
New PS4 Model Certified by the FCC: First Difference and Official Label Appear

A few weeks ago we reported about the certification of a new PS4 model with the number CUH-11XXA by the Indonesian Directorate of General Resources and Equipment of Post and Information Technology, and today a new certification appeared on the website of the Federal Communications Commission that examined the console’s radio emissions, exposing the first difference with the original PS4 and the new label.

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Dudebro903765d ago

Bigger hard drive, same price. E3 2014.

Abriael3765d ago (Edited 3765d ago )

No. It's not the hard drive. Different hard drive sizes are identified by the letter at the end of the model number, not by the second digit of the number.

The original PS4 with a different hard drive would be CUH-10XXB instead of CUH-10XXA

Edit: lol at the disagree, sorry you disagree with Sony's own numbering standards :D

Blackdeath_6633765d ago


you are correct. its not a different hardrive nor a different colour, the name indicates towards a design change possibly both internally and externally.

i personally am very excited by this as i have always gotten the second model of every playstation released as opposed to spending big on the first model. there are plenty of games out there for the ps4 but i still don't get the feeling that i must have one that will probably change this E3 so i'm eagerly anticipating it.

Hydrolex3765d ago

Yeap, heard it comes with a backup camera and navigation !

UltimateMaster3765d ago (Edited 3765d ago )

Wi-Fi change. Nothing big.

alexkoepp3764d ago

This guy right here is an idiot for being an early adopter. 1 game purchased, 6 months in, no new games on the horizon, but a new SKU is... should have waited.


zeee3764d ago (Edited 3764d ago )

I'd rather Sony work on a new DS4 with better battery. DS4 is perfect but it does lack in juice.

DigitalRaptor3764d ago (Edited 3764d ago )

"1 game purchased, 6 months in, no new games on the horizon, but a new SKU is... should have waited."

Are you sure it's not your fault that you've only purchased 1 game on a console that has the most games, and that you cannot do the research for yourself to know that it also has the most upcoming games?

It's really weird that people are clinging on to the "PS4 has no games" drivel.

badvlad3764d ago

nobody likes a smart ass

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3764d ago
NexGen3765d ago

Or, dudebro, you can read the article and see that there is an antenna change.

Abriael3765d ago (Edited 3765d ago )

It's not necessarily the only change, but it's basically 100% sure there's no change in the hard disk.

As a matter of fact Sony would not need a new certification at all for a new hard disk bundle, as it's a part that can be swapped by the end user without voiding warranty.

SoapShoes3765d ago

Same hard drive, lower price. E3 2014

Testfire3765d ago

Why would they lower the price when there is obviously no need for it? The value for what you're getting is still excellent.

MS dropped the price because they had to, Sony doesn't.

TheTimeDoctor3765d ago

it doesn't mean the price will be lowered on the consumer end, just the manufacturer.

SoapShoes3764d ago

First of all did you see what I was replying to? It was a smart alec post that was just as much a shot in the dark as his was. Second of all I don't think they need to do anything or it will transfer to consumers, but Sony has always tried to reduce their costs as much as possible and I don't see Sony becoming complacent and not reacting to Microsoft simply because they are doing well, they hav thir eyes on them.

threefootwang3764d ago

Whenever they're their ready to make an official bundle and/or lower the price in Canada (Still at $450) I'll gladly pick one up.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3764d ago
Kennytaur3765d ago

Although I expect Sony to release a model with a bigger harddrive down the line, people are better off buying the smallest capacity model and upgrading it with a faster one.

This seems to just be minor internal changes, likely to reduce production costs with basically no real-world differences.

DevilishSix3765d ago (Edited 3765d ago )

Agreed that is what I did. Went with a terabyte hybrid, which is 20% faster loading. It also came with a kit to turn the old PS4 hdd into an external hdd and I am going to use that as additional storage for my Xbox One.

Blackdeath_6633765d ago

the internal hardrive can be changed by the consumer its pointless for sony to release a new console with the sole purpose of changing the HDD

3765d ago Replies(2)
Ch1d0r13765d ago

Article sum: they changed the wifi adapter and tweaked the blue-tooth for peak performance.

aceitman3764d ago (Edited 3764d ago )

I letting u guys now right now ,lets say I was at the wrong place at the right time for me to hear sony is coming out with a ps4 slim with 1tb hardrive no blu-ray , yes digital only. for 50$ less, 349$ it will be announced as ps4 slim digital model. the reason they can cut the price is because the cost of Blu-ray , they cut Blu-ray they will still make as much money as a ps4 with it. the reason y is because they are selling really well with digital copies . lets put it this way some sony reps should not be telling anyone about this stuff and that is how I was at the wrong place at the right time , this was 3 weeks ago. mind u( manager and sony rep in stock room I was on break 2 isles down) conversation started of with ps4s selling well , wait till june when they announce a cheaper model and the rest was history ,and also was mentioned china launch will be last week in august with both models. and do me a favor leave reply so I can pm u about it being right on point . ps he is the one that told me plants vs zombies MW is coming to ps4 this summer. and he was right!!!! oh yeah ps vita tv coming in mid june the 24th. 99$ 150$ with controller. ps these are the china systems made in china for china . http://cdn.dualshockers.com...

3764d ago
aceitman3764d ago (Edited 3764d ago )

np smooch . And the disagrees, dont hide show urself like smooch so I can rub it in ur face.

threefootwang3764d ago (Edited 3764d ago )

This would only be viable in maybe North America but no where else. IF you're internet connection sucks then this PS4 digital only slim would be absolutely pointless. Furthermore monthly data caps would be far exceeded if you spent all your time downloading next gen games which are easily ranging 40GB + in size.

It wouldn't be economically viable.

SuperBlur3764d ago

i'm skeptical about all this but on the business side of things. releasing a console that only does digital+streaming at a very cheap/affordable price would make total sense in these days and ages, both sony and ms want to get rid of the middle man (bestbuy/walmart/ebgames) and digital is the only way of doing it .. but they have a long way to go , they need to price their product at a competitive level like steam .. i can find multiple games on steam available for pre-orders that are 10$ cheaper then retailers .. so yea

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3764d ago
killzone6193764d ago (Edited 3764d ago )

Hope the new ps4 supports external HD and USB sticks.

pretty ridiculous how the current ps4 doesnt have such basic features the ps3 had.

Errefus3764d ago (Edited 3764d ago )

Nah Bigger HD, Camera added, same price. Big lel to Microsoft

SuperBlur3764d ago

haha that would be funny as shit

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3764d ago
pyramidshead3765d ago (Edited 3765d ago )

Damn, dat fast hardware revision. No wonder Kaz stated the PS4 was already profitable.
Edit: oh wait no internal hardware changes except something to do with wifi, this mean it won't be a design difference? Was looking forward to what the second gen PS4 would look like, ha.

SoapShoes3765d ago

It's profitable as is this probably lowers production costs so they can reduce the price.

Testfire3765d ago

It could lower the price a dollar or two, I don't think it would lower the price to a point that would warrant a price drop.

Ipunchbabiesforfun3764d ago (Edited 3764d ago )

yeah now it'll be $398... /sarcasm

SamPao3765d ago

Yeah but definately not within the first year :D
I mean the ps4 already has a super meg nice design

Blackdeath_6633765d ago

no it probably is a design difference but the FCC documents currently released don't cover that they only cover radio emissions

andibandit3764d ago (Edited 3764d ago )

It's hardwired letterboxing, now you must enjoy all PS4 games in cinema mode

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3764d ago
Kennytaur3765d ago

Internal balancing to remove wobble confirmed!

Snookies123765d ago (Edited 3765d ago )

I hope so (at some point at least), I know it's a small annoyance but it's still something that needs to be fixed.

Kennytaur3765d ago

My PS4 is standing vertically, just to be on the safe side.

purp13m0nk3y3764d ago

You guys are idiots! The console was specifically designed with the three feet and the optical drive counter balanced like that to minimise harmonics and vibration.

There is NO wobble issue. The console is rock solid if not 'messed with'. I've seen people press on it to make it wobble. But that's idiocy! Why would you be pushing on your console while it's operating?

Clown_Syndr0me3765d ago

This is what annoys me about playstation. I spent loads on the 60gb PS3 then a slims released, just bought a PS4 and there is ALREADY a better one being made?
I know I don't have to buy it, but if its better I will want to. This soon seems like a total cash grab.

Immorals3765d ago

Chill, it's an antennae revision. And you don't have to wait for Sony to upgrade your hard drive!

URNightmare3765d ago

What makes you think that the models that released after the original 60GB PS3 were better? I still own my original 60GB because it's the one with the whole package and nice sleek design.

Clown_Syndr0me3764d ago

My 60gb died of YLOD :( & I mean I just prefer slimmer versions, Im a sucker for them and cant help myself.

mayberry3764d ago

My 60G is on right now, my son is playing minecraft online with his friend who moved recently. There thing is a beast!

AceBlazer133764d ago

Dude the fat ps3 are worth a lot more now because a lot of guys want all the things that got axed.

It's not even a new HDD, just a change you won't notice.

whybag3764d ago

What does this even mean? The PS3 slim launched 3 YEARS after the original, do you expect them to never change? Trying to conflate a 3 year total redesign with a minor wifi upgrade, just to try to construct some "Sony are just money-grubbers" trend is highly dishonest.

mrpsychoticstalker3764d ago

Just like everything else most companies do. Business like your money. That's a fact. They will compete against eachother to get it. Even if it's an unnoticeable upgrade.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3764d ago
RB2011223765d ago

Dammit Sony, don't make any changes that will regret my purchase so early!

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