Confirmation that the games are identical.
The major content for both versions will be identical and ensure an enjoyable experience for consumers of either platform.
If you've come looking for great games, you are in the right place. Here are the best Co-Op Games you can play on the PS3
The load times in retrospect are unbearable but I did have hella fun playing couch co-op with my gf on the PS3 and PS2.
Resistance 2 co-op was amazing! I wish they would remaster resistance 1-3 and killzone 1-3 for the PS5.
Let me save you the time to scroll down no Warhawk or Starhawk, 2 of the best co-op games on PS3
Capcom has sent another notice to prospective buyers that Lost Planet 2 has been delisted due to the pox on all of humanity: Games For Windows Live.
Gavin Burtt writes: "Xbox has over 200,000 achievements, but what are the ten hardest Xbox achievements that the platform has to offer?"
DLC it's there for a reason.
Yes like i said Blu-Ray is not required. DVD thumbs up all the way.
This is just stupid. Why would you punish both systems versions, when the flaw is only on one console.
the only reason i could see for this, is the fact that it will be a direct port and they are just to lazy to do anything extra to a specific version.
Thanks, last gen formats.... and Capcom being Capcom, to be fair.
Thanks DVD!
360 is a poo console.