
Sony PlayStation 4 Pro: The Gizmodo Review

Gizmodo: "There's a moment playing Infamous First Light, as the heroine made of light climbs up a wall in pitch black darkness, that I fully appreciate the hype around the PS4 Pro. The woman is a multicolored bundle of light particles and thanks to HDR, I can make out each particle and note the way they each cast their own vibrant glow on on the red brick wall. Normally, she'd be a big blob of light, but high dynamic range gives you details in moments of extreme brightness and extreme darkness. I'm watching the next big step in video games, and it is extraordinary."

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Hardiman2871d ago

It is freaking awesome! I'm very satisfied and look forward to Horizon Zero Dawn.

medman2871d ago

Me too! Horizon ftw....along with Spider-Man, Days Gone, God of War, Detroit Become Human, Cyberpunk 2077, Mass Effect Andromeda, Prey, etc. etc. etc.....so good.

gamerswin242871d ago (Edited 2871d ago )

Hmmm pretty quiet in here lol as opposed to CNET single bs review. Of course I know why :)

Pancit_Canton2871d ago ShowReplies(1)
2871d ago Replies(3)
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Sony Looking To Sell A Lot Of PS4 Pro's Come Christmas Says Jim Ryan

In a recent interview with GamesIndustry.biz , Sony's Jim Ryan talked a bit about the PS4 Pro and how they had underestimated its demand.

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donthate2647d ago

According to Pachter, the PS4 Pro sales aren't doing very good. Maybe drop the price $50 and bundle in a game since Xbox One X is coming?

thatguyhayat2647d ago

Patcher baffles himself sometimes. Ps4 pro is doing really well

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2647d ago

Agreed. If 1 in 4 PS4's being sold is a Pro anything Pachter says about PS4 Pro sales numbers should be completely ignored.

bigmalky2647d ago

You can buy a PS4 Pro, with Horizon and Wipeout for £350 in the UK at the minute. Basically, you're getting the console for £280... I'd say that's a bargain. Why do people keep asking for another £50/$50 off when plenty of places do bundle deals with great prices?

Ju2647d ago

I have the feeling there is a price cut coming for the holidays.

LamerTamer2647d ago

They will have a hard time with X1X out.

bigmalky2647d ago

No they won't. Most parents will probably go for the cheaper option for Christmas presents. Most gamers that were waiting for a price for XoX, unless they're die hard Microsoft fans or spec junkies, will see that Sony have a cheaper option with huge exclusives coming in the new year, along with third party titles that will probably look little different to their XoX counterparts.

It's amazing how biased opinions seem to speak for the entire gaming population, instead of looking at people as beings that can, and will, use logic.

Petebloodyonion2647d ago

Most parents will go for the basic version of Ps4 or Xbox1 instead of a pro or X1X.
Most parents will ask if it's play COD, FIFA or GTA since theses are the biggest sellers on both platforms.
Most parents don't have freaking clues about the exclusives coming on Xbox or PS4 just like you probably don't have a clue about exclusive deals coming on Apple music.

It's amazing how N4G hardcore gamers seem to speak for the entire gaming population, instead of looking at people as beings that can, and will, follow the herd of COD/ GTA/ FiFA.

bigmalky2647d ago (Edited 2647d ago )


If you read my post properly, you'll see that I said parents will go for the cheaper console. I never even mentioned whether that's the upgraded models or not.

As for the games, it was in regard to gamers wanting a console, not the parents. Totally different sentence and subject.

It's amazing how people would actually look less like idiots if they actually read an entire post, before jumping on someone's comments.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2647d ago

If Sony drops the price of the Pro and it's $150 cheaper than the $500, checkerboarding beast, the only thing Sony will have a hard time doing is shipping Pro's to retailers.

bigmalky2647d ago

They don't need to drop the price. You can buy a Pro with one or two games in a package for £100 cheaper than an XoX with nothing on it's release.

LIGATURE2647d ago

I love ps4 but if the x gives all the multiplat games at least 1080/60 and update past multiplat games then id go for the x.but id get a switch before ither😂


Spider-man preview: how PS4 exclusive aims to take on the Marvel Cinematic Universe - The Telegraph

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Pixel Related Podcast: Episode 42 – E3 2017 Recap

Pixel Related writes: "The majority of the excitement of E3 has passed already for this year and together we take a look at the big announcements and moments from all of the big press conferences. We’re talking Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo, as well as the developer conferences of EA, Ubisoft and Bethesda. Tons of games, a handful of surprises and some serious questions about what kinds of drugs people are taking these days."

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