
20 Wild and Wacky Weapons of Enter the Gungeon

Here's an assortment of the many, many weapons you'll find in Enter the Gungeon.

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7 Indie Games Definitely Worth Your Time

With the industry filled with oversaturated FPS titles doing little in the name of innovation, indie developers show us what true games are.

736d ago
anast736d ago

I still have to finish Little Nightmares, but so far the art is enjoyable and the environmental storytelling is entertaining.


The Best Roguelike Games

IGN : Ask three different video game fans to define what a “Roguelike” is, and chances are, you’re likely to get three very different responses: One might say "Oh yeah, those are like that game with the sexy greek gods!" Another might reply "No, you idiot, Hades is a Rogue-LITE. A roguelike is a game like Spelunky." And another still might slam their hands on the table and shout, "The reason why they're called rogueLIKES is because they're LIKE the 1980s dungeon crawler rogue. None of those games are roguelikes at all!"

BrainSyphoned1106d ago

Everspace, Moonlighter and Monster Train are my top 3 quick time wasters.

Atom6661106d ago

Can't argue there. I am firmly on the Hades bandwagon too.

i81duce1106d ago

I’ll have to agree with a comment below that Binding of Isaac is my top, but thank you for 3 recommendations that I’ve never heard of to appease my addiction. @atom666, I’ll try and see what Hades is all about as welll ☺️

Sidewinder-1106d ago (Edited 1106d ago )

Loved FTL.

Oh, & Dungeons of Dredmor was pretty good.

Eviltattoo 1106d ago

My daughter and I had a blast with Rogue Legacy - our favorite by far.
We also enjoyed Undermine which I didn't see make this list unfortunately.

Vanfernal1106d ago

To me Binding of Isaac is the GOAT. No two runs in that game feel the same. The unlimited combinations of item synergies is still something no game has been able to match.

1106d ago

The Walking Dead, Enter the Gungeon, and more now have touch controls on Xbox Game Pass

Microsoft has added touch control support for several Xbox Game Pass titles for Android, including The Walking Dead and Enter the Gungeon.

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