
Edge- Shattered Haven Review

Edge:Shattered Haven looks like an RPG, with its top-down view and crude spritework. Its camera is pulled back to RTS distances, however, and it scrolls from screen to screen like an early Zelda game. It nabs Zelda’s structure, too, with a series of overworld environments linking together self-enclosed gauntlets. Eventually, you’ll figure out the hybrid that Arcen Games has made: this is an action-puzzle game with the lightest dusting of strategy. It’s an unusual blend.

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Major updates to the Arcen Store, plus Linux releases and discounts on Skyward and Shattered

Arcen Games: "Skyward Collapse and Shattered Haven have both gotten official linux support this week, but that’s not all that’s been going on."

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Humble Weekly Sale Heavily Discounts Arcen Games

Hardcore Gamer: The bare minimum gets you AI War: Fleet Command and five DLC packs, A Valley Without Wind 1 and 2, and Tidalis - a fun puzzler. Spending $5.80 gets you Shattered Haven and Skyward Collapse and its DLC. Everything in the bundle unlocks on Steam and soundtracks for everything are included too.

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Shattered Haven Review - Mini Steam Reviews

When you first start Shattered Haven, it gives the impression that it will be a Legend of Zelda like adventure game… with zombies! The overworld and various tools/weapons you find definitely have that vibe. Then about ten minutes in, the game introduces “levels.” That is, you can’t pass certain roadblocks in the overworld until you hunt down and beat a certain number of portals/levels. And that’s where Shattered Haven struggles to be fun.

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