
The World Cup comes early with Fifa | Preview | BT Games

Another international football tournament, another Fifa-branded tie-in. Does this romp to Rio add anything to EA’s still factory-fresh FIFA 14?

lemoncake3853d ago

The sad thing is that this will be number one in the charts for a while. In this day and age they should have made it a dlc for fifa 2014, but theres more money to be made this way.

yezz3853d ago (Edited 3853d ago )

Agreed. They did the DLC with euro12 so maybe it made them less money than WC2010 game so they decided to continue this way. I'm just so disappointed that it isn't available for PS4.. not going to waste any money on this :S


FIFA World Cup Video Games - Best & Worst

Licensed games have a habit of being average, forgettable titles curtailed by the expense of their origins. World Cup and UEFA titles are no different with the majority sinking into the oblivion of the middle-ground. There are some exceptions though - here are the very best and very worst World Cup video games.

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Telford912294d ago

I've a soft spot for the 2002 world cup game mainly because it was the last time we graced the competition with our presence

PrimeVinister2294d ago

I remember Roy Keane walking his dog to death mainly.

ChristianReggieWait2294d ago

The South Africa one is terrible. And I don't play or like Football...


FIFA record breaker

19 year-old German Patrick Hadler emulated his countries success at this summer’s World Cup and has the highest margin of victory against a computer on EA SPORTS 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil on PlayStation®3 - 321 – 0!

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EA dominates in Xbox Deals With Gold for 29th July-4th August

James writes - "The latest Xbox Deals With Gold sale is now live and it’s looking very EA orientated! Available right now to all Xbox Live Gold members, the Xbox Deals With Gold for 29th July-4th August 2014 sees discounts in place for a number of EA titles, from shooters to sports games."

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GeofferyPeterson3706d ago (Edited 3706d ago )

Dominates their own (last months) gold deals. These games are old and can be found cheaper elsewhere. (For physical copies)

oKidUKo3706d ago

It seems digital versions always tend to be dearer than a trip down to the shops. This could be more convenient for some people though whether I agree or not.

BG115793706d ago

Plus, EA they can give games. They'll recover all that they lost with the paid DLC.

3706d ago
oKidUKo3706d ago

The Naval Strike maps are well worth picking up and Second Assault. Wouldn't bother with the World Cup game.