
Total War: Attila – Review | GamingLives

GamingLives takes a look at the latest RTS from The Creative Assembly, set during the later stages of the fourth century.

"When everything comes together, Total War: Attila can make for a pretty good time-sink; there were several occasions where I only intended to play for a couple of turns and suddenly lost hours. Sadly, those were few and far between in comparison to my main experience, which was sitting bored, slowly dealing with all the latest politics, pondering over the next thing to research, and only occasionally finding myself with a battle to fight. I’d dare say that about a quarter of my overall playing time was spent in combat, and not every skirmish was necessarily fun."

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Canary3378d ago

That's a full 6 more points than I'd have given.


Every Total War Game Ranked From Worst to Best

BLG writes: "I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that the Total War series features some of the best strategy games ever made. And yet, not all Total War games were created equally. None of these games are necessarily bad but some are definitely better than others. Much better. With that in mind, I decided to take a look at all the Total War games released so far and attempt to rank them all from worst to best. "

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vTuro24759d ago

Whoever made this list clearly has shit taste.


Total War: Rise of Mordor to Rebrand After being Removed from ModDB due to copyright claim

From GameWatcher: "Total War: Rise of Mordor has been removed from Mod DB following a DMCA takedown claim filed by Warner Bros.. Development of Total War: Attila's ambitious total conversion mod will continue, according to the developer, who is also looking into rebranding to avoid similar issues in the future.

"... we have received word from ModDB officials that Warner Bros has sent them a DMCA takedown request to remove Rise of Mordor from their databases. We are grateful to ModDB for giving us time to put our affairs in order before the page is taken down," read a post announcing Total War: Rise of Mordor's departure from Mod DB."

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10 Historically Accurate Video Games That Can Serve as Educational Tools

Historically accurate video games are not as common as they should be, but there are still more than a few good titles to choose from.

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Sonic-and-Crash1171d ago

you included Ass Creed but no GoTsushima? ...Ok i agree that GoT is far from a completely realistical depiction of what it happened to Tsushima but in comparison to AssCreed is like academic history documantery ..lol

Fist4achin1170d ago

I actually used this excuse growing up all the time for all my games.

Phoenix761170d ago

Assassin's creed origins would of been a better choice for this list of games that can be used for educational purposes. Not knocking black flag or anything (my personal fave of series) but origins did have that tour guide add on.

brando0081169d ago

Agreed. Both Origins and Odyssey had the Discovery Tour DLC narrated by historians and including museum pics, real quotes, etc.

Master of Unlocking1168d ago

Assasssin's Creed Odyssey, much like Origins before it, features a Discovery mode that does teach you a lot about Ancient Greece, complete with several photographs and illustrations, and goes well beyond the depiction that is done in the main storyline mode. And it was free, too, if you own a copy, even 2nd hand one, of ACO.