
Ultra Space Battle Brawl Combines Street Fighter With Pong

Pong reimagined as a fighting game. Whatever will they think of next? Ultra Space Battle Brawl looks pretty cool though, so we're not complaining.

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Veneno2143d ago

I really like the concept of this but holy damn are those character designs fugly as sin. Its like anime meets Ren and Stimpy.


Pretty little place --- Ultra Space Battle Brawl review | GT


Video games are weird in ways that still impress me. On the tasty end of that mad spectrum is Ultra Space Battle Brawl. Part tennis, part battle, and part halfway house, Ultra Space Battle Brawl is a hodge-podge of strange characters engaged in a space bash.

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Ultra Space Battle Brawl Review (PC) - GlitchFreeGaming

Ultra Space Battle Brawl is the sort of game I'd be happy to grab as part of a bundle, have a few rounds every couple of months and otherwise forget about.

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'Ultra Space Battle Brawl' Review: What Did I Just Play? - Electric Bento

"Every once in a while, a strange game comes across my radar. Right now, it’s Ultra Space Battle Brawl, a sort of strange techno ping-pong game." - Jessi at Electric Bento

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masterfox2067d ago (Edited 2067d ago )

No controls explained
No instructions for anything in the game "

wow , if you need explanation or instructions to play a game like this you seriously need to start thinking about if you really can continue playing video games, I mean putting those things as cons?,damnn so sad.