
Is Xbox One Still Safe with Phil Spencer?

Some members of the Xbox Gaming Community have questioned Phil Spencers Leadership regarding some recent announcements.
Here’s my thoughts on whether his vision is right for the console.

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Manic20143025d ago

I saw this reply on by Phil on twitter -


From his reply, I actually think making it into a single platform is going to be beneficial for gamers especially when PC games come to Xbox One.

Christopher3024d ago (Edited 3024d ago )

"I fully expect our embracing of Win10 to bring more games to XB1. We are already seeing this."

Don't see how he can say that at all since that actually hasn't happened since every game that's come to XBO from PC has zero to do with Windows 10 nor does it utilize Win10 elements. In fact, more games have gone to PC than to XB1.

I like Phil, he's much better than any other XBO person before him. But, he's still selling the company. You still have to see through what is PR and what isn't. I think that statement is definitely PR.

UltraNova3023d ago (Edited 3023d ago )

Lets cut the guy some slack shall we? What did you expect from a Microsoft division leader to do? He is there for a reason(hint: it not his unshakable love for gaming and gamers)

Its his blind followers and diehards fault to believe everything he saying. Its ironic because they are the very same people who now complain for MS's new xbox direction, or rather xbox's no return ticket to the sidelines.

Tell me why would PC devs make the effort of porting(downgrading) games to the xbox when even MS its self sees it as a last tier platform with no serious or exclusive reason of owning one (not to mention the paid online)? Or is Phil talking about indies?

Now we hear they are probably trying to fragment the xbox user base even further by releasing updated hardware periodically...

Where does this slippery slope end?

n4g00063023d ago

Micorsoft main reason for making DirectX-Box, Xbox is to improve Windows.

Microsoft Xbox/Windows Box.

Christopher3023d ago

***What did you expect from a Microsoft division leader to do? He is there for a reason(hint: it not his unshakable love for gaming and gamers) ***

I feel my statements did cut him some slack. I clearly said how I prefer him over others and how you have to see through PR. I just felt it appropriate to say, this one comment of his, that's PR. That's not the usual Phil honesty.

Unspoken3023d ago

"I fully expect our embracing of Win10 to bring more games to XB1. We are already seeing this."

To me that means due to a larger install base we will see more developers making games for the Windows platform, thus more games for Xbox.

But you are right, you do have to get the right interpretation to truly know what they are talking about.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3023d ago
The_BlackHeart__3023d ago

Wait a second. Is this what people is getting excited about? PC games coming to XB1? Wow, it doesn't work like that, the operating system has nothing to do with licensing and optimization. I'm afraid this is a one way deal that only favors PC users.

PhoenixUp3025d ago

Xbox One has been doing significantly better ever since Phil Spencer took the reigns

DivoJones3024d ago

It's probably safe to say that the xbox is only where it is now because of him. In the Mattrick era they were pushing the "always-online or buy a 360" mentality. Phil is a gamer at heart, you can tell he legitimately cares about the product, the platform, and addressing it's shortcomings.

Herbalistic3025d ago

The whole gaming division within Microsoft is going in the direction by supporting Xbox and PC

rainslacker3024d ago (Edited 3024d ago )

Well...obviously Phil is completely responsible for all this happening. MS corporate had nothing to do with any of it.../s

Better question would be if Xbox is safe with MS. Then they should just avoid asking it, because it's pretty apparent that MS has big plans for the brand. Cripes, even a junior high student could write a rather detailed dissertation on the subject with the copious evidence to this fact.

DigitalRaptor3025d ago (Edited 3025d ago )

The wider question is, what is Xbox going to become under his watch?

Gonna be an interesting few years. He's just recently announced his intentions of creating Xbox hardware with modular design, like PC affords. With him shifting of the majority of Xbox's defining exclusive games to the PC as part of broadening and tightening their ecosystem, you could easily say that Xbox's future in dedicated software and legacy console hardware is over.

freshslicepizza3025d ago

really, show me where he says that. that is once again you taking his words out of context for your own convenience. consoles will continue to serve a purpose as they offer an affordable entry point for gamers. did the ipad kill the ipod? did sony getting into handheld kill the console?

if there is a demand for console gaming they will continue to support it. did you magically forget the xbox one sold about 19 million units so far? that a lot more than the wii u and yet nintendo won't give up so why would microsoft?

DigitalRaptor3015d ago (Edited 3015d ago )

Silly answer in all honesty. Firstly, go ahead and re-read what he said regarding providing hardware upgrades for consoles.

In answer to you question on why won't Nintendo give up? Because their gaming division generates an INSANE profits for them in relation to their overall business. 3DS is a huge success, despite the Wii U. Not only this, but Xbox represents a small fraction of Microsoft's overall revenue. The vision that the MS executives want from Xbox (the REAL profit generator) was rejected by gamers. Even more clarity is available for you with their very recent closure of the 8 studios making first-party games for Xbox.

Microsoft is a different breed of company to Sony or Nintendo, and doesn't have the luxury of owning as valuable a gaming brand in relation to the parent company, as Sony or Nintendo's gaming brands do.

And when you say there's a demand for console gaming.... well there was a demand for exclusive games too, but hey...

"do you ever stop?"

Why did you reply to me down there? Get back here.

What would you like to cease? I'm not the one trying to de-validate the existence of exclusive games on consoles. I'll stop... whatever it is you think I'm doing, if you stop stalking me, and maybe if you stop damage controlling for a console that you don't even own.

Dark_Crow3024d ago

Or you could just say the the Xbox will gain benefits from pc gaming and be a unified platform.

Pc will simply be an extension of the Xbox brand.

This will improve the software sales and also improve Xbox benefits.

Bobafret3024d ago

Just because you wish for something doesn't make it an eventuality.

freshslicepizza3015d ago

"And when you say there's a demand for console gaming.... well there was a demand for exclusive games too, but hey..."

do you ever stop?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3015d ago
XboxCulture3024d ago

Originally the Xbox was created because most people didnt want to pay for extra hardware on a pc just to play games. So they created a package. The Xbox. DIrect X, the whole shabang. There was a gap between average consumer and technology.

NOW technology has caught up, most standard desktops & laptops by default can push 900p at 30fps SO why not create a universal platform, WINDOWS 10 & then treat games on windows the same on xbox.

Thus making the Xbox more like a Steam Box with components you can upgrade or leave standard. You want 1080FPS? Thats standard. You want 4K? You pay extra for a modular gpu. Simple as that. They will just make it easier to install because going the extra step is too much for most people...you know unscrewing 2 screws to take the front of your pc case off and then 2 screws and clip to undo from the motherboard for your gpu and unplugging it from a 12v rail seems to be way over peoples head BUT anyways...yeah thats where its going

Unspoken3023d ago

I think you might be over simplifying the whole upgrade aspect. Software maintenance is involved too.

If MS wants people to bite on upgrades and different tiers of graphical fidelities and features, it has to have not much more than an on/off switch, meaning all the software and driver updates and settings needs to be set for the user and hardware needs to be plug and play.

You get a cookie for your knowledge in upgrading PCs though.

XboxCulture3023d ago

Thanks but I don't need or want a cookie nor diabetes.

I see what you are saying but microsoft totally has this covered. Guaranteed, even if 3rd parties get involved, they be forced to make compatible chipsets.

All it takes is an encrypted flash memory system that allows the files stored on the new hardwares chipsets to overwrite the driver files stored on the xbox itself, with ssds and usb 3.1+ wherever it will be in 5 years, these processes will happen at lightning fast sepeeds and will be totally plug n play for the consumer

XboxCulture3023d ago

I think it will be very similar to this - googles project ara - https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Former PlayStation Boss Responds to Phil Spencer's 'Slimy' Comment

The former boss of PlayStation has responded to some recent comments made by Xbox head Phil Spencer in a recent interview. The wide-ranging interview covered a variety of topics, with the conversation at one point leading Spencer to mention that he doesn't want to do "slimy platform things" to force gamers to play games a certain way, which has now prompted a response by PlayStation's former leader.

Jin_Sakai1d 2h ago (Edited 1d 2h ago )

“Phillip W. Spencer III:"Xbox’s aim with Call of Duty is to give players choice, not "do slimy platform things" that make one option more appealing."

Yet Xbox were the ones who started this exclusive crap with CoD during the 360/PS3 era. This guy is something else.

CrashMania20h ago(Edited 20h ago)

Yep, some of their fans also parrot this hypocritical line, MS started and popularised that trend, then spent 80 billion.

Pot kettle black.

Old McGroin12h ago(Edited 12h ago)

"MS started and popularised that trend"

What a load of horse poo. Atari was paying for and securing exclusives back in the '80s. It's been around since the dawn of gaming, they're all at it. The earliest one I actually remember as it played out was Sony hijacking Final Fantasy 7 from Nintendo.

Edit: just read the comments again, are ye only talking about COD exclusive deals? If so then yeah, ye're probably right!

shinoff218312h ago(Edited 12h ago)

Old mcgroin

Just a heads up. Nintendo lost square by staying with cartridge. That's fact. After square pleaded with Nintendo to switch to a larger format. So Sony didn't really hi jack anything.

Last where we're you before Sony even entered cause this was common during Sega vs Nintendo.

Also before that I believe on nes. Developers used to have to sign like a 2 year exclusivity with Nintendo to be on their platform.

Might wanna read up a bit

Old McGroin12h ago(Edited 12h ago)


"where we're you before Sony even entered cause this was common during Sega vs Nintendo."

"Might wanna read up a bit"

Might want to take your own advice and maybe read the start of my comment where I said "Atari was paying for and securing exclusives back in the '80s. It's been around since the dawn of gaming".

Gaming didn't start with Nintendo buddy.

Lightning7710h ago

They definitely didn't start the trend it's been around for ages.

-Foxtrot8h ago(Edited 8h ago)

@Old McGroin4h

"Sony hijacking Final Fantasy 7 from Nintendo"

Square Enix and a few other developers wanted Nintendo to adopt a disc format over the cartridge which they saw as outdated.

Sony literally came to Nintendo with a business proposition to make a console together, the Nintendo-PlayStation which would utilize that new format. Nintendo being the stubborn guys they are told them no, refused the disc format and eventually that lead Sony to go at it themselves.

Nintendo lost Final Fantasy because of their own choices, they didn't want to grow or evolve...the same issue they still have today in places.

Fact is exclusive deals and timed content is something Microsoft really hammered down on in the 360 days. What Atari did was no where near the same level as Microsoft who had so much money in comparison.

COD deals, games like Mass Effect, Bioshock, Tales of Vesperia, Dead Rising 3, Rise of the Tomb Raider and timed DLC expansions...Microsoft had it all.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 8h ago
S2Killinit15h ago(Edited 15h ago)

Every word out of MS can be flipped on its head to reveal the truth.

ravens5215h ago

Don't you get the beta early if you have gamepass, that's what I heard.

Reaper22_15h ago(Edited 15h ago)

"Yet Xbox were the ones who started this exclusive crap with CoD during the 360/PS3 era. This guy is something else."

That's not actually true. Sony paid to keep games off of Nintendo and sega back in day. Plus they payed blocking rights to keep certain games off of gamepass which is probably what Phil may be referring to. Imo that makes them slimey too if we're being honest. At the end of the day it's just business. There is no doubt in my mind that if sony could make huge purchases like Microsoft, they would. You probably won't see sony respond with an official statement because they know they are just as guilty.

Einhander197215h ago

"Sony paid to keep games off of Nintendo and sega back in day."

That's not actually true.

Nintendo (and Sega) had licensing of games exclusive to their system way before PlayStation even existed, and both used 3'rd party developers to make licensed games exclusively for their hardware.

You and Microsoft are literally trying to rewrite history.

fr0sty14h ago

To be fair here, Einhander, Phil didn't mention Sony by name with his comment, it was just implied.
That said, the practice goes all the way back to the "Nintendo Seal of Quality" that not only limited developers to publishing on NES, but also limited the number of games they could make per year to 5.

blackblades14h ago

Nintendo did it, sega did it was business at the end of the day. Y'all people gotta stop rolling on the Sony did it back in the day nonsense. Always blaming someone and back in the day was back in the day stop going that far back in time.

Crows9013h ago(Edited 13h ago)

You're creating a strawman here. Nobody claimed Sony didn't do that type of tactic. He specifically singled out CoD since that's what the whole topic and Phil's statement was about.

Don't be dishonest man

Regardless it's not about who done it first....it's about who is doing it now.

shinoff218312h ago

You do know that Xbox does the same thing right. Xbox blocks Sony, Sony blocks Xbox. Please stop crying about gamepass. Thats the root of the problem.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 12h ago
DarkKaine15h ago

The first instance of this crap I remember is Soul Calibur II. GameCube got Link, Xbox had Yoda and PS2 had Darth Vader.

darthv7214h ago

you are thinking Soul Calibur 4 for the SW characters. Soul Calibur 2 had Link (GC), Spawn (XB) and Heihachi (PS2). Then Soul Calibur 3 was exclusive to the PS2 while Soul Calibur 4 was on 360/PS3... no Nintendo version until Soul Calibur Legends for Wii.

Skuletor14h ago

Adding on to what darth said, Soulcalibur II HD came out later on PS3 (maybe Xbox 360 too?) and it included the PS2 exclusive character Heihachi and the Xbox exclusive fighter Spawn but unsurprisingly, Link wasn't included

Soul Calibur IV on Xbox had Yoda (hate fighting that short bastard) and PS3 had Darth Vader but each platform had the other fighter as paid DLC.

darthv7214h ago

True... and yet the kind of 'exclusivity' MS paid for was usually timed. The same things would still come to the PS but when Sony does it they make it so what they pay for stays exclusive.

I get paying to get something sooner, but paying to keep others from ever getting it too... that shit is slimy AF.

romulus2313h ago

"but paying to keep others from ever getting it too... that shit is slimy AF "

So than you agree the Act/Blizz and Zenimax deals are slimy AF becasue there are definitely former multi-plat games PlayStation gamers lost becasue of the aqusitions.

darthv7213h ago

@romulus, the entire practice is slimy, no matter who does it. Especially if the games in question were initially mutliplat and then became paid exclusives through acquisitions or contractual obligations.

As far as I know, MS has not removed access to any existing games for PS gamers. You can probably look to ones that were initially announced but never released until after, those likely shouldnt count because they weren't existing games in franchises that were always multiplatform. We can look to games such as Street Fighter V as a good example of a game in a multiplatform series that suddenly became exclusive and other gamers lost out on. Same goes for Dead Rising 3. Both of which were some back alley deal made between Capcom and the platform holder which YES... those are slimy AF.

FlintGREY13h ago

"True... and yet the kind of 'exclusivity' MS paid for was usually timed. The same things would still come to the PS but when Sony does it they make it so what they pay for stays exclusive."

Like Dead Rising 3? 🤔

shinoff218312h ago

Can you blame Sony for paying for exclusives. Ms went and bought up 2 major publishers, many studios , alot of the wrpg market.

Are you as upset ps fans don't get to play Ms 3rd party exclusives as well

darthv7212h ago

@shin... in the grand timeline of things... Sony paying for exclusives predates anything MS did since joining the club.

Christopher12h ago

***As far as I know, MS has not removed access to any existing games for PS gamers.***

In what time frame? Recently? No. But, you know, they definitely have.

And why do we always goal post with 'removed access to any existing games' as if that's the only slimy thing these companies are doing, specifically the fact that Microsoft is buying up massive publishers to control where those games go just like Sony making agreements with third parties (who can say no, btw).

BlackTar1874h ago

Did any of these companies you mention help pay for development? If they did then what’s the problem? Anything you say darth is just like phil its a90% garbage.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4h ago
Christopher13h ago

Phil says things but it's the actions of the company he runs that just nullifies all of his statements. You can't call a company slimy for using money to buy exclusives when you do the exact same thing by buying out studios and making their new games exclusives. At least up until the point you realize you're not selling enough and need to put them on that other platform to make the game studios stick around and exist.

richardmmorales2h ago

There's a difference. Buying a studio you own the actual game. While the other you're just paying to purposely stop the game from releasing on another platform. When you actually own something you should have the right to do with it as you like. Not when you don't own it. And as other's have stated Sony did this back in the day before Microsoft ever made Xbox. It's why I laugh when people claim Sony creates stuff from the ground up. then get upset that Microsoft buys studios. When Sony did the same thing when they first started Playstation. And it's the same with people complaining about studios being shutdown and employees being released. when it's been happening all over the industry. the real issue is game development has jut got way out of hand. Games are too expensive and take way too long to make now a days. It's a whole industry issue.

TheProfessional13h agoShowReplies(1)
Crows9013h ago

Yeah...I love how now that's a plus while also limiting IP from other platforms at the same time. What a bullshit slimy car salesman tactic.

Anyone with a brain or memory bigger than a pea can remember who started cod bs

PhillyDonJawn10h ago

Phil wasn't in charge during that era. And when he got his spot he ended that.

343_Guilty_Spark10h ago

Sony started it in the 90s whippersnapper.

Samonuske9h ago

And GTA + Fallout dlc too. At that point for all we knew it was indefinite.

lelo2play8h ago

Do you realise that Sony has been making exclusive 3rd party deals since the PS1 (even before the existence of Xbox)?

Claiming that Microsoft started exclusive 3rd party crap is just plain ignorance.

GamerRN6h ago

Wait are we pretending PlayStation didn't do paid third party exclusives before Microsoft? Now I've heard it all ...

DarXyde2h ago

I feel like it started before that. One can say that Soul Calibur II predates CoD deals with exclusive content for multiplatform games.

I don't really care "who started it" because they all do it, honestly. Just on the merits of hypocrisy, yeah, Spencer deserves to be handed his ass.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 2h ago
Terry_B1d 1h ago

Phil was and is the right man for the company he is working for. Slimy..through and through. The Persons as well as the company itself.

TheProfessional13h ago(Edited 13h ago)

Wow so you all really loved corporate scum like Jim Ryan then? All the games as a service projects and no backwards compatibility unless it's an overpriced remaster? And abandoning Twisted metal, resistance, syphon, getaway and all of the other IPs?

And if Phil is so bad why did the xbox showcase/the games he greenlit annihilate PS last presentation?

"You scared bro?"

Aloymetal13h ago

No one is scared, have you seen the hardware/software sales from the most irrelevant gaming brand in the past 15 yrs aka the green brand...???
Their latest show was so ''AmAzInG'' that they'll be able to sell at least 40 more consoles/games and capture the attention of at least 6 more gamers around the planet...

shinoff218312h ago

Phil's a blowhard , and fk Jim Ryan to. I feel Jim's the reason sonys at were their at. Game wise. To say blew the lead is such and overstatement though lol. Ps is still killing Xbox.

Doomeduk11h ago(Edited 11h ago)

Getting moist over a showcase really. ? let's take a short step in time to Redfall and it's epic showcase remembering the part how the AI adapts like never before and CrackDown with the power of " The Cloud "
Young chap it's advertising nothing more nothing less that power mop turbo in the advert will not clean your floor quicker
The fixation on Jim Ryan is a bit creepy I'm not gonna lie pass the phone back to your Dad...foot steps..
Hello you don't know me but that child of yours is showing an unhealthy fascination with an old man please contact child services. Like yesterday

derek11h ago

@The Professional, Jim Ryan never portrayed himself to be the savor of gaming or act as if the company he works for was victimized by the evil competition like that chubby dope Philip Spencer. Lol. Ryan almost never talked yet here you are hating on him because the mindless masses told you to.
You xbox fans never learn, always running your mouth about Sony as soon as anything good happens for xbox. Yet after the games release and the sales results are shown, xbox stays dead last in both. It would be wise for you to hold off on the trash talking.

Hotpot6h ago

This is what’s wrong with you xbox fanboys. One dig at xbox and all you can see is that the person is a PS fanboy. There’s this thing called neutral where you are allowed to criticize both camps. Here I’ll bite, Jim Ryan is a d*ck for pushing the GaaS pivot within PS. Now’s your turn criticizing the slime Phil Spencer, go on.

Pixykont23m ago(Edited 22m ago)

Are you saying Astro bot is annihilated? How embarrassing🥴 you're a joke. The Xbox showcase was great. Well done Microsoft. But why does it need to be compared to a 30 minute state of play that was announced out of nowhere 2 days prior?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 23m ago
italiangamer1d ago

POS boss for a POS brand with POS fans, that's what xbox is.
So good to see them begging for Sony and Nintendo money and making all their games multiplatform, they are the ultimate losers and got what they deserve.

TheProfessional13h ago(Edited 13h ago)

What trash you must be. Criticizing every fan of a brand you don't like. You're a great example of PS fans and bias. Anyone you don't agree with is wrong and stupid right? You must be a liberal.

shinoff218312h ago

I mean your a bit wrong to though lol. And of course just like a true repub, gotta resort to politics. Yall some straight crazy in the head mfs

LoveSpuds10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

"Critisizing every fan of a brand you don't like"

"You're a great example of PS fans and bias"

Oh the irony!!!

abstractel9h ago

I was kind of with you, except for the hate in your words, until you said "liberal". What is it with "conservatives" and their anger? :P

Should it really have to be said? Great games are great games, no matter what platform they come out on. Being a loyalist makes no sense. I do give Sony (and Nintendo) a lot of credit for nurturing and growing their first party developers and putting out the great games they do. Sony seemed to loose their way for a few years, hopefully they are back on the right track. I have a gripe with Nintendo and Microsoft, but only on a couple of issues. Nintendo selling us cheap hardware and thereby holding their games back and Microsoft for holding back this generation with Series S. I just want great games with hardware manufacturer supporting them by giving them the most power possible so developers can keep pushing gameplay. There's still so much more powerful hardware can offer us other than just graphical fidelity.

gold_drake8h ago

not sure what ones political views have anything to do with it but ok haha

CrashMania7h ago

'You must be a liberal'

Hilarious when you're the one in the replies acting like a 'triggered snowflake' lol.

4h ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4h ago
4h ago
XiNatsuDragnel20h ago

Microsoft are the definition of slimy imo

TheProfessional13h ago(Edited 13h ago)

Jim Ryan is literally corporate scum who doesn't play games. Enjoy Concord.

Crows9013h ago

Weren't you just calling out someone else about how demonizing people is bad. Here you are thiugh

MrBeatdown11h ago

Ooh Jim gave the green light to a game you're not interested in. WhAt A sCuMbAg!

KwietStorm_BLM10h ago

Why do you keep bringing up Jim Ryan like anyone is defending him? lol he ain't even part of the discussion. He can kick rocks too. But you acting real hurt like Spencer is your daddy or somethin.

I_am_Batman19h ago

Phil Spencer surely must have the world record in the amount of times a CEO can put his foot in his mouth throughout his career. I honestly wonder why Microsoft even lets him do interviews at all at this point.

Lamusiqa4h ago

He's a nightmare to PR guys like me. The kind of boss that wont stick to the briefing deck and most likely to say the wrong shit or stir unnecessary shit up that will get the Comms team blamed for it.

4h ago
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The Big Phil Spencer IGN Live Interview: on the Health of Xbox, Handhelds, and More

IGN interviews Xbox boss Phil Spencer at IGN Live 2024.

gold_drake2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

at this point, its just so odd.

yes, this showcase was one of the better ones, but how in the hell do you close it out with the 600 money console and 2 others lol who signed off of this.

like the amount of bs coming from phil and the other one is just .. i cant.

also, did you notice that all of the xbox exclusives are on gamepass day one? like all of them haha how do they even make money off of them.

that being said, why are there always interviews after their shows haha. and the ign livestream was even sponsored by ps5 haha cant make this shit up.

truthBombs2d ago

"also, did you notice that all of the xbox exclusives are on gamepass day one? like all of them haha how do they even make money off of them."

By making them available at full price on other platforms like PS5 and PC (those who refuse to use anything else other than Steam)

gold_drake2d ago

isnt gamepass on pc too tho?

and some.of the games havent been confirmed for ps5 either xD the exclusive ones i mean.

Crows901d 10h ago (Edited 1d 10h ago )

@ Gold Drake

yes game passes on PC and it's actually very affordable since you don't actually have to pay any money.

With all the recent shenanigans by both platforms I'm convinced I do not need to buy another console. I just need to buy a powerful enough PC to run these games once and I'm all set for the next two or three generations. I wasn't sure with PlayStation but they pretty much made it pretty clear that they're going to release all of their games on PC eventually and maybe you have to wait a couple of years but with the number of games that you can get a high quality and the huge backlog people have including myself there's just no need to be so concerned about missing out.

blackblades2d ago

I've noticed they investing in games to be on gamepass making no money still trying gain new members and its not working. While ps investing in games from asia countries to bring to us.

gold_drake2d ago

yeh its quite odd. cause im sure people would have bought games like cod and indiana jones.

oh well.

StoneTitan2d ago

I mean its clear what they are doing. Right now Xbox still has quite some hardcore fans that you can actually sell an overpriced console to. That won't be possible in a few years, so that's what they will be doing for now.

fr0sty1d 11h ago

Yeah, they both might buy the $600 box, but it won't change anything for Xbox as a whole.

4Sh0w2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Why worry about the trillion dollar company, they obviously have a plan that they are comfortable with, let's say that plan fails (I don't think so but) OK so they cancel GP bc they lost lets say billions= M$ will be just fine. In the meantime we(GP members) benefit= I've been gaming 30+ yrs I've never played so many great games for so little money. Save me the conspiracy stories, Ive been gaming too long, gaming evolves but never dies, devs & new devs come & go, there will always be gamers, so there will always be too much money to be made WITH OR WITHOUT M$, Sony or Nintendo; So it's simply crazy to me how any consumer argues against a company offering easily the most consumer friendly *OPTION in the history of gaming.

Shane Kim2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Agree, I don't understand why people are worried about how MS or Sony are making money? Like is it your dads company or what? They don't give a damn about you and neither should you.

I must however say, to keep people subscribed to GP, a steady flow of new games must come at all times and it shows that MS games lack the quality that Sony puts out because their games are probably rushed out.

Another thing is that you don't own your games. So the day you cancel your subscription, bye bye games.

gold_drake1d 23h ago (Edited 1d 23h ago )

this is a forum where people post their opinions.

but im glad ur so zen u dont think about these things.

shinoff21831d 12h ago

Some of us don't see it as consumer friendly as you. That's all.

purple1011d 10h ago

thourghly agree, im a ps fan but still, i've always said, if you play loads of games, then gp is a good deal. its just for some who only play a couple a year, its not, so the option to buy physical should not go away, however good the deal is , for some.,

thesoftware7301d 9h ago

Wow 4show,

That was an absolute spot on comment...I agree with it 1000 percent.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1d 9h ago
fr0sty1d 11h ago


1. Hiking up the price of GP
2. Releasing the game on competing consoles
3. Hoping the investors don't notice

PhillyDonJawn1d 6h ago (Edited 1d 6h ago )

I can explain it.
Black Ops is 300GB. Lmao nuff said
If MS were smart they'd bundle BO6 with the new pricier more Storage consoles. The OG S simply don't have enough space. BO6 would be the only AAA current gen game youd have on the drive. So duh more storage is a must for the back half of the gen.The $600 X again duh, the regular X is $450 add another TB for $150 extra

Don't worry how they make money, enjoy the cheap offering you worried about the wrong thing

Umm people have questions after such a big showcase, why wouldnt you do an interview?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1d 6h ago
Asterphoenix2d ago

Another episode of Spencer speaks. Think I lost count how many there are.

Hello_World1d 22h ago

At least he does speak. Where is Herman Hulst?

-Foxtrot1d 12h ago

Not making a dozen promises 24/7 only to contradict himself a couple of months later.

Hello_World1d 12h ago

Sure... a dozen promises....he's doing so terrible...what will we ever do...

Or maybe you're still recovering from the showcase.

Silly Mammo1d 11h ago

Hello- This time last year MS had a good showcase and it was hailed as the thing that would turn Xbox around. A year later, Xbox console sales are dead, GP subscription growth is stagnant and MS exclusives are going multiplatform. Yeah everyone is shook by their showcase.

Hello_World1d 11h ago (Edited 1d 10h ago )

At the end of the day those metrics are only politics, possibly not all accurate, and have zero affect on how much we enjoy our consoles, with Phil saying Xbox now has more users than ever before in this IGN interview. Sony talking points that try to say "Sony sells more, must be the best" even though the platform is completely boring atm

Ill be enjoying playing all these games for a small subscription price...which Sony can't afford to replicate on PS plus...while you beg for a single game to release for 70$.

Crows901d 10h ago

I don't know why there's so many Xbox fans out there convinced that somehow the games shown on this Xbox showcase is a jab towards PlayStation. The majority of games shown are coming to Playstation for sure and including Xboxes recently purchased first party those are probably also coming to Playstation at some point which is hilarious. Because this basically means that we are now convinced that if you do like console gaming the better option is to buy a PlayStation. It's inevitable that these games will come out on more platforms because they cannot make enough money off of Game pass to cover the costs of these games so they have to release it on more platforms. Right now it's a standard that they release it on PC so going for PC only is also a good option since both consoles will be releasing their games but if you are just a stickler for console gaming then PlayStation is probably the go to place because eventually all of the Xbox games will make their way to playstation. And this isn't cope since I don't have a dog in the fight.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1d 10h ago
Profchaos1d 23h ago

Great more lies to backtrack on in 12 months time

TwoPicklesGood1d 23h ago

Sony needs To step up and communicate with us like Xbox does. Look at their recent showcase and look at ours…its a joke. You can knock xbox all you want but they have a plan while us ps5 owners are left playing 3rd party titles and left wondering whats coming from first party.

VersusDMC1d 20h ago

I prefer 5 3rd party exclusives out this year on PS5 over only Hellblade 2 so far on Xbox.

fr0sty1d 11h ago

5 rock solid games over one mediocre game that only lasts a few hours.

fr0sty1d 11h ago

They're waiting for the Pro reveal. If they save all their heaviest hitters for that, everyone will want the Pro. They also forced Microsoft's hand by having them reveal all theirs first, and by the time the Pro reveal drops, MS will be out of the news cycle.

thesoftware7301d 8h ago (Edited 1d 8h ago )


Wow, killer strategy Sony!! Amazing, such a methodical plan!

It has nothing to do with their awful Gaas push, forcing studios to make games they didn't want to, only later to back track and cancel the biggest one(factions), then scale back the number of them being released, and start all over again. Then while all this is happening, fire the president (resigned my ass), and now have two presidents that are working on cleaning up the shit show.

Nah, that can't be it right? it's the master plan that they have been plotting and waiting for the right moment to strike for years now.....now just wait 1 more year...damn Sony how diabolical of you...I should have known.

ChasterMies1d 11h ago

If Sony doesn’t speak up like Xbox, will Sony stop selling 5 PS5s for every 1 Xbox? These interviews only matter to enthusiasts who are already locked into ecosystems. They don’t affect sales. Same is true for the showcases. Normal people don’t take time out of their day to watch 45 minutes of game trailers.

Asterphoenix1d 1h ago

If anything too much communicating Sony would of shot themselves in the foot like Phil and MS has. Well PS still got lots of console exclusives and this past year has been good. Still on top of stuff that's not announced yet there's still good games coming such as Lost Soul Aside , Astrobot and Phantom Blade 0 at least by 2025. FF7,Granblue Fantasy, Rise of Ronin, Helldivers 2 and Stellar Blade this year so far I'm happy.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1d 1h ago
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Phil Spencer Confirms More Xbox Games Will Come To Other Platforms

Phil Spencer confirms that more Xbox games will be available on new platforms during a new interview after Xbox Showcase.

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shadowT3d ago

Starfield, Hellblade 2 and Halo...

Cacabunga2d ago

Perfect Dark and Gears and the game with the girl and the huge croc

Eonjay2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

That last article where everyone is having a baby over a showcase is ridiculous because the Xbox showcase was really a multiplat showcase...

MrBaskerville2d ago (Edited 2d ago )


I think people are just happy that they gave us something to be excited about. It being multiplatform stuff makes it even easier to rejoice as everyone gets to enjoy it. This show was really what Summerfest should have been, just with less of an xbox focus obviously.

These shows are fun to watch because we get to be excited about new games.

With that said, I imagine Perfect Dark, South of Midnight and perhaps state of decay 1-3 would be possible candidates for ps5. Doom might also be a given. They didn't really try to hammer home its exclusivity.

Eonjay2d ago


Totally agree. I did enjoy SGF though unlike the majority. My personal taste is more eclectic than most. I found stuff at each show to enjoy.

Cacabunga2d ago


Come on man, yes it’s multi but as a PS5 and switch owner i enjoyed the show yesterday far more than i did with State of Play.
Most announcements came from nowhere to me, and MGS was a massive surprise to finally see some gameplay.
I’m excited to play some of the games on PS5 one day!

Like i said earlier credit where credit is due.

CobraKai2d ago

That’s something i have to get used to. I have to see it more like when Ubisoft does their showcase vs Days of Play or Nintendo Direct.

I wished some of these games stayed exclusive. Make it seem like my Series X was a more worthwhile purchase. I use it more for backwards compatibility now so it’s not entirely bad.

fr0sty2d ago

Where y'at Obscure? https://ibb.co/qWLK4Zp

You sure have been quiet lately! https://ibb.co/Xk7Y5qj

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2d ago
MajorLazer2d ago

Elder Scrolls 6 for PS5, please. Also I'd like the Forza franchise, I owned all four of the OG motorsport titles and FM4 is still one of, if not my favourite racing game ever.

VenomUK2d ago

NO. This can’t be true. The Xbox influencers on X/Twitter & YouTube who got angry at Phil Spencer then forgave him, guaranteed no other Microsoft games would come to PS5.


ocelot072d ago


I have seen that colteastwood on x. If you look ul embarrassment in the dictionary a picture of him as a example would be there.

I think people deservidly give obscure a bashing on here. But Colteastwood makes Obscure look like a PS5 cultist haha.

RaiderNation2d ago

The two Ori games as well. I have a feeling those will get announced too.

RaidenBlack2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Why forget Sunset Overdrive?
Also there are older titles like Dead Rising 3 and Ryse Son of Rome.

gigoran82d ago

they can keep their starfield. yawn

RaidenBlack2d ago

Single-player Bethesda games usually gets better over time with future patches and DLCs

just_looken2d ago

Why not xbox is the new sega a direction they should go towards.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2d ago
italiangamer3d ago

Satya Nadella wants that PlayStation's money, Phil Spinster now is as relevant as MySpace

purple1013d ago

Phil Spencer (February 15th 2024):

"Looking forward so 4 games no promise beyond that, so if you're on those other platforms and you see these four games coming please don't take it as some signal that everything is coming, it's not."

Phill Spencer (June 9th 2024)

'Our commitment to our Xbox customers is you're going to get the opportunity to buy or subscribe to the game, we're going to support the game on other screens. And you are going to see more of our games on more platforms and we just see that as benefit that the franchises we're building and we see that from players and the players love to be able to play'

Jingsing3d ago

I won't be buying any Xbox games anyway, Not going to subsidize their vision of changing gaming industry into streaming everything via a netflix subscription and they are the only choice. Remember when it comes to Microsoft "It's us or no one" You can't complain after they have taken over either.

Shane Kim2d ago

Especially when they "give" it to Xbox users and expect playstation users to pay full price for it. Like second class citizens.

Ironmike2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

U won't be missed

Einhander19722d ago


He will be missed, if he wasn't going to be missed Microsoft wouldn't be putting the games on PlayStation.

Make up your mind xbox guys, do you want to brag about Sea of Thieves success on PlayStation or do you want to cry about all your games going to PlayStation?

neomahi2d ago

So, the benefit of having an Xbox is the option of a subscription service that's more like a buffet and not a deluxe plate. By staying loyal to Xbox means day 1 "free" games of your choice. Xbox is a service.

If rumors are true Xbox is going the 3DO route, Xbox is basically a PC. I mean, since PlayStation caved and started using off the shelf parts to "make it easier on developers", which is a croc as were how far into this console generation and the only devs to really support PS5, kind of, is Insomniac, San Diego, and Santa Monica and we've seen nothing from other devs. PS4 was supposed to be easier so PS5 would be even easier, right? But what've we really seen from Sony first party when it comes to PS5 games? Nothing, they're all still possible on PS4. Xbox? Same thing. Hi-Fi Rush was possible on at least Xbox One X (another lie from Xbox with No one gets left behind). Wow

MrBaskerville2d ago

The original comment still stands, as long as they withold one or two series of games on xbox. Most could come but that still wouldn't mean that you could expect every game to arrive.

I suspect they want people to speculate, because then you don't know whether you should wait for a ps5 port or buy an xbox. Every game is Schroedingers exclusive.

Eonjay2d ago

The interpretation of his first comment is not to expect more than these 4 games. The interpretation of the second comment is not to expect any game to be exclusive to Xbox.

His communication is all over the place. The fact that we can't decipher what he means is what people are complaing about. He should simply say, games are coming to PlayStation but we don't have a set policy that applies to all titles. Sometimes less is more.

Crows902d ago

Well seeing as most Xbox games aren't worth it then it's probably fine

ChasterMies2d ago

You can go back further to last year’s Kinda Funny interview with Phil. Microsoft has been slowly getting the Xbox user base ready for this. It’s like the parable about putting a frog into a pot of water and slowly turning up the heat. We will be at boiling when Halo comes to PlayStation.

gold_drake2d ago

thats what i mean when i say hes a big bullshitter, girl doesnt rly know what hes talking about.

Yang_kai2d ago

@purple lol that was a nice 720 doughnut, spin around for a month only to turn his back after the heat died down a bit

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2d ago
-Foxtrot3d ago

There’s this small part of me which wants to think that the reason for Sony being so calm lately, especially after Microsoft’s showcase, is because they know this themselves, and they could know more than what’s being said publicly.

neomahi2d ago

But, Lego Horizon is on the Switch. Why is Nintendo the only comfortable one here. They're not even on PC

Extermin8or3_2d ago

Stupid take. The Lego game has been made by a Lego studio with advice on the IP from guerilla games. So part of the negotiations/requirements to make it happen will clearly have been done kind of multiplatform release.

LucasRuinedChildhood2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

That Lego game definitely exists to get kids to want to buy the proper Horizon games on PS5/PS4 (plus the multiplayer game). It's basically a giant advertisement. And kids love the Switch.

gold_drake2d ago

nintendo is comfortable because their first party games sell in the tens of millions.

Extermin8or3_2d ago

They definitely know more than is being said.

italiangamer2d ago

Sony gives them the PS5's development kit so they know exactly which studios are making games for their consoles, or at least they can make an estimate based on the number of kits requested.

People just loves to talk but in a couple of days this showcase will be already forgotten, and by the way 90% of the stuff shown is multiplatform.

just_looken2d ago

If they wanted xbox cash they would allow gamepass on PlayStation 5

Or just let microsoft buy sony as they could without any issues to there bottom line.

just_looken2d ago (Edited 2d ago )


Are you still in your pre 2010 bubble?

Microsoft is a trillion dollar company without playstation sony would have gone bankrupt years ago that is just facts.

Microsoft q1 2024 made 23.3 billion

sony all of last year without buying a entire company remember q1 2024 for mircosoft as in spring so sony all 12months made 85 billion.

Microsoft after buying various companies including acrtivison made 212 billion for 2023

Sony has not made any big purchases were Microsoft continues to do so in the ai space and gaming space even in the military.

So yes microsoft could easily buy sony and not bat a eye.

romulus232d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Their bottom line is irrelevant a Japanese company like Sony is not going to sell out to an American one so you can go ahead and let that little dream die. Kind of ridiculous to make comment such as yours in an article about the fact more xbox games are coming to other consoles, so who is it that's really hurting for cash here? It's rhetorical you don't have to answer, everyone already knows the answer.

just_looken2d ago


Hurting for cash? blinder on maximum

There doing this to make more cash like the court leak that showed ms wanted gamepass on PlayStation to expand its customer base its all about making more cash.

Right now they are losing out on the full pie by having it on the playstation store but if they buy sony then ms get's 100% of the sale.

Also a japan company not being owned by america? LOL you really do not know what happened after the 40's do you

Or want happened to Toshiba recently

If they toss a bag of billions at sony japan they will accept it

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2d ago
+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2d ago
truthBombs2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

It seems the idea is to have other platforms(PS and PC) offset the cost of game pass.

Xbox users get the games on game pass while others pay full price.

Gamepass seems to be Xbox's idea of "exclusive".

These guys are so inconsistent with their messaging. It's difficult to know exactly what they want to do with their games. I've stopped caring. I just focus on the games.

Hofstaderman2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

This. When I saw day one on gamepass for every game I asked myself how will they make money? Answer: release on PS5 and get your sales from there and if lucky leople will sub on PC and XBOX. To ensure consistent subscriptions, space out the games. Either way MS has well and truly effed itself and Phil is a snake standing there pretending they all exclusives.

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