Your disagrees simply feed my Bubble Count
CRank: 14Score: 135250

Am I Afraid of Xbox One? No. But I'm Afraid of You.

I apologize for the length, readers, and I apologize if this comes off as pretentious, but I feel this needs to be said...

The cat is out of the bag. We now know the full spectrum of the Xbox One's restrictions. As I scan the comment sections of various sites, there is an overwhelming amount of disappointment and frustration. Yet, tucked among these comments are the inevitable contrarians. Seemingly oblivious to the keyboard riot occurring around them, these people say things like “It doesn't bother me” and “I have 24/7 internet” and “I buy digital anyway. Who cares?” and “I don't buy used games” and “I'm not bothered by a camera that's hooked up all the time. It's cool technology”.

I am afraid of people like you.

Setting aside the fact that there really are astroturfers, shills, and reputation managers assaulting the internet right now (proven by several articles, several sources, and common sense), I am afraid that there really are people out there like you.

You have 24/7 internet? Good for you. I am a 14-year-old kid from Rovaniemi, Finland. My town is just a few miles south of the Arctic Circle. Fun fact: Rovaniemi is famous for having the world's northern-most McDonald's. But my town is also a place where what little internet I have available is often knocked out of commission for days at a time by seasonal changes in weather. It's not a matter of money. I have a good job. It's just that my internet infrastructure isn't nearly as good as yours, so I will not be able to play Xbox One with you. I am a 20-year-old college student in Caracas, Venezuela, who doesn't have very much spare cash to spend on games, and so I won't be able to afford your system because I cannot afford internet, games, and (likely) Xbox Live Gold all at the same time. I am a single mom in Iowa. I am a family in China. I am a traveling businessman. I lived in Syria last November when the government took down my country's internet. I am a resident of a Hurricane zone whose power is rarely out for more than a few hours but whose internet can be knocked out for days at a time. I will not be able to play Xbox One, and you are okay with that, it seems.

I am a man in America. Me and 35% of other men are unemployed in this country, according to the Department of Labor. I am trying to make ends meet. I am divorced, and I have to pay alimony and child support. Life is difficult, but I cannot play the same games as you because money is very tight. I just want to come home after yet another long day of looking for work (surprise, I didn't find any...again) and play a videogame to cheer me up a bit. On Xbox One, I can't, because this month I had to cancel internet, so my library of games will no longer work. You remember me, right? I have an old Xbox 360 that I pray does not break. You and I played Forza together, year after year. I even gave your car a custom paint job that I made, and we voice-chatted online during our races. Sadly, I won't be able to play Forza on the new Xbox One. And yet, you are okay with that, it seems. #dealwithit, right?

I am afraid of you.

You don't buy used games? You only buy digital? Good for you. I am one of millions of Americans who lives in a household making $30,000 a year or less (53% of working Americans make this amount or less, according to the Social Security Administration). I am Microsoft's target audience, apparently, and yet I am one of 47+ million people who relies on government assistance for food stamps each month. I am one of 20+ million Americans (according to a recent Harvard University study) who spends half or more of my income on housing – housing alone – not to mention all of my other bills, not to mention games, not to mention the internet required to play those games, not to mention the Xbox Live Gold fee to play those games online. I rely on Gamefly and Redbox and local rental stores to play a lot of my new games (I eventually buy the ones I really like) because I'm trying to be a gamer, just like you. I'm trying to enjoy my hobby, just like you, but this is all I can afford. Sadly, Microsoft has said renting will not be supported at launch, but they're “working on a solution with our partners”. Great. That makes me feel so much better. And yet, you don't care, it seems. You're not worried if I'll be able to enjoy gaming, it seems.

I am that family in Gamestop who buys the cheapest games because that is all we can afford. Now, I am uncertain if I will even be able to buy used games the same way I used to. I am a proud father on Christmas morning. It is snowy and icy where I live during Christmas time, and this year was especially bad, so internet is spotty. The Xbox One I bought my son will not work for two days, not until Comcast can get into my area and fix it. Ho ho ho and Merry Christmas and all that. I am the naïve mother who bought an Xbox One, unaware that internet is required to use it. I am a 19-year-old kid who just bought Halo 5, the biggest game of the year. I am pissed off because the Xbox One servers are clogged and I keep getting kicked off Xbox Live. A day goes by and now I can't play my most-anticipated game. But that's not a big deal, is it? It doesn't bother you, does it?

I am a Gamestop employee. Yeah, I know. You hate my store, but I'm just trying to make a living (since I am almost certainly one of the above-described persons who makes $30,000 or less a year). My job is now going to be a living hell. I am going to have to deal with keeping our Xbox One demo station connected to the internet. I am going to have to learn a brand-new game trading system to accommodate whatever labyrinthine method Microsoft has developed for the sale of used Xbox One games. Worst of all, I am going to be yelled and screamed at each day, every day that I come in to work. Because of Microsoft's restrictions, my customers (some of which may even be my friends or people I play with on Xbox Live) are going to be angry, and many of them are going to blame me. Irate mothers and enraged bro-dudes are going to storm into my store, making demands of me for something that was not my fault nor my decision. I am going to be stuck, because my store manager (and his boss, and his boss' boss) have made a policy where I can't give a full refund for a new game unless it is defective. Because the game is not – technically – defective, I can't do it. Hell, maybe I should do it anyway. It might get me fired, but at least it will get this irate soccer-mom out of my face. But because this isn't your job, it doesn't bother you, does it?

You never rent or borrow games? Good for you. I am your college friend down the hall in the dorm. Yeah, I'm a pain in your butt sometimes because I borrow your games, but I always give them back and I take good care of them. What you don't know is that I'm drowning in student debt and I'm not sure if I'll be able to afford all of my classes next semester. I have no money for food, let alone games, let alone the internet to play those games, let alone the Xbox Live Gold account required to play those games online. I can't borrow your games any more. Why don't you want me to be a gamer, bro?

The Kinect camera doesn't bother you? Good for you. I am a kid in Germany, or Australia, or who knows how many other non-American countries that will restrict this on ethical grounds. My government has already made statements implying that our country will not allow such a thing due to privacy concerns and concerns over game ownership, and if Microsoft does not alter the way Xbox One works, I may not even have the opportunity to own an Xbox One. But that doesn't bother you, does it?

I am your fellow gamer. You and I played Call of Duty together last week. You and I did the entire Halo: Reach campaign together. I showed you that sick photo of my wall: shelves and shelves of games from the NES all the way up to the 360. I'm a collector. I love games just as much as you, but I'll be passing on Xbox One. I have 24/7 internet. I have plenty of money. I've been a Live Gold member since the original Xbox. But I'm skipping on the Xbox One, because I'm not really going to own the games I buy, am I? I love Xbox. I love the games on Xbox, but I'm not willing to buy games for Xbox One because I don't know if I'll be able to still play them in 10 years. But that doesn't matter to you, does it?

I am afraid of you.

Everyone has preferences. Everyone has their own opinions about the Xbox One reveal, but when you say “this doesn't affect me”, it hurts, because it DOES affect ME! I live on food stamps. I live in a country without reliable internet. I am a collector. I serve in the military. I am the person who it affects.

And I am a gamer just like you. I know you're excited for E3. Believe me, Microsoft is going to rock it at E3. Anyone saying they're going to bomb is kidding themselves. Microsoft will make sure that they have plenty of “megaton” announcements, or at least, they'll give the illusion that they do. I'm not saying they will “win” E3, but they will certainly do their best to divert your attention away from the Xbox One's restrictive policies with “ooooh! Shiny! Oooh! Usher! New Halo! New Gears!”

But for just a moment, instead of selling your freedoms for some new toys, will you please remember me, the gamer who will not be able to follow you into Huxley's brave new world of videogaming? While you may be willing to give away your consumer freedoms for Microsoft's vision of the future, please remember that you're also giving away my chance to participate in that future, and that really stings.

I am not afraid of Xbox One. It's just a box, and people don't have to buy it. I am afraid of you, because you are gleefully funding a future that has no place for gamers like me. And while doing that, you are saying “it doesn't affect me”.

Faztkiller3985d ago

Good read man, should open some peoples eyes.

MikeMyers3985d ago (Edited 3985d ago )

Now just imagine if someone put this much effort into something that actually mattered. The gaming forums are often viewed as self-entitled poor folks who complain about everything running around with the confidence of a Afghanistan house wife.

The author of this article said just a few days ago that the Xbox One won't even allow used games. The credibility of these so called "great author's" is questionable at best.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out those who bashed the Xbox 360 the most last generation would increase their presence on game forums.

You know what it sounds like? It sounds like that kid who got banned from Xbox Live and tried to show an edited video on YouTube arguing with a moderator trying to make it like the mod was the problem, not him. Going off the deep end. Some even go as far as hacking MS accounts because they don't want to be accountable for their own actions.

What we have is a clash of those who grew up pampered by parents who never knew or refused to discipline their children. So what we have now are grown adults still acting like children. Thinking everyone owes them something. Mix that with the ability for anyone to write a blog on any forum because now everyone has a voice. Any anonymous person can say whatever they like hoping other lonely socially inept people think the way they do.

There's a stigma on N4G and that is a pollution of fanboys who seem to enjoy making a career out of trolling. From an outsider who never visited this place it would seem that is indeed the case.

The bottom line is this, if you don't want to support the Xbox One vote with your wallets. The consumer has that power. Instead what has happened is this vocal minority, which is what this is, have had to amp up their existence by screaming louder. Trouble is it still comes across what I said in my opening paragraph and they know deep down that it's a un-winnable battle. Billions are spent each year now on digital goods that already strip away your so called rights. Millions of people buy games like Fez, Journey and Diablo III. People will always pay for what they want to pay for. It could be a 0.99 cent ios game, or a $15 Xbox Live game or a $60 Steam game. Most consumers don't seem to care about these loss of freedoms. They want convenience and they want to have entertaining experiences. People won't ignore GTA V if it could only be bought digitally. Call of Duty is played online mostly, it is the best selling game on the PS3 and Xbox 360. Yet you want to fear-monger and tell people this won't sell? That not everyone has a connection? Good luck.

The_Klank3985d ago

Wth are you talking about? How about picking some of the points he raises in the blog instead of going off on one about N4G. If you can't even do that then you are part of your very own problem.

And the people that are upset with all this next gen stuff may be the minority but they are a very vocal minority.

Toon_Link3985d ago

You say vote with your dollars but you wrote in one reply almost as much as the blogger, if you don't want to hear people's opinions JUST DON'T READ! And keep your two cents to yourself.

And lol at just imagine if someone put this much effort into something that matters. Look in the mirror.

MikeMyers3985d ago (Edited 3985d ago )

"How about picking some of the points he raises in the blog instead of going off on one about N4G. If you can't even do that then you are part of your very own problem."

Why? Not everyone has access to cell service either, should i write about that too? I care only about my experience. Call me shallow. None of his examples have any impact on me. But to please you sure, let's take a look at a few shall we?

"The Kinect camera doesn't bother you? Good for you. I am a kid in Germany, or Australia, or who knows how many other non-American countries that will restrict this on ethical grounds. My government has already made statements implying that our country will not allow such a thing due to privacy concerns and concerns over game ownership, and if Microsoft does not alter the way Xbox One works, I may not even have the opportunity to own an Xbox One. But that doesn't bother you, does it?"

They already did. They are giving you options to turn it off, even the ability to recognize Xbox On which is the key word it is looking for. That too can be turned off. Still some won't be satisfied because the government is out to get them. Some people are just way too paranoid and sensitive.

"I am a Gamestop employee."

Then join a Frisbee club if you can't afford this hobby. I can't afford a membership at Pebbble Beach either, should i write a blog about that too?

People will just come up with example after example even if it doesn't apply to them. Why? If you don't have a internet connection you won't be able to play. Sorry, next. Should I write to Netflix and tell them that too? Should MS have apologized back in 2002 that they were going broadband only when most were on dial-up? This is Microsoft's vision, nobody is forcing you to be part of that vision. Juts like nobody is forcing you to buy a cellphone.

This same person said earlier that the system won't even allow used games yet you want me to address his concerns? lol


"And lol at just imagine if someone put this much effort into something that matters."

But I'm doing it out of amusement. I find it entertaining seeing people going off the deep end over videogames. Plus this took me a whole 2 minutes to write.

The_Klank3985d ago (Edited 3985d ago )

The only reason I wanted you to '... you want me to address his concerns? lol ' Is because you took the time to comment on his blog in the 1st place. Lets put it this way, if you are so uninterested in this discussion why don't you just take your own advice and sthu.

DragonKnight3985d ago

MikeMyers 1: Let's see here. Paragraph 1: Lame, irrelevant, and off topic.

"Paragraph" 2: Dwelling in the Past in a futile attempt to destroy credibility signalling a complete lack of any pertinent or relevant argument. And, off topic.

"Paragraph" 3: Xbox fanboy logic and conspiracy theory. And, off topic.

Paragraph 4: Irrelevant and lame comparison, continued dwelling in the Past. And, off topic.

Paragraph 5: Superiority complex that is undeserved, assumptions, insults, a lack of knowledge of the situation, and off topic.

"Paragraph" 6: More conspiracy theories, and an inaccurate analysis. Also, off topic.

Final Paragraph: Finally on topic, yet corporate shilling and defense.

Overall: An off topic rant designed to insult anyone who enjoys having rights, freedom of choice, and all of those other pesky concepts that have existed for generations. A corporate apologist speech designed to validate a certain choice that the commenter hates seeing is so hated by his peers and so the commenter bombards the blog with hate and smugness in a futile attempt to sound bright, but really just whining that people aren't enjoying the corporate apologizing and defense of anti-consumerism.

Recommendation? Bubble down vote for Off Topic or Immature.

DragonKnight3985d ago

MikeMyers 2: "Why? Not everyone has access to cell service either, should i write about that too? I care only about my experience. Call me shallow. None of his examples have any impact on me. But to please you sure, let's take a look at a few shall we?"

Hmm, maybe because you bothered to respond to the blog in the first place? If you didn't care to address the points, why bother commenting? Oh right, to troll.

"They already did. They are giving you options to turn it off, even the ability to recognize Xbox On which is the key word it is looking for. That too can be turned off. Still some won't be satisfied because the government is out to get them. Some people are just way too paranoid and sensitive."

Question: Disregarding your blind trust in this, what is the explanation for allowing all of this (and actually you can't completely turn the Kinect off, merely pause it which puts it into listen mode) to be and yet still make it mandatory for the Kinect to be connected at ALL times hmmm? How naive you are.

"Then join a Frisbee club if you can't afford this hobby. I can't afford a membership at Pebbble Beach either, should i write a blog about that too?"

Hello Adam Orth. I see your smug arrogance and penchant for insulting people hasn't waned since your termination from Microsoft.

"People will just come up with example after example even if it doesn't apply to them. Why? If you don't have a internet connection you won't be able to play. Sorry, next. Should I write to Netflix and tell them that too? Should MS have apologized back in 2002 that they were going broadband only when most were on dial-up? This is Microsoft's vision, nobody is forcing you to be part of that vision. Juts like nobody is forcing you to buy a cellphone."

Yay, false equivalences. Gotta love them. Here's the thing sparky. Netflix was always built on needing an online connection. It began its life that way and no one expected any differently. The Xbox brand? Yeah that was a video game console brand. You know, those boxes you use to play video games? Something everyone could do? Oh, but I guess it doesn't matter now that there will be people who can't play because of the network connection right? Screw them. They aren't contributing anything so they don't deserve anything right? Yeah, I wonder if I can arrange a trip for you to tell the soldiers that?

"This same person said earlier that the system won't even allow used games yet you want me to address his concerns? lol"

We are in the Present Mike, as in the NOW. What is so hard for you to grasp about that?

"But I'm doing it out of amusement. I find it entertaining seeing people going off the deep end over videogames. Plus this took me a whole 2 minutes to write."

Translation: I'm trolling.

Recommendation? Bubble down for trolling since it was just admitted.

mydyingparadiselost3985d ago

Seems like your the kind of person this article is talking about and I completely agree with the authors aspect and label you as a "consumer" because that's what you are.
I'm a customer that will take my money elsewhere where I can do what I want with the license I buy to play the games I pay for and loan them out or sell them, or even not buy them and rent or buy used if it's been out for years and can't find a new copy. Your a consumer that buys just to satisfy your own petty wants regardless of how it affects others.
I'm a customer whose money can easily be spent on a different hobby that's far less intrusive or customer friendly. Your a consumer that buys out of habit or having too much money to do anything else with.
I'm a customer who sees privacy as a concern in my household not because of what it is when it starts but because of the standard it can become and the continued invasion that it will allow over time. Your a consumer without a care in the world other than your own, incapable of the empathy required to look at the other side and see the cons with the pros if there are any pros at all.
If the world were set up in a way that made these kinds of business practices ok or less detrimental to customers I would at least partially agree with you but it's not and won't be if the consumers keep mindlessly consuming. I'm not afraid of you, I pity your misguided worldview and what it does to all those other people you could give less of a shit about. The only one throwing a fit and acting like a selfish child is yourself so stop projecting your BS and go sit in a corner and think about what you've done

s45gr323985d ago

Aaaaaarghhhh!!!! Always with speak with your wallet. Well that's easy for those that are informed of Microsoft xbox one restrictions. Well what about those that are uninformed; that's exactly why blogs and YouTube videos are done to spread the word in regards to issues like this. I mean game journalism is terrible plus very uninformative, besides I completely understand that the gaming industry is a business. I do want to point out that from 1995-2005 console gamers received free unlockables, map editors, skins, characters, levels, etc. for freeee. The problem were are the choices for console gamers.
Choices are critical and it's what makes or breaks a company. Is like the cell phone business were $50.00 plans that give unlimited data, calls, and text is a hit among consumers. Guess what boost mobile is owned by Sprint, Metro PCS is owned by T-mobile. What does it mean it means that Sprint and T-mobile are giving an affordable option thus making more money+profit because of it. Is Valve not a business why yes it is; yet, it's service is free huge discounts on mainstream or indie titles. My point is that as customers we have rights we have the right to not buy their product or services we have the first sale rights when it comes to physical media (Google it), we have freedom of speech at least on America, the right to inform people when corporations try to abuse and manipulate consumers.

NeverEnding19893985d ago

Well said Mike, bubble up,

@dedicated, it's getting old man!

Your first X1 hating blog 5 minutes after the reveal was one thing, but your consistent tirades are becoming...tiresome.

I like that you're passionate but it might be time to find another topic, because like me, most people here DID NOT read and simply scrolled to the bottom.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3985d ago
Crazyglues3985d ago (Edited 3985d ago )

@ Faztkiller

Good Read Indeed, but sadly -Blind people can't see...

So opening their eyes won't help..

||.........___||............ ||

Ducky3985d ago (Edited 3985d ago )

Why is it someone else's responsibility to look out for your future?

Gaming is a hobby. I'm not trying to be altruistic when I purchase a console or a game.

I am going to base my purchase based on what benefits me the most. I don't care about a gamestop employee just as much as I don't care about a microsoft employee.
That's how a market works.
Companies and consumers both act out of self-interest.

If the market decides that Xbone is successful, then that's the future.
If it fails, then the future is something else.

Currently, it would appear unlikely Xbone would be successful considering the negativity its getting.
Make your voice heard if you're against it.
... but if you're afraid of people that don't put your interests first, then you must be living a sheltered life.

DragonKnight3985d ago

"Why is it someone else's responsibility to look out for your future?"

Are you frickin' serious with that comment? Honest to god, are you actually serious with that comment? Wow.

"Gaming is a hobby. I'm not trying to be altruistic when I purchase a console or a game."

Incredible short-sightedness. Just amazing.

"I am going to base my purchase based on what benefits me the most. I don't care about a gamestop employee just as much as I don't care about a microsoft employee. That's how a market works."

Ironically, your attitude is what lead to this mess to begin with. Publishers and developers used your apathy to their financial woes to justify the necessity of these new draconian measures. Thanks for contributing to ruining the hobby.

"If the market decides that Xbone is successful, then that's the future. If it fails, then the future is something else."

You must be young.

"... but if you're afraid of people that don't put your interests first, then you must be living a sheltered life."

Wow did you ever miss the mark. Bravo.

Ducky3985d ago

Thanks for the constructive criticism and rebuttal.

MikeMyers3985d ago (Edited 3985d ago )

Don't worry Ducky, you'll get a lot of that attitude here. On one point they cry wolf saying they should have the right to voice their opinion against the Xbox One but the second you say you don't mind the system or are looking forward to it you get called a shill, a MS employee and other immature comments. So much for democracy. They want the freedom to express themselves but the minute you go against their views watch out, democracy goes out the window.

Gaming is a hobby but a few of them have taken it to the extreme. You often wonder if they even have time to game anymore and have instead committed themselves to be advocates instead?

That's the thing, if the Xbox One sells then obviously there is a market for it. Just like there's a market for Steam to sell games on and Apple to sell games on their systems. Onlive came and it seems to have failed, same with the PSP Go that tried to be digital only. The market will adapt either way. I'm not about to let someone push me around. If I want to buy the PS4 I will. You think I care what people I don;t even know personally say? Same thing if I want to buy a Wii U or a Xbox one or Steam games. They don't like it too bad. That's the power of having the resources to fund a hobby, you can make your own decisions. I will spend what I can afford and if it means I can only buy 10 new games a year that's fine.

I will enjoy what I want to enjoy. Forza is one of my favorite games, so is Gran Turimso. I love racing games like those. I'm not going to waste my time here while I could be playing them. I will continue to support the games I enjoy, regardless of which system they are on.

X3985d ago

"Why is it someone else's responsibility to look out for your future? "

Because in the the future, one of their situations can very well become one of yours.

Ducky3984d ago

If I am in that situation, I'll deal with my own problems accordingly.

I wouldn't expect other people to change their own spending habits and inconvenience themselves just as a sign of protest for me.
If they do, that's a nice gesture, and if they don't, I wouldn't blame them let alone be afraid of them.

s45gr323985d ago

"Why is it someone else's responsibility to look out for your future?"

Basically what one group of people do or accept the corporations rules and regulations affects the competition. Is like online passes or DlC we as gamers accepted and say it was okay to have them. Now there is no more free unlockables (free skins in WWE games, Resident evil 3 nemesis getting the boutique key and play Jill Valentine dress up, tekken able to unlock hidden characters, need for speed able to unlock cars). We gladly pay for map packs now map editors for consoles are a rarity. Before, there were tons of map editors like in tony hawk pro skater, MTV snowboarding, unreal tournament 2, timesplitters, etc.......

" Gaming is a hobby. I'm not trying to be altruistic when I purchase a console or a game"

Yes gaming is a hobby but these companies are asking too much specially if you are console gamer. Pay $60.00 plus tax for the game, $10.00 for the online pass, $50.00 for season pass ( the entire dlc for a year), $15.00 for map packs, $5.00-$20.00 for dlc. Notice that I didn't mention free unlockables, mini games (fishing, card based, racing, etc.), and map editors. That's due it was taken away except for map editors ( extremely rare nowadays). Will it destroy the console gaming industry if gamers were to unlock levels, skins, characters, so on and on via achievements or trophies. The answer is no due to is optional just like map editors it will not deprived or keep gamers from buying map packs. Giving console gamers choices is key to keep customers loyal to the corporation.

jessupj3985d ago

And this selfish attitude is why the world is such a horrible place and why publishers are going to be able to bend us over.

rainslacker3984d ago

The point dedicated was trying to make in the blog was that if it doesn't effect you, then why disparage on those or discredit their opinions/reasons just because of that.

There are many people who say "it doesn't effect me" and then list their reasons why it doesn't effect them. In this case, that's fine, you're entitled to that opinion.

But on the other hand, these same type of people aren't addressing the valid reason that it may affect others. It's a dismissive argument, and offers little comfort to anyone who may be in a less than ideal situation.

Most of the issues surrounding the X1 don't effect me either. I mostly buy games new. I am always connected. I never trade in my games. I'm not overly concerned on the Kinect privacy question. But there is no way in hell I would support this console due to the fact that I do have empathy for others situations, and I tend to take a long view on how things can POSSIBLY play out, and how it will eventually effect me.

You say, "if I'm ever in that situation, I'll react accordingly". But what these policies do is give you less choice, and for the long term it's not too much of a stretch to think that even more would be taken away. How will you react one day when you have only one or don't play?

That's what I see these policies coming to, so I hate to tell you this, but it does effect you. It effects everyone. Maybe not today or the immediate future, but eventually it will effect you. Supporting it now, just removes options for you to "react accordingly" in the future, and worst case scenario, makes any future choice completely undesirable.

Ducky3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

Saying "it doesn't affect me" doesn't really discredit anyone else's opinion. It's merely stating your own opinion.
The fact that some stranger is not looking out for your interests when purchasing a piece of entertainment hardware is also not a reason to be afraid of them.

For the record, I don't support the X1's policies because it restricts my own freedoms and I know if X1 is successful, then my rights can dwindle down in the future. That means I should be afraid of the X1 succeeding.
I have no reason to support such a product if a much better alternative exists.

However, if, for whatever reason, an X1 is convenient to someone else due to some feature or whatever, then I don't expect them to not buy it simply due to empathy. Nor do I wish to criticize them for it. They can support whatever they want with their hard earned money, and I can support whatever I want with mine.

In the end, the market is a democracy of people looking for convenience.
If the majority thinks that the X1's policies are convenient, then it'll succeed.
If, instead, the majority sees an alternative choice being more desirable, then that alternative will succeed.

Gaming isn't a necessity. If one day I face the choice of pay or don't play, and I feel the asking price isn't worth it, then I just won't pay and find another hobby.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3984d ago
DragonKnight3985d ago

This was very well done. Bravo. You described the problems with perfect accuracy.

Too bad the shills disagree with logic.

PrimeGrime3985d ago (Edited 3985d ago )

This is seriously the best god damn blog on this website. This speaks for more than just the Xbox One but the world in general.

People really need to stick up for themselves. This type of crap is not ok and the more they don't the more it affects us sane individuals who actually do want a brighter future or just one that makes sense for others, not one that is totally controlled by corporations and one that doesn't make a lick of sense.

I hate to sound all hippie but it is true.

chadboban3985d ago

Is the title a reference to Bioshock Infinite? If so, great job.

Also, really great points made in your blog. And don't worry bro, I'll remember you.

Pepperidge Farm remembers too.

dedicatedtogamers3985d ago (Edited 3985d ago )

Hahah! Nice. Awesome pic.

And yes, possible reference.... ;)

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The turn-based roguelike/dungeon-crawler/RPG "ARHAEKON" is coming to PC via Steam EA in Q2 2024

"The Arad-based (Romania) indie games developer Predict Edumedia are today very happy and excited to announce that their turn-based roguelike/dungeon-crawler/RPG "ARHAEKON", is coming to PC via Steam Early Access in Q2 2024." - Jonas Ek, TGG.


PlayStation Nixxes PSN Account Linking Requirement for Helldivers 2

PlayStation tweets: "Helldivers fans -- we’ve heard your feedback on the Helldivers 2 account linking update. The May 6 update, which would have required Steam and PlayStation Network account linking for new players and for current players beginning May 30, will not be moving forward.

We’re still learning what is best for PC players and your feedback has been invaluable. Thanks again for your continued support of Helldivers 2 and we’ll keep you updated on future plans."

Christopher7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

Now, will gamers take all this fervor and aim it at the likes of EA, Ubisoft, Take2, and others who have way more invasive and problem-causing apps for Steam games?

7h ago
Eonjay5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

Sony is like a whipping boy for the industry and it's just lame at this point. This is like my Activision account I use for Call of Duty. I'm not a 'fan'' of Activision but it's free and it comes in handy. The PSN account would come handy if they decide to do cross saves and I'm sure some other stuff too. I have an account for practically everything, including this site. I need a Microsoft account to play some PS5 games. No one has been able to explain what the big problem with a PSN account was.

blackblades1h ago

They dont want one because they cant trust them with all the times Sony got hacked which makes no sense cause steam got hacked so does everythinv else in this world. Been with playstation and i never had a problem security wise. PlayStation doesnt hold SSN and you dont have to put you credit card on it either. Pc users just wanna cry, its a PlayStation game they should be happy Sony putting games on pc to begin with. Also funny they dont trust Sony but yet would play there games when on pc.

redknight801h ago

Yes, people have explained the problem with a PSN account...there has been 15 million articles on it and surely you read a few and saw some is because PSN is not supported in a lot of countries meaning people in those countries can't create a PSN account and therefore would be unable to play the game at all.

H94h ago

Christopher with all I do respect, your bias is showing heavily, be positive, congratulate people and ask for them to do more, no need for this passive aggressive bitterness

jambola3h ago

if they do he'll probably make the same comment but put world hunger in there

Zeref2h ago

He has literally failed articles based on whether or not it will upset Sony fanboys lol. We know where he stands and it's not neutral.

Brazz1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

You are the one showing bias. Christopher is 100% right here, all this HDII and PSN linking is a gigantic hypocrisy.

Christopher13m ago

Much need for it, because I know no one is going to turn any of this attention anywhere and it will just die out until the next Internet band wagon pops up. Gamers are proven to have power, they will then squander it rather than utilize it where it matters.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 13m ago
notachance4h ago

I’d argue there’s a better softer approach they could do, just make it optional with bonus for people who did it like some free cosmetics and make it required only for cross-play and cross-save purposes. That way the people who can do it have bonus incentives and people in countries without psn can still play without problems.

4h agoReplies(5)
Angyobangyo3h ago

The difference is EA, Ubisoft, Take2, etc didn't release their games and then down the line implement forced account linkage under the guise of "security". Gamers know from when they buy EA and Ubisoft games that you'll need an account with those companies. Also when was the last time a company delisted an extremely popular game from over 100 countries?

Extermin8or3_3h ago

It was listed on the game as a requirement and it was a decision by arrowhead so that people could get into the game. In future companies won't be able to make such decisions and you will simply be left unable to play the game.

Christopher9m ago

Actually, all of them did this by adding their apps to existing games once they released their apps. So, no, they're not any different.

-Foxtrot1h ago

May aswell strike while the fire is hot

If not….then people are a bunch of hypocrites

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 9m ago
Snookies127h ago

Thank you! I have a PS account, but bought this on PC. I just hate having to do stupid stuff like this just to get into the game I bought.

just_looken4h ago

You should try getting a resident evil MP working not as bad as making a sony account but its right up there i tried with a fake dump email holy spam batman. I never finished the account creation

XiNatsuDragnel7h ago

Good stuff this is what the power of gamers can do.

buffig5h ago

I wonder if that "power" could do something useful?

XiNatsuDragnel1h ago

Lol it's useful that we can change stuff about these greedy companies

Chocoburger7h ago

Crisis averted, now we can all move on.

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Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3+4 remakes were deemed “too ambitious” to make

Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3+4 remakes are likely off the table forever, as new claims from anonymous Activision devs bury your hopes for good.

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Snookies1218h ago

I at least wanted 3... Sad to hear this...

-Foxtrot14h ago

"Tony Hawk himself purported that plans were in place until Vicarious Visions’ obligations to Activision’s mammoth FPS game franchise, Call of Duty, got in the way"

Same what happened to Raven Softworks sadly

We'll never get Singularity 2

XiNatsuDragnel9h ago

Oof cmon that's sad and we need a singularity 2 plz

isarai7h ago

How can remakes of a game that's already been made be too ambitious to be made? 🤣

LucasRuinedChildhood18m ago(Edited 17m ago)

The article says it was too ambitious for them to remake 1-4 in a single package for the deadline they had, not that remakes of 3+4 are too ambitious to be made in general. So they cut back to 1+2.

They were going to remake 3+4 later but unfortunately they got diverted to the Call Of Duty mines.

If Microsoft want to prove that they have had any sort of positive influence on Activision whatsoever, I'll be expecting Pro Skater 3+4.

Just let Toys For Bob remake the maps. The mechanics are already perfect.

phoenixwing6h ago

This is kinda pathetic on Activision. Hire someone else to do a remake if you have to. Not every dev needs to be working on cod

Number1TailzFan20m ago

Yeah, on top of that who wants to buy COD every year? Seriously.. any good MP game should easily be good for 2-3 years before needing a sequel if it has enough content or a few updates here and there.

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