
[NSFW] Adult Game Review: The Case of Wife Yukiho - Hentai Reviews

The Case of Wife Yukiho, a kinetic novel developed by circle Doll House. Released on January 15, 2018. Download on DLsite for $15.00. For PC Windows. Full voice acting. Available in English and Japanese.

You play as the average male university student. One day, your hot neighbor Yukiho asks you to come over and help move some furniture!

While you’re together, she reveals that she and her husband are living apart from each other. She suspects her husband is cheating on her.

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ChrisW1985d ago

"Censored genitals."

Man!~ Japan's government seriously needs to grow up and abolish such stupid censoring!!!

Purrfection1985d ago

I know. If they are going to go there why not go there?

JesusBuiltmyHotrod1985d ago

It's embarassing in 2018 people think adults need to be babysat..censorship is wrong. It is also stupid how people freak out at nudity but are ok with over the top violence...Society is fucked.

LordofYogurt1985d ago

Can we stop having reviews of these kinds of games on here. Seriously, it’s embarrassing.

Go out, get laid ffs.

Rastafoo691984d ago

I'm pretty sure he's a bot

LordofYogurt1984d ago

If so I’m the most sophisticated AI ever.

pinkcrocodile751984d ago (Edited 1984d ago )

Dave?, what are you doing Dave?

If you don't want to have sex there is always... f!ngering or if you really want to push the boat out try f!sting.

On Topic:

This is what age certificates are for. I'm pretty sure most 15 year olds know what a fanny (for Americans that means Vagina) or knob is