
Nintendo Defends Their Decision for Quest Changes in Bravely Second: End Layer

While DualShockers has covered some of Nintendo’s localization changes in Bravely Second: End Layer — notably the costume censorship — they haven’t yet touched on the tweaks Nintendo made to quests. The topic first popped up on GameFaqs message boards when players of both the Japanese and English versions noticed something strange about the side quests.

In the Japanese version, players are able to see the consequences of their decisions when forced to choose a side — many of them lamenting over the negative effect this would cause. Ultimately, all side quests lead to resolution between the parties, so players would eventually reach a “good ending” where everyone is happy.

Meanwhile, the English version cuts the middle-man and skips right to the “good ending,” dropping any negative story beats.

In order to placate the minds of would-be purchasers, Nintendo has released a statement defending their action to change the plot beats of optional side quests.

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3013d ago
gamer78043012d ago

the point in all of these changes or censorship is that different regions are getting different games. All of these reflects negatively on nintendo

3-4-53012d ago

uhh This has nothing to do with Nintendo....this wasn't a localization choice either. It was decided by Square-Enix.

You just want to hate on Nintendo and now we see through your BS.

gamer78043012d ago

as a platform holder, negatives towards a game on your platform, thats an exclusive, DEFINITELY reflects negatively on the platform holder as well as the publisher.

Servbot413012d ago

"Japan doesn't like it, so we got rid of it."
If they only listened to the Japanese playerbase for every decision we wouldn't have even 1/5th of the games we have now. For example, Japan doesn't like the Zero Escape series and because of that fact we almost didn't get the final game; thankfully the developers and publishers eventually saw reason, unlike Nintendo in this case.

lizard812883012d ago

Plus console gaming would be dead too. All of the games would be on our phones.

3011d ago

5 Square Enix Games To Play Before Bravely Default 2

KeenGamer: "To prepare for the challenge of the upcoming JRPG, players might wish to practice with games similarly developed by Square Enix before Bravely Default 2. From game mechanics, story and overall tone, here is a list of 5 games that will prepare players for what awaits them."

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B68W1208d ago

I mean, those are games you should play period.


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