
The MCU Iron Spider Suit is in Spider-Man PS4

Screengrabs of a leaked trailer (now unavailable) confirm that the Avengers: Infinity War Spider-Man suit will be available in Insomniac's upcoming Marvel Spider-Man game.

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2241d ago
-Foxtrot2241d ago

What? That's the films version though...this is the REAL Iron Spider Suit


The real one better be in the game, I understand the films not being able to do comic accuracy because of the way they story has gone in the MCU but if there's a place to do comic accurate suits it's the games.

Gazondaily2241d ago

Yooo what is THAT suit? Looks amazing

Obscure_Observer2241d ago

This suit is kind of infamous among Spider Man fans. It was designed by Tony Stark and presented to Peter as a "gift" by supporting Tony Stark by standing on his side in the first Civil War event. A decision that he would later regret.

IamTylerDurden12241d ago (Edited 2241d ago )

That's the Iron Spider from the comics. It's actually been in numerous games including the most recent Amazing Spider-man 2. The suit was also featured with robotic legs in Ultimate Alliance 2. https://vignette.wikia.noco...

^ Pic of Iron Spider in Ultimate Alliance 2 ^

jwillj2k42240d ago

@Obscure_Observer why did he regret it?

Obscure_Observer2241d ago


Would be cool. But i don´t think Insomniac will go the comic book route.

Christopher2241d ago (Edited 2241d ago )

If they don't I think it would be only because Marvel wouldn't let them. If Insomniac had their way, they'd probably go as many routes as possible with costumes.

This is likely a similar case to how, currently, the movie Deadpool costumes can't be used in comic books.

Prince-Ali2241d ago

i would love to have both tbh...

Muigi2241d ago ShowReplies(4)
Nitrowolf22241d ago

I would assume this would have been a Marvel decision.

I do prefer the other suit because the Colerain are matching up that of the original Iron Man suits.

I don't really think the one from the movie looks bad but I think it looks too close two Spider-Man suit

IamTylerDurden12241d ago (Edited 2241d ago )

Obviously with Infinity War coming out the Cinematic version is going to get the nod. I think the original Iron Spider suit is cool as long as it includes the robot spider legs, but i understand why they chose the version they did. Also, there are at least 24 upgradable alternate suits in the game each with unique abilities. The stats and abilities can be swapped as well. So if you like the abilities of one suit but not the looks you can swap those abilities you love to a suit you think looks cooler. Insomniac really nailed the alternate suit aspect, so ease up on the outrage.

HallowedSoul12241d ago

Yeah that suit is way better. It was also in the animated show ultimate Spiderman. I'm guessing the metal spider arms would be too hard for insomniac to code for and they were prob asked to promote the avengers movie iron spider. I agree the iron spider you posted would be better though.

Count_Bakula2241d ago

With you all the way. We get enough MCU. They should either just do comic stuff, or at least both. Is Mr. Negative in MCU? No. Is Black Cat? No. Just stick to source material for the games.

-Foxtrot2241d ago

Exactly that's my point really...not calling the quality of the game or anything

We get enough MCU stuff and I can put up with it because you can't adapt everything into film form but with a video game it's much easier. Hell we had things like the Iron Spider suit in the PS1 days so I don't see why it can't happen here.

Just seems like a reskin of the normal Spiderman suit, in the film he does have the Iron legs but with the game I doubt they'll animate them so they'll probably not include them. So what are you left with? Least if it was the proper Iron Spider outfit you'd still have the colour scheme so you'd get the feel more without the Iron legs.

If you have a chance to be more comic accurate take it.

BlackTar1872241d ago

Why are you getting downvotes Fox?

The iron spider Comic version is way better than movie version.

Daeloki2237d ago

"What? That's the films version though..."

Yeah, exactly as the title says...

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2237d ago
Lighter92241d ago

You mean you knew that Iron Spidey Suit was in the game, even though the game doesn't come out until September 7th?

isarai2241d ago


Dude it's just a skin you can unlock, there have been plenty of other skins shown as well. this isn't spoiler territory, it's showing that they're doing what made previous games so fun, and i don't know about you but all the different fun skins you could unlock were pretty damn cool to me

Lighter92241d ago (Edited 2241d ago )


Vanity items are spoilers. Spoilers can be anything in the game. I imagine that this suit is unlocked over the course of the game and I would've preferred to unlock it and been surprised during my playthrough instead of reading about it in a headline. It just sucks some of the fun out of the game.

Maybe you like knowing about everything that's in the game right from the beginning. Idk.

RememberThe3572241d ago

Insomniac is revealing the suits as a promotion. Are you trying to say the promotional materials are spoilers?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2241d ago
Sunny_D2241d ago

Don't think it will affect the story. However, I wonder if the cut scenes are real time? Would suck if the costume you wore didn't show up in the cut scenes.

Jeff2572241d ago

Insomniac has confirmed the cutscenes are real time and will reflect the suit you are wearing. https://twitter.com/insomni...

Christopher2241d ago

No spoiler here. It's a suit that's already known to be in the movie and it will be an option in the game. It affects nothing about the story or characters in the game as it's not a part of the core game's storyline at all, just something that can be unlocked. It's an extra feature, not a core and defining feature.

Daeloki2237d ago

It's one of the pre-order Spidey-suits, so no, doesn't count as spoiler xD

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2237d ago
chiefJohn1172241d ago

Looks like latex or shiny leather.

chiefJohn1172241d ago

To those down votes, it does. Where are the joint cuts? Look at him bend his legs, the knee cap area should show the suit opening in that area to allow bending but it doesn't so it comes across as latex. It looks like a one piece suit rather than a suit built in segments like an iron suit would.

Christopher2241d ago

I'm thinking the suits are aimed at being overlays rather than custom tailored with their own portions necessarily sticking out so as to prevent any asset overlaps for fluid movements. More of a focus on the main suits and then applying some alternatives but not full on to spec suits.

Would be neat to see more, but I can see why that would be low priority overall. Maybe they can update later on?

chiefJohn1172241d ago (Edited 2241d ago )

Ya Majin Twitter shows it better. It seems to be iron pieces that lay over top of the suit. I was thinking it was meant to be a suit made of 100% iron like Ironmans. Ya it's not a big deal

2241d ago Replies(1)
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DigitalRaptor2125d ago

Best Spider-Man game ever, but can it dethrone Arkham Asylum or Arkham City?

JonahFalcon2125d ago

JPS writes: pider-Man PS4

Should correct to Spider

DivineAssault 2125d ago

I cant wait! So close but so far

JesusBuiltmyHotrod2125d ago

Playstation is on such a roll...games matter,.