
Pitchford: I'm not going to f*** around with you like Valve

President of Gearbox Software Randy Pitchford has offered a forthright summary on the studios latest projects, and made it clear that for now Borderlands 3 isn't among them.

"I'm not going to f*** around with you like Valve does with Half-Life 3," he told Polygon.

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RedSoakedSponge3723d ago

well atleast valve dont release shit games like Duke Nukem and Aliens: Colonial Marines.

USMC_POLICE3723d ago

Ouch so true. Aliens looked amazing and then it came out and I wanted to cry.

cleft53722d ago

After how they milked the Borderlands 2 game and then released a ton of the best content made by them outside of the Season Pass, Pitchford would do well to be careful what he says. Quite frankly, Gearbox isn't anywhere near Valve's level so him commenting on Valve in any way is just absurd.

thorstein3722d ago

Does he have evidence for a claim about Half Life 3? Where does anyone from Valve hint at or even mention HL3?

AgentSmithPS43722d ago

He thinks his pitch don't stink!

Yui_Suzumiya3723d ago

I enjoyed both. DNF ran me $60 but Aliens I bought used. Enjoyed DNF a bit more tgough.

Black-Helghast3723d ago

I don't see how anyone would enjoy DNF... to each their own I guess o.e

Edvin19843722d ago

I bought DNF on a steam sale and it was funny stupid game. I wish they would make another one just make it with up to date tech.

Prime1573722d ago (Edited 3722d ago )

I enjoyed duke nuke m forever, but as a $2.50 usd (gamestop) purchase LOL. Sorry, man.

ShinMaster3723d ago (Edited 3723d ago )

Nah, I don't think that's fair. Development of Aliens was poorly mismanaged and Duke Nukem Forever had been in development hell for over a decade and was worked on by like 3 other developers before Gearbox took over to finish it.

I give them props for their original works.

Detoxx3723d ago


Gearbox made one of my favorite games, Borderlands.

RedSoakedSponge3723d ago (Edited 3723d ago )

they didnt need to release those games in the state they were in. it was their job to make what was given to them into games that were worth playing. In my opinion (and most over people it seems) they failed tremendously.

Lior3723d ago

then why release an utter mess in the first place

Baka-akaB3723d ago (Edited 3723d ago )

Of course it's fair , their own personal input on those two specific games was crap . And let's not forget how much they lied about Aliens . Borderlands 1-2 dont absolve them

They are in no position to compare themselves to Valve , with far more iconic and important work , and no duds .

SuicidalTendencies3722d ago

People who rip on Aliens: Colonial Marines probably never even played the game. They're just sheep who follow what everyone else says about things. I am a huge Alien franchise fan and I enjoyed the game. Was it the best game I ever played? No. Was it as bad as everyone says. Not even close. There were bigger piles of crap released for full price before Aliens and I am sure there will be more after.

SilentNegotiator3722d ago (Edited 3722d ago )

They chose to release DNF in the state it was in and it was 100% Gearbox's fault for Alien:CM's development (they shifted sources from it against contract and outsourced parts of it to developers willing to work for cheap).

Borderlands 1/2 did so well because they took a BUNCH of resources that belonged to other games to make them.

BTW, a user named ManFromNantucket marked for bad language...who could have seen that coming? lol

Baka-akaB3722d ago

You ought to give up when the only and best defense you got for colonial marines is "you're a bunch of douche , and didnt play the game , there is far worse !!!" .

Please no one is even alluding it's one of worst games . It just is mediocre, average at best ... but essentially just nothing like shown to the press and public .

It deserves its fate , and sold well anyway .

SuicidalTendencies3722d ago


Are you kidding me? Every time gamers talk about Aliens: CM they act like it was the worse game ever released. It's ridiculous.

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gillri3723d ago

...true,,,, but they still *** you around, no transparency whatsoever, they make games but photon torpedos!!

VENOMACR12273723d ago

They need to start working on Borderland 3 for next-gen consoles and stop wasting their time with crap games. They are known for Borderlands, so make another Borderlands. Look at Epic, known for making awesome Gears of War games, went and made that giant turd Bulletstorm. Do what you do best. If your known for making awesome hamburgers, don't start making hot dogs.

Yui_Suzumiya3722d ago

Bulletstorm ruled.. and it was primarily developed by People Can Fly before Epic bought them..

webeblazing3722d ago

epic is know making way more thing than just gears

madpuppy3721d ago (Edited 3721d ago )

Bulletstorm was actually really,really fun, The the only problem with that game is the foul language, and only because it didn't come off as funny as much as just plain vulgar.

well worth playing though...

GentlemenRUs3722d ago

Don't forget outsourcing DLC.

UnHoly_One3722d ago

True, but 10 minutes of Borderlands contains more entertainment than the entirety of the Half Life series, so I think I'll let those two crap games slide.

Patrick_pk443722d ago

Don't forget the part where they stole money from Sega to fund Borderlands 2, instead of Colonial Marines which turned out to be terrible.

tee_bag2423722d ago

Lol and at least valve don't bleed their franchises dry with paid DLC out the gates.

webeblazing3722d ago

they saying it like people are begging for borderlands. the game is good only if your playing coop

DoctorJones3722d ago

Randy Pitchford is jealous and just has an inferiority complex. Valve gave them a leg up in the industry years ago with Opposing Force and since then he's shown several times that his ego was greater than his ability.

I don't trust the guy at all, not since Duke and not since Aliens. Maybe you could say he wanted to bring out Duke because he was a 'fan', but he had an obligation to make sure the game lived up to the legacy.

It didn't, and neither did Aliens.

I appreciated Opposing Force and Brothers in Arms was a decent series until the third game. And Borderlands has proved to be a hit with people who are into it, but Randy Pitchford is someone I don't care about and have no respect for.

Valve do take a lot of time to bring their games out, that can't be denied, but they always deliver. Which is something that Randy Pitchford certainly can't boast about.


First comment on the this article that has made sense. Bubble well said.

H0RSE3722d ago

To be fair, Duke Nukem wasn't really their game. it started at 3DRealms (where Pitchford worked) and was passed around numerous times, before Gearbox picked it up and finally released it.

DoctorJones3722d ago

Yes that's true, but if you were given a turd in a box and told that was what you had to sell, would you still sell it?

H0RSE3722d ago (Edited 3722d ago )

1) It wasn't know to be a "turnd in a box" until after it released and reviews came in, so how could they have known that?

2) One of the main reasons for Gearbox picking up DN, was because Pitchford was with 3dRealms back when it was originally being developed. After all these years and hardships the development process endured, when it became known that his company Gearbox could take over a game that Pitchford originally was putting work into, he was interested to finally make it available to the masses. You may have thought it was turd, but it was his turd and given the chance to finish it, he did.

madpuppy3722d ago

It was bad enough releasing garbage games, but, showing something that wasn't even real in a preview and then getting mad at the backlash when the full game isn't even half as good in any manner makes him scum of the earth.

Randy Pitchfork indeed...

AgentSmithPS43722d ago

lol, there are too many people f'n with us. Sadly Gabe seems to be "pulling a robert jordan" (and a george rr martin) with HL3, they get successful, they get unhealthy, they start getting slower and losing their drive, then they die or might die before finishing what they started :(.

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HarryMasonHerpderp3723d ago

This man should have left the industry after Aliens Colonial Marines. He still to this day denies he did anything wrong.

Detoxx3723d ago

This man made Borderlands and Borderlands 2, one of the best games and new IP last gen.

HarryMasonHerpderp3723d ago

Oh well that's okay then :/
He conned people into buying his crappy game but he made borderlands so lets forgive him?

Gohadouken3723d ago (Edited 3723d ago )

You could have a whole rational post , some people like that will just reply "but ... Borderlands" .

Borderlands being well done and good , highlight even further , how dishonest they were with Alien , and how little they did with Duke .

Back-to-Back3722d ago

"This man made Borderlands and Borderlands 2"

Since when does 1 person make a AAA game like borderlands? He played a small part.

Detoxx3723d ago

You have to ask yourself.

Is it worth putting another FPS on the market? I mean, after Medal of Honor flopping I dont see a new BIA succeeding.

hiredhelp3722d ago (Edited 3722d ago )

If done right it can be don right, Don't forget BIA Was also tactical squad based too controlling Ai was crucial.

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