
Tango Fiesta early access video preview - Too Early To Access? | Dealspwn

Dealspwn writes: "Tango Fiesta promises to deliver an old school homage to classic top-down shooters and 80s action movies on Steam Early Access, but is the in-progress project on the right track? Should you spend £9.99 yet?

Probably not, and definitely not. At least, not YET."

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5 of the worst Xbox One games of 2017

Fin writes: "With all the amazing releases 2017 brought us, there were bound to be some Xbox One titles that failed to hit the mark - and were unlucky enough to be deemed some of the worst games of 2017. Sorry to the following games and their developers - but why don’t we all take this list of the very worst Xbox One games of 2017 as some good-natured constructive criticism, yeah?"

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Valkron12354d ago

Carmageddon didn’t make it?

TheSplooge2354d ago

Sad seeing road rage on there, but i have never played it. The games were a damn blast in the ps1 days.


6 games for 1 great price? The Merge Mega Bundle is now available on Xbox One

Neil writes "It's quite obviously THAT time of year. You know, the time when all manner of bundle packs come out ready to remove us of any spare Christmas cash. And today another new bundle pack of games has appeared on Xbox One - the Merge Mega Bundle."

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2403d ago

6 of the worst Xbox One games from the first half of 2017

Neil writes "So, 2017 is at the halfway point and we’ve seen a whole host of games cross our paths throughout the first six months of the year. There have been great games, there have been good games and there have been average games. But, for one reason or another, there have also been games that are crap, utterly disgusting affairs that are not worth anyone’s time.

Bluntly put, if you’ve got any of the six games found below in your digital Xbox One library, you should be ready to burn your hard drive at the earliest opportunity."

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oKidUKo2534d ago

Firefighters is easily the worst

Relientk772534d ago

I haven't heard of 5 of these games lol

Ukgamer2534d ago

Friday the 13th had the potential to be a good game the actual game play is good but there is just a lack of content and poor execution there its a shame really