
EGX: Turning Up the Velocity | US Gamer

US Gamer: "FuturLab on the upcoming PS4 and Vita sequel to their excellent puzzle-shooter Velocity, how it's a spiritual successor to Delphine's classic Flashback, and how the team have never played Metroid. (Shh, don't tell anyone.)"

Goku7813916d ago

I was just thinking this is Metroid. Looks interesting though


15 Best PlayStation Vita Games You Should Play

Despite being Sony's handheld that couldn't quite make it, there's no shortage of the best PlayStation Vita games.

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Fist4achin2063d ago

Great list! I'm still rocking my Vita.


Velocity 2X Finds Its Perfect Home On Nintendo Switch (TSA)

TSA writes: "Time is frozen for Lt. Kai Tana as she looks at her surroundings, travelling at a seemingly impossible velocity while navigating sharp corners and narrow tunnels with guile. She has to get home, and no one is going stop her, not even the nefarious General Glaive. The illusion is quickly shattered, as I crash into one of the nearby walls. Without a second thought, I press restart for the thirteenth time. This is Velocity 2X, and I have to get her home."

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shinoff21832064d ago

I enjoyed it on my ps4 probably just as much.


Velocity 2X (NS) Review | VGChartz

VGChartz's Evan Norris: "Switch owners who never attempted Velocity 2X on Vita or PS4: do yourself a favor and check it out, especially if you enjoy scrolling shooters and/or fast-paced platform action. While some of the storytelling is tonally out of sync or corny, and a few stages outstay their welcome, the majority of the game is fast, fluid, layered, varied, replayable, and attractive. Don't wait another four years to play one of the better indie game on the market."

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