
New PS Vita Ad Finally Shows Some Games, But Is It Too Late? | TheSixthAxis

TSA: "If the PlayStation Vita’s fortunes aren’t turned around this Christmas, it’s fair to say that it’s going to be a very rough ride for the powerful but slightly misplaced console. Faced with a market dramatically different from when the PSP launched and a competitor well in its strides, the Vita needs luck, a price drop and some new, top drawer games."

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MultiConsoleGamer4198d ago

Everything hangs on the holiday season.

Raccoon4198d ago

Yup and if the #'s don't add up every ps vita will detonate and seize to exist.... Like Pokemon most gamers will evolve into sales analyst and fortune tellers by next generation. Michael Patcher sure made an influence.

I remember the days where there was no such things as sales figures or reviews just word of mouth, a time when you bought games based on impulse or just off the vibe that the cover gave you. When you bought magazines just because there was a demo inside and wouldn't even have time to read it because you have so many games to PLAY...

I'm getting back to PLAYING these awesome games and gonna leave the #'s and fortune telling to Michael Patcher, mrs.Cleo, the big 3 and friends...

MmaFan-Qc4198d ago

Dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooommmddd!

NewMonday4198d ago

well said

those were the days

crazysammy4194d ago

Its MS Cleo, no one put a ring on that finger.

mayberry4198d ago

Vita has been out almost ONE year .... NO its not too lat friend!

andibandit4198d ago

The Vita was doomed from the moment the idea was born.....the handheld market has been in a steady decline for some years now. Sony should've just skipped the vita and focused on the PS3 or PS4.

BlaqMagiq244198d ago

Oh look a one bubble troll who wants the Vita to fail.

What a surprise.

Anon19744198d ago

Trolling or not, he raises a good point. The handheld market is now flooded with something like half a billion smartphones and tablets. Personally, all the kids I know who used to have DS's glued to their hands - not one of them has a 3DS or Vita, every single last one of them now has either an ipod touch or a cheap tablet they game on - and those are the 3DS's core market, right there.

However, I don't agree that the Vita or 3DS are doomed. There is still a market for people looking for a mobile, dedicated game console and there probably always will be. The 3DS is still targeted directly at the kids and the Vita is targeted at a much older demographic, but those markets still exist. I doubt very much we'll see the 3DS or Vita ever put up numbers like we saw with the GBA, PSP or DS, but they're far from doomed.

Om3ga3704197d ago

Please explain why there is so much support for iOS, android, 3DS and yes, even PS Vita games then. I would seriously like to hear your opinion. Hell, the PSP, which should have "died" years ago, still outsells home consoles like the Xbox 360 and sometimes the PS3 in Japan. Support will follow gamers, and if gamers buy the PS Vita and its plethora of games, support will not cease. The PS Vita is a glorious piece of hardware, and I for one am glad I bought it. A price drop would help, but hey, if you don't want one, please don't think that it's okay to force your opinions on anyone else.

eferreira4198d ago

Thank you. These articles are so pathetic. No one has patience anymore.

4198d ago
MariaHelFutura4198d ago

It`s never to late. All it takes is 1 or 2 high profile titles and people jump in and get the ball rolling.

dorron4198d ago (Edited 4198d ago )

All Vita needs is a price cut (especially with those nasty memory cards) and some more appealing games, but I agree that Sony is really really bad at marketing and advertisements. They should stop with those strange artsy adverts and just show the product/games they want to sell...

They have quite a lot to learn from Apple and Nintendo at advertisements...

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cluclap1006d ago

In comparison to its console counterparts at the time? Yes. Yes it was. In comparison to DS versions? It was god like

Amplitude1006d ago (Edited 1006d ago )

I got tons of fun out of it.

Killzone was better, yeah. Heck even Resistance online was better. But CoD Resistance and Modern Combat and such were all fun to change it up a bit when you've grinded too many hours into Killzone.

If i had to review them, yeah, all those games would get a low af score except Killzone. But i had fun plowing through the Resistance campaign and playing online and goofing off with CoD online while travelling. Not everything has to be a masterpiece but they were all fun enough for what they were lol