven't, and ever get the chance to play the first on Wii, please do. It's one of the best games ever made.

TiredandRetired1976d ago

I wish they would remaster the X version of it. I haven't owned a Wii since I sold it in 2008 and never owned a WiiU. Maybe the chances are good since XBC2 is doing well and Monolith is a 1st party studio.

Pull a Shadow of the Colossus; remaster it a 3rd time! lol I'd buy it day one.

Ragthorn1976d ago

I am absolutely loving this game! It's steadily becoming one of my favourite games this "generation." Only thing that kinda annoys me is some of the character designs being too fan-servicey for my taste (I am learning Japanese like anime and stuff, but I wish they toned it down with like Pyra - love Nia's design and accent though). Other than that, I absolutely love how much there is to do and the portable nature of Switch is letting me take advantage! Frames dip, but it more than makes up for it with its sense of scale - visual artistry is more important to me than FPS and stuff, and that's coming from someone who games mostly on PC. I am now around 85 hours in and on Chapter 6. Can't wait to see what is next and am excited to play the DLC after! Also picked up Xenoblade Chronicles 1 for Wii and X for Wii U recently to get ready to try those as well. Had an old save on Dolphin emulator for XC1, but the save got corrupted so RIP. I REALLY hope Persona 5 comes here as I would love to play that game, but it's in a long backlog with other titles unfortunately. Playing P5 portable would make my year, but sooner than later I will play it this year finally.

Little extra backstory here, I bought it on release after work with the Special Edition. Got it and played it for about 20 hours (around Chapter 2) and stopped because I disliked how slow it was even though I am used to MMORPG's combat. Picked it up summer than stopped again after another 20 hours. But now, I fully understand why people got sucked in, I should have just kept going with the story instead of doing side quests the whole time - which is what I end up doing too much...

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1976d ago
EddieNX 1976d ago

I still need to finish my copy I'm only 10 hours in, just got distracted other games between Switch and Xbox.

Reading these comments, should I do Torna first?

Ricegum1976d ago

You have an Xbox? How does your Switch feel about this? I thought you adored your Switch?

EddieNX 1976d ago (Edited 1976d ago )

Yes I have an Xbox one X and a huge 4K HDR TV and about 70+ games

But yes, Nintendo are the best developers of video games by far imo so of course I love my Switch! Can't get enough of the little thing!!!

I have the best console multiplats on my XB1X and the best exclusives on my Switch and the portability.

So, how does my Switch feel about this you say? Well, theyre actually best of friends. I hear them talking at night
"What the £#&? Is Sonys problem with crossplay dude" XD

1976d ago
King_Noctis1976d ago Show
EddieNX 1976d ago Show
Benjaminkno1976d ago

I have a PlayStation and switch and I still like Xbox
I’m playing the 360 lately

Neonridr1976d ago

?? I have a PS4 and a Switch.. are we not allowed to own multiple hardware here?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1976d ago
Gemmol1976d ago

Nah finish the regular but honest truth it don't matter but they did make improvements to the game in torna in the battle system that u won't get in the regular game......u may end up liking torna so much u might not finish regular story

1976d ago
EddieNX 1976d ago


You guys have made this decision even more difficult XD

Either way, im in for a treat!!!

Evilryusam1976d ago

i might be on the "wrong side" of that statement, but i much prefer the older combat system in XC2, then the one from torna. In the base game i don't have to remember off the top of my head what are the elemental driver combos, i can just look at the top right corner to see what i can combo into next. Second doing full blade driver combos are soo much harder to do when you're stuck with the blades you unlock from torna's main missions.

1976d ago
TiredandRetired1976d ago

Well, I have had a bit of goosebumps in XBC2 seeing old Blades, knowing their past from 500 years ago and wondering wtf happened through all of that time. I knew who the main character Rex was as soon as I met him, bc of his golden eyes. I just had a lot of emotional investment built up with past characters and Blades that show up again in XBC2 that I wouldn't have had otherwise. I guess playing the main game 1st, everything will be a bigger mystery. But so far, now 6 hours in, I've been like "Wow, he's a villain now? Wtf happened in 500 years?" and "HE is back? Partnered with HIM?" You wouldn't have those same reactions if played in order.

Again, I'm barely into the main XBC2, but those are some of my early impressions.

I love that it can be played like that though, in either order and have a different experience accordingly. Up to you! Torna IS shorter.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1976d ago
Kikutaro1976d ago

It would sell over 500k on ps4 in japan alone

Asuka1976d ago

doubtful. Switch in general is selling much better than ps4 over there in japan. Not even a good troll. try harder LUL

Teflon021976d ago

To be honest game wise. They've been around the same sales outside of Nintendo titles.

Segata1976d ago

It's a Nintendo IP. Why would Nintendo put first party games on PS4? Also in case, you have not noticed. Switch is outselling PS4 in Japan.

Neonridr1976d ago

no it wouldn't. Splatoon 2 on the Switch outsold MHW in Japan.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1976d ago
1976d ago
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