
Huxley Enters Open Beta Testing in Korea

Let the fragging mayhem begin in Korea! Gamers eager to test out their fragging skills against thousands of other players now have their chance as WEBZEN announces that the first twitch-action massively multiplayer online first-person shooting (MMOFPS) game Huxley has entered open beta testing in Korea.

Developed by WEBZEN for release in markets around the world, Huxley is the first massively multiplayer online game to combine the twitch-based fast-action gameplay of a first person shooter (FPS) with the cerebral character development of an MMO to deliver an intense and exciting online entertainment experience of a complete MMOFPS.

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GiantEnemyCrab5821d ago (Edited 5821d ago )

MMOFPS FTW! 100 vs 100 FTW!

Varsarus5821d ago

In response to Crabbot in the gamerzone, 100 vs 100 is only announced on the PC version of the game, the 360 just couldn't handle it.

Shroomy5821d ago

I wasn't expecting it to handle 200 player, not unless it was really toned down graphically.

TheXgamerLive5821d ago

I'm sure the Xbox 360 can handle 100 vs 100 better than 95% of the PC's in people's homes at the moment and your wannabe ps3.

Just b/c you have sand in your vagina doesn't mean you have to take it out on us now does it?:)

Huxley will be an incredible game on the Xbox 360 and PC.

Massive-Delusion5821d ago

I think Huxley looks really good and at one stage I was really interested in it. But now it's sort of slipped under the radar which is a pity. I'd like to hear/see a bit more of it, and hopefully we will at E3.

Darkiewonder5821d ago

Hopefully IJJI does a good job with the american launch. Want to try it out. But I wonder does the Korean beta is doing an IP block...

ChrisGTR15821d ago

is this open beta on korean marketplace? im assuming its just a pc version.

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Player Affinity: Huxley Preview

Player Affinity: "Although many MMO-style games try to ape World of Warcraft’s success and formula, there are relatively few quality FPS titles that venture into the MMO arena. Planetside was one moderately successful title in this vein, but often was regarded as too sterile and uncoordinated. Hellgate: London tried it as well to little triumph. With these remnants of titles still kicking around, is there any chance of a MMOFPS that gets it right? Hopefully, Webzen Inc.’s Huxley can fill those shoes. Huxley has been in development for several years and recently expanded to open beta; it will attempt to bridge the gap between modern shooters and the expansive world of MMORPGs like World of Warcraft."

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HGN-Huxley Still Alive - PC News at IGN

Huxley, a first-person MMO, was first announced way back at E3 2005. The game utilized Unreal Engine 3 and was supposed to come to both Xbox 360 and PC. Things have changed since then, of course. Huxley has gone through numerous delays and the console version has been put on hold indefinitely.

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MMOFPS Game List - Bright Hub

A complete listing of released and upcoming MMO shooter/action games.

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Muckbeast5197d ago

That is an incredible list of games with a lot of useful guides and content. THanks!

Sandwich Bender5197d ago

I am going to make my way through this entire list and be terrible at every game.

gonzodamus5197d ago

I just really really want these to be good :p