
Twitter data shows PS4 will outsell XB1 2 to 1

A research conducted by LeadSift shows some interesting data on the upcoming next generation console war: PS4 should outsell XB1 2:1.

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1080pgamer3827d ago ShowReplies(5)
CocoWolfie3827d ago

good sign :) i seriously hope sony wins this gen

mcstorm3827d ago

Why? Ide rather all 3 have a successful one as it is better having compression than not. If it was not for MS doing well the start of the 360/PS3 gen the PS3 would never of been the console it is today.

For me I want all 3 to do well and as it stands now all 3 have some amazing games on there consoles and the only way to have the complete gaming experience with home consoles is to own them all.

If anything I want to see less of year on year release's of the same games like NFS, AC, BF, COD ect and fresh IP's.

MatrixxGT3827d ago

Bubbles man. Great post. To bad we dont see more of this sort of thing. I like sony but want all 3 to be successful so these companies don't get comfy and fall behind. If sony didnt push forward then I think we all know what kind of gaming drm world we would all be living in a few weeks.

ChrisW3827d ago

Competition makes for a robust market!

mcstorm3827d ago (Edited 3827d ago )

Lol by the disagrees I have got it really shows what type of people are on this site and they want the same IP's year after year.

Hicken3827d ago

People disagree because they don't necessarily want all three to be successful(although it's really just Microsoft). Has nothing to do with wanting the same IPs. And there's plenty of reason for why folks don't want that.

There was an assault on gaming this year, perpetrated by one manufacturer in particular. The vast majority of gamers were not fond of that, and it seems they don't care for that company's actions within the industry, in general. Yes, this company has funded some great games, but they've also been first in line when it comes to making anti-consumer moves since they arrived.

So while people don't necessarily want their brand to disappear, they would like it if someone else took over. But, barring that, many folks recognize that as long as that brand sees a certain measure of success, its parent company will stay in gaming. And as long as that company stays within gaming, what almost happened with that console will remain a threat to the industry.

Hope that helps.

On topic: Twitter alone can't show much of anything. At best, it shows intent to buy is at 2:1. Most likely, it just shows that interest in the PS4 is twice what it is in the XB1.

ChrisW3827d ago

No, it's based on the individual's maturity.

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OlgerO3827d ago

The only thing that the xboxone has going for it that is better then the PS4 is the UI, and nobody buys a gaming console to look at the UI

asmith23063827d ago

Haven't used either UI so how can you tell? I actually preferred the simplicity of the XMB on PS3 over 360's dash. No ads, etc.

Festano3827d ago

I'm curious to see sales of 15 November.

T23826d ago

People can say competition is great all they want but talk is cheap ... Im not buying any inferior tech just so I can support healthy competition but other,people can be my guest ill applaud you for it.

kcuthbertson3827d ago

I think MS should consider themselves lucky if it's only 2-1..

MS really did a piss poor job of keeping its fan base even remotely happy. The only people I know getting an XOne are two super die hard XBox kids who think MS can do no wrong.

Drewidian3827d ago

The PS4 WILL outsell the Xbox One up to 3:1, which is great if you are into the PS4, until MS announces its partnerships with the Cable and Satellite companies with deals like "agree to a 2 year contract and get a free or low priced($99 - $199) Xbox One". Then the Xbox one will overtake and outsell the PS4 by a long shot since there are significantly more people who watch TV and would willing to jump in for such a low price. Once the cable/satellite companies start pushing it, it won't be a contest.

If MS gets that casual TV market, Fitness market, Skype to kick in to daily adoption, and gets devs to make apps and games work across all of its ecosystem, it may be able to do what the Wii did in getting average users to adopt en mass. The gamer market is at best maybe 200M regular users, but there's far more other people who watch TV and do other things besides gaming.

LeCreuset3827d ago

Then Sony says, "Oh yeah, cable companies? We're putting all of our films out exclusively in theaters and Netflix. No cable." I'm just saying there's a lot of behind the scenes stuff that goes on with these deals.

Drewidian3827d ago


So... You're telling me that Sony Pictures (different from Sony Entertainment) would all of a sudden, stop licensing their movies(and the millions that go with it) to any cable company working with Microsoft just to support their gaming division? I think not despite Japanese culture or company solidarity.

meatnormous3827d ago

Directv will not partner with microsoft to offer such deals. We dont even support windows 8 for genie go. Directv is more in bed with sony and samsung than microsoft

T23826d ago

Telus cable here in Canada have already given out 360 s with cable for free and it didnt boost sales markedly

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3826d ago
stavrami3827d ago

I would say 4-1 would be mote accurate

karl3827d ago

Lets hope not... we need an xbox on the market.

2 to 1 is enough to humilliate ms but keep them playing for now.. maybe steambox can replace them in the future

sigfredod3827d ago

we dont, pc steam and wiiU will do

stavrami3827d ago (Edited 3827d ago )

i know "competition" keeps people striving for greatness but also bankruptcy does that, sony's money troubles have lead them more to greatness this gen than worrying about the opposition imo

Gamer19823827d ago

WiiU? Thats getting dominated 10/1 by current gen sales.. Cant imagine how bad its gonna tank to nex gen right now..

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