
Xbox One is future proof, is the PS4?

PR writes, "If you didn’t know that the Xbox One had been built with the future of gaming in mind, Microsoft has released a new video this week which really attempts to hit home. We’ve heard a lot about the cloud lately this past week, but now we have an intimate video from Microsoft to show you, which gives examples why the Xbox One in Microsoft’s opinion – is future proof."

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yellowgerbil3852d ago

1 x1 isn't even now proof, let alone future proof. They still got a few execs to get rid of that will fumble the ball at every turn (looking at you Major Nelson)

snipab8t3852d ago

To be honest, both platforms will have almost the same lifespan like this generation.

NewMonday3852d ago (Edited 3852d ago )

maybe gamers will consider getting the XB1 in the future, because right now its not worth it.

zeal0us3852d ago (Edited 3852d ago )

They will have the same lifespan the up coming generation as well. This is nothing more than clickbait to get fanboys fighting each other.

AngelicIceDiamond3852d ago

@Monday How do you figure that?

thrust3852d ago (Edited 3852d ago )

Newmonday i know loads of gamers that are getting the xbox one on release day, your comment makes no sense!

theBAWSE3852d ago

key words in this piece 'IN MICROSOFTS OPINION'

can't wait till specs are officially inspected.. if you thought the 180s were hilarious wait till Microsoft PR goes into overdrive to explain the inferior hardware

AngelicIceDiamond3852d ago

Lol ohh because Your a extremely hateful closed minded Sony fan just like everyone else is around here.

Yep because Sony fans no eeeevverything.


Despite the title trying to draw the usual negative attention to the X1 of course the PS4 is future proof.

Both consoles are suppose to evolve and grow. So yes the PS4 imo is most definitely future proof.

KingPin3852d ago

what newmonday means is that there are people like me who will choose the PS4 at launch but later down the line when the XBone price drops, il buy one to play whatever games are exclusive.

not everyone only buys one console an entire generation and then runs their mouth off to justify their purchase over the other.

make sense now?

NewMonday3852d ago (Edited 3852d ago )


you have to admit, most who will buy the XB1 are doing it out of brand loyalty or getting it as the second console alongside the PS4 because they can afford it.

on it's own merit the XB1 is unappealing right now.



nukeitall3852d ago (Edited 3852d ago )


"you have to admit, most who will buy the XB1 are doing it out of brand loyalty or getting it as the second console alongside the PS4 because they can afford it."

Ok, based on what?

Last I checked, the Xbox One was sold out everywhere, and heralded in Toy's R'us top items this holiday and Popular Mchanics heralded Xbox One the "Breakthrough Award" for innovation.

Xbox One also has more than twice the number of awards for games released on it's platform shown so far.

"on it's own merit the XB1 is unappealing right now."

To you, being a fangirl of course you are unable to see anything appealing about the Xbox One which is ironic, because not much has been shown about the PS4 innards, features or anything. It has been very much empty talk.

Despite the higher price tag, the Xbox One is sold out at most retailers and has been for months now.

thrust3852d ago

Am getting the xbox one first because am online gamer and xbox live with azure:)

i like the features like snap aswell!

and i can afford it :) in fact when it is only £50 difference that nothin now a days in my eyes it a meal out.

Mr_Writer853852d ago

''which is ironic, because not much has been shown about the PS4 innards, features or anything. It has been very much empty talk.''

Wow have you been hiding under a rock?

Remote Play
Being able to play whilst downloading
Streaming you games to friends
The share buttons
The dualshock 4
The Playstation app

Id say that's a list of features. And they have all been shown in some form or another.

ProjectVulcan3852d ago

I actually think these consoles will have a short lifespan. Well, shorter than the 8 years of Xbox 360.

If the world's economy has managed to recover a little bit more in 5 years then I think they will consider refreshing their machines sooner.

I'll also bet when they do whatever they replace PS4 with it'll run PS4's games again in backwards compatibility, because its such a straight forward design.

KYU21303852d ago

@ nukeitall,

both consoles are sold out!!! Now tell me how do you justify handing out awards for games that haven't even been released yet(this goes for both consoles)? you can't justify that can you? outside of devs and reviewers nobody has really played the games. So that point in my opinion is rather stupid.

everything else you said holds some water.

As for TrU, you see how well showing support for one console worked out for a retailer. From a retail perspective you never side with any one vendor especially in electronics.

sonarus3852d ago

How can it be future proof when its struggling in the present. Its not like the ESram is the cell that developers don't know how to utilize it was already present in Xb360. Sure it might be future proof for entertainment purposes and hell maybe even the cloud will help push it over the edge in the future but i am still very skeptical of this and will have to wait and see. Regardless i will still get an Xb1 simply because I can afford it but i will wait to see if i can get one without kinnect

danswayuk3852d ago

Couldn't agree more, although the reviews after both machines launch will be interesting.

MysticStrummer3852d ago

"i know loads of gamers that are getting the xbox one on release day"

That's cool. I know no one in real life who wants an XB1, and only one person on my friend list. We'll see whose anecdotal evidence turns out to be more accurate.

I'd say my "One person will buy XB1" results will be inaccurate, and I guess your vague "loads of people will buy XB1" results could go either way depending on how you define "loads", but I have a feeling PS4 will have a sizable lead in worldwide sales, and might even lead in the US.

I didn't watch the video, but if they're talking about the cloud, then XB1 isn't future proof any more than PS4 is. The world's internet connection isn't fast enough to make a difference yet. When consoles go completely cloud based, or close to it, then they will be more truly future proof.

Both consoles will have about the same lifespan again. That will be more for business reasons than tech reasons, and both lifespans will most likely be shorter than the PS3/360 generation.

fullymoated3852d ago (Edited 3852d ago )

LOL @ Sony fanboys saying there is no appeal to an X1. Anyone who likes online shooters and does not care for single-player is all over the X1. Best place to play online, it has early content for a lot of the major shooters, it has a more powerful online service with more bells and whistles, and it has a little game called TITANFALL. LMAO at people saying it has NO appeal. I feel bad for mature Sony fans out there that follow this site. The fanboys on this site make Sony fans look EXTREMELY immature. Worse than the "COD Kiddies"

Titanfall + Gears + Halo + early content + free dedicated servers for all devs. Versus Killzone. I'm sorry, but where is the draw for PS4 online shooters? I will await any response listing why a shooter fan would buy a PS4... ... ...

fullymoated3852d ago

Hundreds of PS fanboys on this site at all times, shooting down everything X1 related.. you ask a simple question about why PS4 is the preferred console for the online shooter space, and they have nothing to say.

scott1823852d ago (Edited 3852d ago )

Future proof, are they talking about the magical cloud compute that can do simple CPU (not GPU) calculations for online play? Pretty sure any worldwide cloud structure could do that anyways...That's great that it's free to use but how does that make it future proof in any way?

It goes both ways, xbox fanboys used to troll by the thousands now there just aren't so many, they are going the way of the buffalo. I have been using this site for years. P.S. It is called an opinion to think of a platform as a preferred space for any game. Sony had fantastic online shooters last gen, and they will continue to have great shooters. Kinda sounds like a troll comment anyways.

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF3852d ago

Lol at the Sony faithful comments. The X1 has the better overall launch line up.. How can it not have something interesting at launch? PS4 has KZ and a bunch of iPad games.

So interesting to see all the Pro Sony people on here have so many bubbles and the pro X1 people like me with way less bubbles.

it's very telling. I have no idea how Jokes on You keeps his bubbles so high.. He must have an inside friend on here! I want him as a friend to Jokes on You!

3852d ago
Sono4213852d ago

The only people getting the Xbox One are idiotic Bandwagoning American's (I myself am American to be clear)

They are also getting it because that's all they know (they previously owned 360's because the 360 dominated here in america).. if they actually educated themselves and looked into the pros and cons of each console they could save themselves $100 and get a better console.. but sadly.. they're just too ignorant.. literally.

All the other countries are smart enough to get a PS4.. and the fact that in the UK the Xbox comes with fifa and they are STILL choosing the PS4... that says alot :o

fullymoated3851d ago

@scott182 – Thank you for the response. But between you and the 5 disagrees you haven’t listed reasons for a shooter fan to get a PS4. Maybe Sono421 and newmonday could fill in some PS4 reasons below? Although I highly doubt they are up to the challenge.

-Early content
-Free dedicated servers for all devs


scott1823851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )

Well seeing as how Sony has a first party shooter being released at launch and X1 doesn't that is a great reason, with many more down the road. Gears of war is not a first person shooter, it is in the category of third person, and Uncharted absolutely destroys it with online, so does the Last of us. Plus Titanfall could very well be multiplat down the line, that is something to consider. Also Sony has Planetside 2 (which is an awesome online shooter) and warframe coming to the ps4. Also the Order looks amazing, just amazing and it could very well have multiplayer.

Killzone SF (coming out at launch) and many people like it more than Halo.
Uncharted/TLoU > Gears of war
Planetside 2/Warframe massive online shooters coming to ps4.
and we all know Titanfall is on multiple consoles and very likely could come to the ps4.
Not saying I even really care... Sony will have all the needed dedicated server power plus the best games, that's why it's the best for online shooters. That's my opinion to answer your question.

X1 has free dedicated servers, Sony will have worldwide Dediated servers as well to match with Openstack and we have no idea on pricing policies, all we have to go by is how well Sony already has worked with devs and how much they love them, i'm sure Sony will be good about dedicated server pricing.

fullymoated3851d ago

@Scott182 - THANK YOU! Wow, a mature PS fan, i never thought i'd see the day on N4G. We have different preferences on what you listed and that's all good. Have a good day sir, have fun with the PS4!

scott1823851d ago

You too good sir!

Kleptic3851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )

^could anyone please show me were this 'free dedicated servers' stuff is coming from??? serious request...

We're all fully aware that its not free for us...its not free for the people that play the games...you have to have a gold subscription to use these 'free servers'...and luckily Sony followed the same 'pay for the internet twice' path that MS paved almost 10 years ago...so the only free place left to get dedicated equipment to play multiplayer games on is, once again, PC...

so its free for developers? I highly doubt that...its wrapped up in a license developers have to purchase to even have content available on xbl to begin with...

i think the only significance i'm seeing is that xbox cloud thing now has a unified bank of dedicated servers that any willing publisher can rent...and will be used on 1st party content as well...having dedicated servers on any multiplayer game is awesome, and glad they did that...

but none of this is 'free' from what i'm seeing...and if it is free, it sure as hell isn't free to the users of this website...so why would this in any way be a benefit? I mean, yeah, i guess we're all helplessly wishing for Activision and EA to save some money because times are so tough, right?

Boody-Bandit3851d ago

I feel like every day on N4G is groundhog day. I can't wait until both of these systems are a year in and the dust settles. Kind of tired of the PR spin over drive machine. I just want to see what these consoles are truly capable of and what the games will look and play like.

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Kingthrash3603852d ago

its gettin sadder and sadder.
x1 was rushed and for them to say.....y'know what... never mind. im not gunna comment on such bs. 28 days for my ps4, im tired of this pr sh!t...they think gamers are idiots. yes we are loyal...some too loyal. but this....man im out.

boneso823851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )

Haha nice! Look at fullymoated comments above. He says that the X1 is just for online shooters, of the 3 he listed as exclusives:

Titanfall, no release date
Halo, no release date
Gears of war, no game announced

He also made the comment of all 3 vs killzone, killzone is a launch title for PS4, what launch shooters are available for X1? Oh that's right the multiplat ones. If your buying a $500 console just to play online shooters then I feel sorry for you for missing out on some amazing games just because they involve a bit more than point and shoot.

And then you donfreezer below, completely disagree with his xbot comments by saying X1 is all about variety. Crazy world we live in...

DonFreezer3852d ago

Totally agree. I like variety in my games and I will take Killzone over Killer Instinct , Ryse , Dead Rising 3 and Project Sparks. Shut your mouth ps fantrolls. At least Major Nelson has a life and does not spend half of his day trolling a piece of electronics that he's not going to get anyway.

awesomeperson3852d ago

Oh the irony in that comment.

DevilishSix3852d ago

I must be in the no Freeze zone.

n4rc3852d ago

I can't tell if your being sarcastic...

You like variety in your games so killzone is what your picking over a game like project spark?


MysticStrummer3852d ago

@n4rc - Yeah that's sarcasm, but he's ignoring the history of these two companies, which says that Sony's console will be the place for variety throughout the generation, while MS's console will start strong and then fade.

n4rc3852d ago (Edited 3852d ago )

Dunno how i missed that... Lol.. Pretty obvious now that i reread it..But cmon.. If history is to repeat itself, Sony isn't in for an easy ride either.. Things changes, companies learn from mistakes.

Besides.. People put too much weight into exclusives... If Microsoft hasn't supported 360 in years, what the hell have I been playing all this time? Other then the most popular games released in that time lol

scott1823852d ago (Edited 3852d ago )

I don't know what point you're trying to make but Killzone is one game, great looking game at that. But there is a ton of variety coming to the PS4. Drive club, knack, massive online shooters, creative indies. Plus by the time Project sparks comes out we will probably know what Media Molecule is up to.... The original "play, create, share"

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Blackdeath_6633852d ago

HOLY SHIT "x1 isn't even now proof, let alone future proof." when i read the title that is exactly what i said to my self

soljah3852d ago

microsoft and the power of ddr3. yep future proof

FrigidDARKNESS3852d ago

The ddr3 ism't your normal DDR3. It's design by a company named Micron Technology that is responsible for the Hybrid Memory Cube.
Microsoft is a silent partner and investor to the company.

BlackTar1873852d ago

Frigids main information comes from MisterX blog that has a success rate of around 3.2%

DoesUs3851d ago

They are not the quickest of modules either.

Magicite3852d ago

I heard X1 is also bulletproof.

KYU21303852d ago

As thick as it is, thats probably true!!!!

BallsEye3852d ago (Edited 3852d ago )

I enjoyed that interview and they showed off some awesome features. Can't we have one damn article without you retards spreading hate? You don't like the XBOX ONE? You don't plan to buy it ? then GET THE F OUT OF HERE! Most of your comments don't even make any sense...You are such sad little creatures rubbing each others butts to feel better about your purchase...got nothing better to do in your life?

There should be a gamertag check on this site before you post so retards saying " I own all but this console sucks bla bla" wouldn't be able to post in section they don't belong to.

Angeljuice3852d ago (Edited 3852d ago )

The title says the XB1 is future proof and questions whether the PS4 is. Bringing PS4 into the conversation legitimises any Sony fans comments and makes yours sound stupid/ill placed.

MysticStrummer3852d ago

Calm down. PS4 is in the title. It's not like people are bringing up PS4 out of nowhere. There are articles for both consoles where your complaint is valid, but this isn't one of them.

BallsEye3852d ago

Yea you're right, ps4 is in the title and I agree that I kind of overdid it there but it's a known fact that situation would be just the same no matter if there is ps4 in the title or not and that's probably why I automatically reacted that way :P.

Gozer3852d ago (Edited 3852d ago )

The X1 offers more than the ps4 its that simple. Voice control, voice recognition, motion control, Smartmatch, a revamped online reputation system, "Snap" mode, the cloud which includes dedicated servers for all X1 games, and game improvements via the cloud, and IR blaster to control your whole home theatre system through the X1, rumble triggers in the controller, better exclusives like Ryse,Dead Rising 3, Killer Instinct, Sunset Overdrive, Halo 5, Forza 5, and the award winning Titanfall.

The cloud will prove to be a huge advantage for the X1. Dedicated servers for all games is a big deal that some try to play "me too" or downplay all together. Anyone that enjoys online gaming should be considering the X1.As Live will continue to be the best online gaming service for the 3rd gen in a row.

With the PS4, you are essentially getting the PS3.5.

yellowgerbil3852d ago

with a PS4 you are simply getting an xbox2 as opposed to the X1 which can only do your "better" exclusives at 720-900p.
you speak of features
touch pad
built in battery
6asis and motion controls
share button
... that is all just in the controller, don't even get me started on the system itself

MysticStrummer3852d ago

Are you aware that you listed things PS4 does too?

You also listed opinions, PR BS, and blatant misinformation as facts.

You mixed in a little truth though, so bravo for that. That's textbook manipulation technique.

Pekka3852d ago

A lot of those can be done with PS4 too (some even with PS3). Voice control, voice recognition, motion control etc are also on PS4. And cloud gaming isn't that hard to add on PS4 too. Why would it be when it has been on PC many years? Ok, servers cost a lot but that is the only limit.

MS doesn't own cloud gaming, anyone can create cloud for gaming. MS didn't create cloud gaming, it has been around for years on PC. Sure, gaming on cloud hasn't been mostly that popular but it has still existed long before MS announced X1.

And you can't say X1-exclusive are better than PS4-games when nobody has even played any of them (even Titanfall awards were only based on demos, no reviewer has played complete Titanfall). All you have seen are trailers and even trailers are not shown on X1, they are shown on PC. But this applies to both PS4 and X1 games, practically all games on both consoles are not shown on consoles so far. So I don't trust any trailers, you can never tell good game from bad game with just a trailer. Good game can have bad trailer while bad game can have good trailer. There are a lot of examples from both.

WarThunder3852d ago (Edited 3852d ago )

"The X1 offers more than the ps4 its that simple"

The only difference is that with the X1 you get all features behind a pay wall.

"better exclusives like Ryse,Dead Rising 3, Killer Instinct, Sunset Overdrive, Halo 5, Forza 5, and the award winning Titanfall. "

Better exclusives? Really? You played all these games?

Hmm lets see what the PS4 has to offer:

- Killzone Shadow fall
- Knack
- The order 1886
- Infamous: Second Son
- DeepDown
- War Thunder
- Yakuza Ishin
- PlanetSide 2
- WarFrame
- The Witness
- Blacklight retribution
- Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
- MLB 14: The Show
- Resogun
- Shadow of the Beast
- DC Universe Online
- DayZ
- Primal Carnage: Genesis

"With the PS4, you are essentially getting the PS3.5."

Really? Thats why All PS4 exclusives are 1080p. While Most X1 exclusives are 720p and 900p

I think with the X1 your getting a Xbox 180.

dethpuck3851d ago

That is exactly why I'm more hyped for Xbox . That and my friends form live will carryover. We are all getting battlefield. Ps4 is just more of the same. I'll get it in a few months when second son comes out.

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kparks3852d ago

Its future proof so this is the last system Microsoft is gonna make then? Does anyone actually believe there PR BS at this point?

mrpsychoticstalker3852d ago

its sad to know Sony annoying fan boys took over N4G, years ago all articles were much more interesting. I believe MS has the advantage in the future, their plans are always on the long term. Sony's ps4 is a great machine with great capabilities but it just doesn't have the power and reliability the Network of MS has and will continue to have with the Cloud.

3851d ago
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PoSTedUP3852d ago (Edited 3852d ago )

theyre asking if the ps4 is future proof. LOL!

h-hey, haha, hey Sony! is the ps- bahaha, is the ps4 f-future proof!? XD


Narutone663852d ago

XB1 is "Beta-tested in the Future" as the slogan goes. That means when it is released in the near future, gamers will be beta testing it. That must have been what CBoat's message was in NeoGaf that XB1 is not ready for 2013 release.

Kryptix3851d ago

lol That slogan rings true because of a reported problem with the Xbox One drivers.

http://translate.google.com... http://www.gameblog.fr/news...

It's crazy how everything pieces together across time and Xbox fanboys still deny it.

Volkama3852d ago

I know right? Hilarious question, of course it is not future proof! Nobody knows what the future will bring!

That's what you're getting at right?

InMyOpinion3852d ago

He doesn't know what to say anymore. Trying to find escape plans lol.

shivvy243852d ago

Escape Plan - I see what u did there

BrianG3852d ago (Edited 3852d ago )

Nothing is future proof when it comes to technology.

There will always be something better, more powerful, or more efficient.

This will be proven when the Xbox Two (for lack of better name) comes out in however many years.

*By the way, in the interview no one said the Xbox One was "Future Proof"*


900p games but they keep talking shit. SMH!

3851d ago
AceBlazer133852d ago

We don't even know if the Xbox one is gonna last a day of constant gaming.The company that had such a high failure rate on their second console is definitely who I would bet on for future proofing.

Lol,that had to he one of the most hilarious titles I ever read.

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