
PS4s Could Be Sold With Destiny and Diablo III Preloaded, Says Analyst

Gamespot :

"Sony may begin selling PlayStation 4 systems with digital copies of select Activision games already loaded onto them so they are ready for purchase, according to Baird analyst Colin Sebastian.

In a Baird investors note sent out recapping developments at E3, the possibility of preloaded games is brought up. "One point of interest from our conversations at the show is the possibility that Sony may preload digital copies of Destiny and Diablo on all PS4 consoles beginning this fall (users still can choose whether to purchase), which should drive higher sell-through for Activision, but at the cost of retail sales," it states."

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JoGam3748d ago

That sounds awesome. Will be a good idea.

Pinkdolphinyfg3748d ago (Edited 3748d ago )

Lol Nooooooooooo that's a horrible idea. Read the damn article please and stop blindly praising everything sony does because they are not gods. They are talking about having the games pre-loaded onto your harddrive and installed except you still have to buy the key to unlock the game. This the same as that bullcrap Capcom tried to pull with their on-disk dlc where it's already loaded onto the disk but you have to purchase the key to use it.

EDIT: Lol your such a tool for being happy with buying a ps4 and not being able to own what you bought. If this was ms oh man n4g would be having a parade right now with this anti-consumer practice.

JoGam3748d ago

Smh. Dude its not a bad idea. . No one said u were getting the damn game free fool... Maybe you should stop think closed minded. . If you dont want the game then don't buy it or the key. . If u want thw game juat buy the key. . Great idea. . I wish i could have everygame already on my hard drive and all i had to do was buy a key. . Would save download time.

dodgemoose3748d ago (Edited 3748d ago )

Well, no, it isn't. The example you gave with Capcom is just bad business practice. I think SEGA did the same thing with Rome II last year. This on the other hand is just for convenience. It's not the same as DLC pre-loaded, as many would argue you should be entitled access to that as it's already on the disc you just purchased. These installed games on the other hand aren't yours, so I don't see the comparison. They aren't locking any extra content away from you as you haven't bought the game in the first place. So unless of course you think they should be giving these games away for free, that point doesn't make any sense.

'Lol your such a tool for being happy with buying a ps4 and not being able to own what you bought.'

Not sure whether this was directed to me or JoGam, but I'll respond anyway. The whole point is you're not buying the content, only the PS4. Obviously by having these games pre-loaded on the hard drive, as a user you're only one code away from access to them, which is very convenient to someone who would have digitally purchased the game anyway. Don't mistake what this analyst is suggesting as bundles - they're not.

blitz06233748d ago

It will save time for people who want to buy and download it digitally. Otherwise it's a waste of hard drive space, which you can just delete anyway. I guess it's a good way of luring people to buy the game.

blitz06233748d ago

Lol @ thinking if this was MS people would bash them. How is this even anti consumer? If MS did this it would be a great idea as well. People here approve of them planning on allowing games to be installed on an external hard drive because it's a great feature to have.

Charybdis3748d ago (Edited 3748d ago )

Well it has the potential of deceiving people depending on how they promote the predownloaded content.

Wouldn't it just be a better and less confusing idea to have a bundle option for the ps4 were the game comes preloaded,for free or game included in pricing of bundle and not on a disc.

our_games_are_art3748d ago

Saves time for people who are already all digital. Makes it a lot more likely ill get a bundle if they do this BC I do nit like buying multiplayer games on disc

bicfitness3748d ago

Its actually a wonderful idea. They should also start preloading all those 1/2 decent F2P games too: Warframe, DCUO, even a FFXIV (trial). Would be sweet for new owners to nab a console and immediately have games ready, and installed, for access.

Not sure why anyone would be against this idea--all of the games can be deleted at the push of a button or two, if you don't want them on your HDD.

LordMaim3748d ago

Hey buddy, did Sony fans have a tickertape parade when the Titanfall bundle was a digital download? I don't think anyone cares. But in this case it saves the end user from downloading a 30-50GB game if they want to buy Destiny. If they don't want it, it doesn't cost them anything, and if "ownership" is of such a paramount concern, they can still go out and buy a physical disc just like anyone else.

Anti-consumer practice? That's ridiculous.

gaffyh3748d ago

They won't because you have to format your HDD when you buy the console. If they didn't force you to do that, I guarantee there would already have been a news story somewhere saying "12 year-old finds porn on PS4".



sinspirit3748d ago (Edited 3748d ago )

Except.. This isn't an idea by Sony. Read the article yourself and stop blindly raging at Sony. It is an analyst, and it's not really a bad idea, but it's not a big deal either.

It is not at all like pre-loaded DLC. If you buy a $60 game and it has a $15 DLC with missions and more story and such then that is a problem, because they basically sold you a complete product, but locked some of the content to pretend like it is DLC to gain more money.

If you download something it doesn't mean you own it. If you buy a PS4 for the PS4 and nothing else is advertised but it has a game preloaded on it then you still don't own that game. You didn't pay for it. You paid for the PS4. You don't own the OS that is preloaded onto the PS4. You don't own the patents. You don't own the Sony logo just because you bought a product with it on it.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3748d ago
JBSleek3748d ago (Edited 3748d ago )

I mean you still have to buy the games lol

"Yes. . What you thought you were getting it free? . Smh. "

Judging from your above comment you surely did before people commented on it telling you otherwise.

JoGam3748d ago

Yes. . What you thought you were getting it free? . Smh.

JoGam3748d ago

Dude go back to school and take a reading and comprehensive class. . No where in my comment did i say it was free. . You just assumed i thought it was free.

rdgneoz33748d ago

Seeing as it would save people some time on downloading the game if they wanted it digitally, it's not a bad idea. You can still delete it off your system if you want.

And as for free, JoGam's comments were never edited and no where in them does it mention getting the game for free. Some people like digital games, so like physical. Options are always nice, being able to choose instead of being forced one way or the other. I know I've bought a few digitally from free PSN cash and digital games not having sales tax.

JoGam3748d ago (Edited 3748d ago )

@rdgneoz3. Exactly. Thanks for having the bigger brain to understand where I was coming from. . I buy digital games. . Having them available is awesome. Dont need to take all day downloading.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3748d ago
incendy353748d ago

That would definitely sell some boxes!

JBSleek3748d ago

I can see how the consumer could be taken advantage of with this tactic.

BlackTar1873748d ago

how exactly can the customer be taken advantage of?

LordMaim3748d ago

They're not being charged for the game unless they want it. How can that possibly take advantage of the customer?

KillerByte233748d ago

They are really desperate on that timed DLC haha

Silly gameAr3748d ago

MisterX goon squad invasion I think.

0P-Tigrex3748d ago

Microsoft has timed DLC as well.. Your point??

JBSleek3748d ago

Just because MS is doing it doesn't make it right. A little silly argument.

0P-Tigrex3748d ago


Exactly. the 360 had nothing but timed DLC. but SONY has it for Destiny and it's bad? Ok.

XiSasukeUchiha3748d ago

PS4 has everything in the bag this gen!

Drithe3748d ago

Good lord what a way to start out with the ps4. That makes me want to cry with tears of joy. I will be playing both! Of course I already have my ps4. :)

marlinfan103748d ago

did you read the article? if you already have your ps4 it doesn't apply to you lol

its saying they're gonna sell ps4s with games already preloaded onto them. (that youll still need to buy)

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Destiny Mobile spin-off will reportedly be revealed very soon

The long-rumoured Destiny Mobile game from NetEase may finally be ready for reveal according to multiple leakers.

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Xbox Passed On Destiny & Guitar Hero According To Phil Spencer

Phil Spencer talks candidly about missing out on both Destiny and Guitar Hero

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anast17d ago

He paid billions for Starfield. This should be the real story.

17d ago Replies(1)
Sciurus_vulgaris17d ago

Microsoft bought all of Zenimax Media for 7 billion, while Sony paid 4 billion for Bungie. I think Microsoft got the better deal due to acquiring Fallout, ElderScrolls and Doom.

17d ago
anast17d ago

This can't be true. They only bought Starfield...

InUrFoxHole17d ago

Should've thought that one out buddy, lol.

anast17d ago (Edited 17d ago )

Yeah, I thought it out. I'm not sure you did. But since we are buddy's now, you're welcome.

17d ago
anast17d ago

"Clearly your parents didn't teach you"

You know you lost, when you have to resort to this tactic.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 17d ago
Profchaos17d ago

So you're saying that Microsoft has missed out on so many huge gaming franchise in the last 25 years from GTA exclusivity to guitar hero and destiny it's just laughable they had so many misses

Reaper22_17d ago

Yea, but they're still 100 times more wealthy than Sony. I would say it worked out well.

Gamingsince198117d ago

Xbox is dead all that money doesn't help.

Hypertension14017d ago

What has work out well? It sure as hell had nothing to do with Xbox.

andy8517d ago

That isn't because of Xbox though. This is a gaming page, not an I get supplemented by father Windows page

Bathyj17d ago

Microsoft's money has nothing to do with Xbox.
Xbox is a money pit to them they would love to ditch but are after some ROI first.

Let's face it, Xbox is like a red headed stepchild that steals from you to buy drugs.

Hofstaderman17d ago (Edited 17d ago )

MIicrosoft is NOT XBOX. The current situation illustrates this. And Microsoft wants its ROI.

@Bathyj and daddy Satya has just force admitted Phil to rehab.

gold_drake17d ago

you know why MS has so much money, and it aint cause of the gaming xbox branch.

so lets not kid ourselves.

PhillyDonJawn17d ago

Xbox was shown to be more profitable than ps

jznrpg17d ago

@PhillyDownJawn not more profitable. More revenue with ABK acquisition but them going multiplat shows they are not making much profit

ocelot0717d ago

That's great for Xbox gamers ain't it that Microsoft are more wealthy than Sony. Is that really a argument use are using now lol?

Imagine me in my job. Arguing with a fellow security guard at another company. Hahah well the company I work for is worth £800m the one you work for is only work £600m!

ZoboomafooFan17d ago

Microsoft has succeeded in spite of the Xbox brand, not because of it

Knightofelemia17d ago

Microsoft may have more money but Sony has the talented studios and the games to back up those studios.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 17d ago
Chevalier17d ago

Plus turning down Marvel too. Spiderman is only exclusive to Playstation because of that

Hedstrom17d ago

Best deal deal in gaming must be when Sony bought Insomniac for 229 million dollars. They made over 800 millions on Spiderman for the ps4 alone. Thats just crazy!

XBManiac17d ago

More in the 1.000 million now.

gold_drake17d ago

another Interview?

how is he the only one who loves the spotlight as much as he does lol

Futureshark17d ago

Let's not forget he also famously passed on Spider-man, Genshin Impact and GTA3.

However it's almost kind of cute how he can keep that sh1t-eating grin and say he's a 'no regrets' kind of guy, especially when you think how much just these 5 titles could have swung the world in Xbox's favour instead of Sonys.

How he's kept his job I don't know, he must sure be keeping Papa Nadella's shaft warm somehow.

"But, but Gamepass, he introduced that!!!"

Yes he did, and now look at Xbox, all it's exclusives are coming to Playstation now rendering the platform obsolete.

DarXyde17d ago

Honestly, with that kind of track record, you can't convince me Spencer hasn't eaten it from the back in the name of self preservation. Probably unwashed...and at least twice.

That aside, my interpretation of everything here is Xbox has been mismanaged a bit too much and Nadella came down from his throne. The way it is now, I don't believe for a minute the multiplatform move was Spencer's idea. I don't even think the acquisitions was Spencer's work. At this point, I reckon he's got as much power in his role as Hunter Biden at a Ukrainian energy company.

DivineHand12517d ago

You can never tell how things will turn out if he had said yes to those games. Xbox already has access to some great IPs, however, they hardly do anything with them or fail to deliver. It's also possible their presentation wasn't good at the time, and they made sure the next presentation was better.

I believe that part of being successful is releasing things in the right place at the right time.

Many major corporations have a story similar to passing on successful business ideas. Let us look at Sony Pictures for example. Back when Marvel went bankrupt, they had the opportunity to buy the entire Marvel for only $25 Million but turned them down. An unnamed big shot at Sony reportedly claimed that “nobody gives a shit about any of the other Marvel characters,”. They ended up taking Spiderman for $10 Million instead.


Fast forward to today, we can see what the Marvel brand has done for Disney. Is it possible the same success would have been possible had Sony acquired those IPs. We can't say that for sure and it is possible most of those IPs that are successful today may not have been used.

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Ex Destiny and Halo Producer Says Live Service Is 'Better for Developers and Players'

A former Halo and Destiny executive producer has said the live service model is "so much better for developers and players" than the one-off $60 purchase model.

Christopher86d ago

Typically the best games of each year say otherwise.

Christopher86d ago

Alan Wake 2, BG3, Tears of the Kingdom, Elden Ring, GoW Ragnarok, Hades, Returnal, Fallout 4, Dishonored, It Takes Two, Untitled Goose Game, Breath of the Wild, both of The Last of Us, Ghost of Tsushima, Sekiro, Psychonauts 2, Control, Celeste, Super Mario Odyssey, Bloodborne, The Outer Wilds, The Witcher 3, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Cocoon, The Dredge, and more and more and more.

Up against Overwatch and Destiny as far as critical acclaim and recognition as 'better' for players.

And, let me be honest, even 'for developers' is a lie. Want to know why? Because it's only good for people who can pump out graphics constantly and not overall quest designers, coders, engine devs, etc.

What this guy means is "we can give a lot of cosmetic content to players, who we think players like more because people spend money on it, and it's best for us because we don't have to pay for a full team to create a new game and just the people to pump out new graphics from one season to another." In no way is his comment a true reflection of what is 'better for players' let alone 'better for the industry stability over longer periods of time.'

This is more investor mindset focusing on maximizing profits by getting consumers to buy less for more while they spend less making it. That's it.

You know what's best for players? Newer, better, and more content that is good and not just cosmetic. Live service isn't that unless you pay $60 a year to them to add more for it (like Destiny and CoD do). Then you might get some improvements and new content. Even then? Not usually.

just_looken85d ago

In terms of player feedback/awards yes but the list you made are all nothing in terms of profit.

Call of duty mobile alone laughs at that list that game is a billion dollar money making machine.

Toss in your apex/mmo/rivals/fortnight/robl ox/minecraft monoploy go or back to console with elder scrolls fallout 76.

Basically there is alot more live service style games that hit or go above the billion dollar mark than your list and that is what the people at top want cold hard cash. Heck alot fo them make a billion + a year

Gta 5 single player profit vs gtao profit as a example now that ps5/series has gtao as a free standalone with gta + there printing cash like its going out of style over there.

Christopher85d ago (Edited 85d ago )

Being more profitable isn't better for the consumer or developers. That's better for executives in suits.

just_looken85d ago


Umm exactly who do you think pay's the bill's and hands out the games budgets?

They have 0 care about a games award's/feedback its all profit driven some use to care like sony back in the day now its profit first.

0 likes shows how many are still on copium thinking the big publishers care about them

aaronaton86d ago (Edited 86d ago )

Well the Poll on the website is suggesting he is massively wrong and out of touch.
A big majority of the vote going to "I prefer one off purchases with paid expansions"

Couldn't agree more.

Inverno86d ago

I'll always think the concept is awesome. Back during the PS3 era I pictured a Spider-Man game that would be the traditional open world swinging playground that they typically are but every comic issue would be turned into dlc. It'd be the entirety of the Amazing line, 2 to 3 issues at a time, turnt to dlc until the entire Amazing line is told in form of a game. That concept eventually made it to the industry and they have consistently fk'd it up with every game that has been made as a "service".

jznrpg86d ago

There is nothing like sitting down , popping in a great single player game and blocking out the world.

OtterX86d ago

Sometimes I like to log into Fortnite and Call of Duty and just sit and listen to 12 years call me a n*****, f**, m***** f***** just so I can remember why I like to play single player games.

GhostScholar86d ago

Not for players over the age of 12

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