
One Piece: Unlimited World Red Deluxe Edition Debut Trailer Released

Bandai Namco has just released the first trailer for One Piece: Unlimited World Red Deluxe Edition.

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Nintendo Switch emulator, Yuzu, runs Super Mario Odyssey with 40-50fps and One Piece with 60fps

DSOGaming writes: "The Nintendo Switch emulator, Yuzu, appears to be progressing at an incredible pace. In just a matter of days, its developers were able to significantly increase performance in Super Mario Odyssey as the game can now run with more than 30fps on high-end CPUs."

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Fantomex2110d ago

Nintendo will try shutting this emulator down soon, as the Switch is a big money maker for them. Download the source code to preserve it now, just in case the expected happens.

Shiken2110d ago

They cannot shut the emulator down, emulation is not illegal. It is use of the roms that is illegal, unless you rip it from YOUR OWN copy of the game yourself.

In all honesty, anyone stupid enough to run a or provide a rom for Switch or any current gen console for that matter deserves to be busted. It is one thing to want to use it for really old games, but to do it with current gen games would make you scum. It is stealing plain and simple.

Fantomex2110d ago

"They cannot shut the emulator down, emulation is not illegal. It is use of the roms that is illegal, unless you rip it from YOUR OWN copy of the game yourself."

Yeah we all know Nintendo is currently on a huge anti-fan crusade and legal or not they eventually get their way.

"It is one thing to want to use it for really old games, but to do it with current gen games would make you scum. It is stealing plain and simple."

Double standards are double standards. If it is scum for new games it would be the same for old games. Keep in mind Nintendo and many other companies still resell really old games so it makes no difference according to you.

Shiken2110d ago

Fair enough, shut them all down. They own their IPs, end of discussion. Sony, MS, and all other publishers will likely follow suit the more older titles continue to sell digitally.

pleasuretokill2110d ago

When I steal something, I take it and you no longer have it. When I take something that someone else has and they still have it, it's sharing. I learned that when I was 5 years old. Nintendo shuts down YOUTUBERS who want to stream their games live. I have absolutely no respect for them at all. As a consumer, I look at it as it's me vs them. They are scummy to me, so I have NO problem with being scummy back to them. Nintendo treats their fans like dirt. They get what they get. If I can emulate their games, I will. Don't give 2 shts what you think

Shiken2110d ago (Edited 2110d ago )


Word it how you want, it changes nothing. It is pirating and therefore theft.

That person "sharing" is breaching the licensing contract that is part of EVERY GAME new and old. However if you were only 5 when you learned a out the whole youtube controversy (one I do not agree with Nintendo on), then you are clearly too young to understand the legality involved with emulation and roms.

TekoIie2110d ago


"When I take something that someone else has and they still have it, it's sharing. I learned that when I was 5 years old. "

Wow guys back up. We got ourselves a law expert over here.

If you download and play a Nintendo game illegally you're not commiting theft but piracy. You did not buy an authorized version of the property for use which is a crime. Try again buddy but try to at least put a bit of thought into it.

NewMonday2109d ago

Ninendo could just make an official steam like emulator, they would get security, money and royalties.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2109d ago
zivtheawesome2110d ago

i didn't know cemu, dolphin, or literally any other emulator in existence got shut down. they can't shut down an emulator as long as the emulator's code itself does not viloate any copyright (which it doesn't as they write the code). for legal use of the system you actually need a switch and the game so they can't shut it down.

2110d ago Replies(2)
BlaqMagiq12110d ago

Nah Nintendo won't shut the emulator down. They tried that with Dolphin in court and lost. If they take the developers to court with this emulator they will lose again.

BigTrain2109d ago


My sentiments exactly.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2109d ago
chris2352110d ago

not even for free. don‘t waste your time with emulating subpar stuff. makes no sense

King_Noctis2110d ago

I don’t know why comments like this are not appropriate while much more sane comments are marked as one.

Kindda wonder why really.

CarlDechance2109d ago

That is funny coming from you.

2110d ago
ApexWolf222110d ago

i understand emulation of "retro" games for obvious reasons but anything readily available on store shelves should be supported the proper way...

Melankolis2110d ago

Emulation takes a long time to be perfect. The emulator will be perfect when Switch becomes retro.

playnice2110d ago

The size of the PC/laptop needed to run this smoothly vs insane portability of the Switch make an easy reason to just buy the Nintendo console vs emulating... That said I'm sure some folks out there are probably hoping to see Odyssey in 4K or something along those lines...

badz1492110d ago

waiting for Nintendo, they will probably release Odyssey in 4K remaster in 2 gen time and for full price too

optimus2109d ago (Edited 2109d ago )

still; pc's are getting smaller and more powerful month to month, emulating a switch shouldn't take too long at this point. if it saves me hundreds of dollars in buying a switch and it's games then I'm all for it...i could still buy a switch eventually once the price is around $150 and someone hacks it so i can run other emulators on it, then I will have covered all bases that way. 😜

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Super Mario Odyssey and other games can go in-game in the latest version of Yuzu

DSOGaming writes: "While these past few months we’ve been focusing on the RyujiNX Nintendo Switch emulator, the other amazing emulator for Nintendo’s console, Yuzu, has been also progressing steadily. And today, we are happy to report that numerous games, including Super Mario Odyssey, can go in-game in Yuzu."

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One Piece: Unlimited World Red - Deluxe Edition – Review – The Nintendo Channel

The Nintendo Channel: "Newbies and experts alike will enjoy this impressive action-packed One Piece adventure."

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2357d ago
michellelynn09762357d ago

I would like to try this game out.