
Insomniac CEO Comments on Wii U, PS4, Xbox 720

IGN:- Insomniac CEO Ted Price has commented on next-gen consoles but says he considers Wii U “current gen.

LOL_WUT4015d ago

Oh snap the faithfuls got exposed again! ;)

ShinMaster4014d ago (Edited 4014d ago )

It's the Wii's successor and the next generation of systems from Nintendo, BUT it's not next-gen tech. Just look at the games. They're at the same level as PS3/360, with maybe a bit more polish. It's like the difference between Wii and PS2.

I think certain poeple were secretly hoping that the PS4 and new Xbox were gonna be weaker than what they actually are so that the Wii U wouldn't be left behind.

The Wii U is competing with the PS3 and 360, which is why it's doing bad.
It is NOT the first of next-gen systems to be released. .
It's the LAST of the current-gen systems to be released.

abzdine4014d ago

in terms of hardware power Wii U has nothing of next gen because that horsepower is more or less what we have on PS3 and if we look at console life cycle Wii U is next gen because it came years after Wii's lifecycle. Actually, Wii is a Gamecube1.5 in theory but to make every Nintendo fan happy Wii U is next gen. End of story

linkofrs4014d ago (Edited 4014d ago )

I still can't see why everyone is so ignorant around here. The wii u has around 1.5-2x the potential of these past generation consoles and nobody even knows what 50% of its graphics card even does. Its also amazing that people are judging this system based on its ports of last generation software. I guess we'll just have to wait for e3 and for nintendo to show the software they've been developing before people actually realize this.

BattleAxe4014d ago

" I guess we'll just have to wait for e3 and for nintendo to show the software they've been developing before people actually realize this"

You Nintendo people just don't get it. Nintendo isn't having a major E3 press conference because they've got nothing to show. Its time for some of you people to pull your head out of your ass.

comment4014d ago

''Its time for some of you people to pull your head out of your ass''

How about you get your's out first...they said they got games to show at E3....

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4014d ago
showtimefolks4014d ago

See what people don't get is we know in terms of gens yes wiiu is next gen but wii was so last-last gen that I'm gamers eyes and in development community wiiu is basically on par with current systems

Nintendo already can't get support so when ps4 and next Xbox comes out why would they want to port their games when Nintendo systems(home consoles)have long history of not being able to sell 3rd party games

This is how it works straight out:

Gaming media grew up with Nintendo so nothing Nintendo does can even mean anything bad, oh yeh so happy wiiu is HD so now we get to play Nintendo exclusives in HD while ms and Sony did that 7-8 years ago

Also ms better not make another gears game but guess what I will buy a wiiu when next Mario comes out, hypocrisy at it finest

Nintendo can make the same games over and over while ms and Sony cant make 3-4 games in one series before being labelled milking the franchise, I am so glad Nintendo is struggling and I hope they struggle throughout, they go on their own pace without caring what people actually want and should learn the hard way what consumers want

And last but not least this is how gamers are now a days Nintendo wise:

Any publisher or developer showing support: you see wiiu is being support and this publisher or that developer is awesome

If a publisher or developer says something negative: oh Nintendo survived without your support before and that developer isn't even A-list so who want their games

After E3 when a casual gamer walks into any store and asks what's new what you think the rep will suggest to that consumer? Wiiu or actually new systems with established online stores and community

Nintendo thought wiiu would sell it self like wii did but wii was once in a life time kid of thing, Nintendo tried selling wiiu with a gimmick too and it didn't pan out

Gamepad was suppose to target the mobile audience but instead they got nothing

HD meant core gamers would support wiiu and we got no games so no support

Now back track and struggle for next few years, that's what you get with bad planning

CEOSteveBallmer4014d ago (Edited 4014d ago )

Yes, Wii-U is next gen but hardware-wise, its still on par with PS3 and 360. Its just slightly powerful than the two but they are still on the same Graphics level. Common sense tells us. They ported batman arkham city and mass effect 3 and its still the same graphics with the two. That's why I never believed what satoru iwata said that wii-u is underpowered. Well its not underpowered when we are talking about "Current" gen. But its underpowered when compared to PS4 and 720. Its like the Wii has the same graphics level as an xbox and PS2. Nintendo should just accept they are One gen behind. graphics-wise not gameplay-wise

extermin8or4014d ago

@Showtimefolks, Fully agree with you although I will say that developers and publishers wise they don't have to abandon it completely at this stage, it could've sold a lot better-to it's target market which I don't think is really xbox or ps3 owners if publishers had given it the support Ubiisoft gave it at launch. And if they aren't going to support it at least not support it for the correct reason-buisness and low instal base etc not for say EA's main reason for dropping and infact blocking developers that wanted to support it supporting it (crytek and crysis 3)-their little fued with Nintendo over the Origin service... Because for the next year or two anyway alot of games will be cross generation- and will be scalable if the developer wished to put the effort in because they considered it worth the time and money. Anyway I'm waiting for my PS4 personally- here's hoping it's released in Europe this year....



Acording to Latin America head of SCEA, in a Q&A session after the Brazillian Conference (held some days ago) it will be releasin' in Brazil "same day as the rest of the globe", he even made a comparison with being available at the same day in New York and São Paulo. Considering he said "globe" and that Brazil is not the biggest market, I assume it will be worldwide release for everyone.

Around 43:30 or a bit after (most of the conference is in english by the way).

Retroman4014d ago

at the tone please leave a message.

Mr. Price just give us a damn decent RATCHET AN CLANK game plz!!! no more "all 4 one" "full frontal assault" crap.

that is all Beep!

extermin8or4014d ago

Oi oi Full Frontal assualt or Q Force as it's known here is actually a very good game-I just wish it was like a small part/multiplayer section of a big, singleplayer Ratchet and Clank game :p

boybato4015d ago

ohhhh shit.... here we go again.

NYC_Gamer4015d ago

Wii U is current gen in terms of hardware specs

M-M4015d ago

It's next generation in terms of coming after another generation, just to add on. Some people still can't see the difference between the two.

Persistantthug4014d ago (Edited 4014d ago )

"Perception is reality."

You and anyone else can tell us it's "next gen" until they're blue in the face,
But if everyone believes it's "current gen" and not worth the price of admission, then that's all that will be remembered of the Wii U.

Perception is reality.

Ju4014d ago (Edited 4014d ago )

Doesn't matter. Devs started engines for that generation 5 years ago, and they are not starting all over again - which they'd have to to push the WiiU - just to get on the same level of PS360. With the next gen around the corner it's hard to justify this investment.

7uff14015d ago

Of course it is, it's already out, Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii are last gen. Wii U, PS4 and "Xbox Infinity" are current gen.

M-M4014d ago

You can't say that the PS4 and the next Xbox are current generation, and that its predecessors are last generation because they aren't even out yet. You can say the Wii U is current generation and that the Wii is last generation, but only if you're looking at Nintendo and nothing else at this time.

7uff14014d ago

@Cooguy1212 I meant they're classified in the same generation, the 8th gen. But yeah, you're right

lilbroRx4015d ago

I guess achieving twice performance at less than 1/5 the power consumption with technology that did not exist until 2008-2010 is the same as being on par with you.

4014d ago
Baka-akaB4014d ago (Edited 4014d ago )

There hasnt been a single game achieving twice the performance , at least for now , so your argument is kinda moot .

Maye there will be , i'm sure from nintendo studios , but right now , all we have are a bunch of titles close to ps3/360 , some performing a bit worse , some other a bit better , and most identically .

The most impressive title i've seen so far was the next Xenoblade , and it's probably far away .

Salooh4014d ago

Let's make this clear again.

People buy next generation to play something new and exciting not just better version of current generation console games That's why i don't consider Wii u a next generation(Console) but it is a next generation to the wii if that will make nintendo fans happy.

danitanzo4014d ago

That's why it is next gen though?... There will be better games than on the wii...

Mottsy4014d ago

Yes, exactly! For Nintendo fans it is next generation. I mean look at the specs of the Wii compared to the generation it was up against. PS3/360. But the Nintendo path isn't about raw power. They answered fans with HD because that was what fans were saying. Well here is HD, Fans wanted a affordable next system, they got that too. I don't ever recall fans saying we want a more powerful system then the PS4 or Nextbox cause lets face it, did we really expect the next Nintendo to be some powerhouse of a system. This company has a very nice profit off its casual and recycled (although some our quite fun) 1st party games. But at N4G its all aboard the hate train for every console besides the holy grail which is Playstation.

extermin8or4014d ago

@danitanzo: yes but those games that are better than the wii games- many of us have been playing on the ps3/xbox360 for some 7 years now.... So therefore all those consumers over 70 million gamers- the greater proportion of the hardcore market that buy many games, instead of just one or two casual titles- already have had those experiences and are looking for the next step up. Some PC gamers might buy a console for the exclusives on offer too- but if they have a bar they expect to be matched or broken by games, in order to persuade them to purchase the console-I can't see the wii u cutting it unless ofc they are after mario and zelda etc then yeah ofc wii u is the place to go-but most people just don't seem that bothered anymore.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4014d ago
Prodigy-X4015d ago (Edited 4015d ago )

OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Snap!!!!!!!!!!

but in all seriousness what is with all these developers not supporting Wii U.

PirateThom4015d ago

Developers asked for one thing from next gen consoles. More power. Nintendo, rather than delivering it, gave developers a controller they never asked for and a system that is just barely better than current gen. Marketing confusion and Nintendo's lack of support have led to low sales and, as such, there's no incentive to develop for it.

Root4015d ago

....and we have a winner

Someone gets it

MNGamer-N4014d ago

I have to agree. This is why it's OK to own a PS4, along with a Wii U. You'll get everything. Nintendo, it seems their focus is not specs, but offering different ways to play. I think this is OK, as long as they are able to make money. It remains to be seen if the approach will work twice.

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Making Starfield with Bethesda's Todd Howard - The AIAS Game Maker's Notebook

Ted Price chats with Todd Howard about Bethesda's much anticipated spacefaring RPG, Starfield.

anast223d ago

Take notes people, you are about to get a masterclass in hustling.


Insomniac's Ted Price: Games studios must break the habit of brute-forcing through problems

Insomniac Games CEO Ted Price wants to see more developers being "creative within constraints" in order to end the cycle of crunch.

The pressures of games development, and the impact this has on staff, was one of many topics covered during his keynote interview at last week's Develop:Brighton conference.

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Rimeskeem916d ago

There is significant evidence showing that human brains are actually better at adapting to problems when taking periodic breaks. This occurs especially when someone is stuck on a problem.

EvertonFC916d ago

Totally agree, it's kinda like when you can't beat a boss after 20 tries and you just decide to sleep on it and then beat the boss first time the nxt day 😂🤣

Ninver916d ago

It never fails. Crazy how that works ay

Rimeskeem916d ago

The is actual science to show that taking 30 minute breaks after a long time focusing on a singular task results in better processing. So if you get stuck on something and you aren't making progress. Take a break and do something else, come back and you will likely make improvements.

Flewid638916d ago

So true. It's like all that practice soaks up in your mind overnight. Next day...bam. Boss beaten.

SyntheticForm916d ago

So true.

When you're flustered and frustrated you lose your judiciousness and make bad inputs to your controller or keyboard.

When you take a break, your brain puts things back into focus; focus that you lose as the deaths mount up.

Outlawzz916d ago

Never thought I would receive such great life advice off of a video game analogy.

Video games really are life lol

XbladeTeddy916d ago

So true, it's because the brain can process a problem without outside stress when you sleep. Humans have incredible brains and even sleeping you learn.

DogJosha915d ago

I can do 2 weeks worth of programming in 8 hrs when I'm focused, but if I take a break during that time, I'm back to 2 weeks. Research always treats us as if we are all the same which can't be further from the truth.

FreeFallFrenzy915d ago

I certainly wish that was the case fighting Sigrun!

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 915d ago
Popsicle916d ago (Edited 916d ago )

This is very true. I own a small business and anytime we are working on a big project and I get stuck after many hours, the answer to the problem will often smack me in the face while in shower the next morning. If I rush through a project due to time constraints, I often identify the very next morning the things that I could have done better. The human brain is extremely complex and the way it functions is very interesting.

Rimeskeem915d ago

Precisely why I got a BA in Psychology. I wanted to learn what I could and apply it to help people, I am trying to get a PhD/PsyD in clinical psychology!

NeoGamer232916d ago (Edited 916d ago )

I have a rule, if I spend more then an hour on a problem I park it for the next day. A large amount of the times I do that, I come back to it and have it solved in minutes the next day.

Einstein's definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. That's what people do when they work on a problem too long.

Popsicle915d ago (Edited 915d ago )

@Rimeskeem psychology is my favorite field of study and the classes I enjoyed the most while taking my pre-reqs. I find human behavior to be so intriguing. I often wish I would have studied psychology instead of business. Good for you and good luck on your PHD/Psyd.

NeoGamer232915d ago

By no stretch of the imagination am I pysch expert at all. My job as architect and development manager is solving problems. Almost all day and every day. I am more that I learned it by doing it it 10,000 times and failing probably 9,000 of them. LOL.

RaidenBlack916d ago

So the final boss fight was downsized from its original design to avoid crunch.

blackblades916d ago (Edited 916d ago )

Is that all you have to say from that whole speach. Just to spin negative thought

RaidenBlack916d ago (Edited 916d ago )

Its not a spin, my god! Stop being this insensitive!
Insomniac CEO Ted Price: "Originally, we were going to have a boss battle that took you all over New York City, and it was way out of scope. The temptation is to just brute force it, put our heads down and run through the brick wall. But the team took a step back and thought about what was important to the players.
They rethought the fight and realised they didn't need to destroy half of New York to pay off the relationship. In fact, it would have worked against what we were going for.
This permission to be creative within restraints needs to come from the leaders, who set the tone for the project.
In the stress of hectic production, we often feel we can't take our foot off the gas pedal, but that's often what it takes. The team needs to have permission to pause and come up with a better way, instead of bulldozing through the problems and causing potential health problems."

GhostofHorizon916d ago

Just assume that everyone who doesn't agree with you is a fanboy?

I don't get a sense of downsizing from that article, just a more efficent way to tackle the problem they had which was literally the whole point of the article.

Perhaps you're not communicating clearly but downsizing is a wrong term here, that's all.

ColtPSSX916d ago ShowReplies(1)
Christopher915d ago (Edited 915d ago )

Things you missed from your quote "They rethought the fight and realised they didn't need to destroy half of New York to pay off the relationship. In fact, it would have worked against what we were going for."

That last part is critically important and a sign that it's a redesign that also benefited other elements.

Things you put in that weren't at all mentioned: "avoid crunch." Causing health problems is them trying too hard to make it work, not necessarily a crunch element, but a major stress element. Especially considering how many departments would have to work on it and any changes to it throughout the whole process since it would encompass the whole game world.

HardeepTheGuru916d ago

Ted Price: Game developers are human beings first then they are game developers

Christopher915d ago

While they haven't received any awards lately, they have won many awards for the best place to work in the industry. I'm going to assume it's because of how they treat their employees.

monkey602916d ago

This coming from a studio that consistently raises the quality of its output and has for numerous years been voted as one of the best businesses to work for. More people should listen to Ted Price! He is clearly doing something right.

Eonjay916d ago

Fav comment:

He also revealed that the studio is eliminating higher education as a requirement for "almost all of [its] roles," adding: "This means if someone can't afford to obtain a university degree, experience is a valid substitute."

Love this mentality. I also must admit that kids coming out of school with a degree are often completely useless. Degree are for people with no experience. I would rather take someone with experience although they may actually be more expensive.

Tacoboto916d ago

Mmm, don't pin this on unexperienced kids. General software developer here as a degree-only guy when I graduated. A decade in now. We have a fool that commits his code and it won't even build. And yet he's kept on the team... . My favorite coworker would've proven your point though - he stormed out and quit when the boss told him he wasn't supposed to use some new technique he learned in school that week.

But the others, degree or degree-less it doesn't matter. Some people don't care about the quality of experience as long as it ticks some arbitrary X number of years. And the problem therefore lies within management. How are inexperienced grads going to get effective experience when the people hiring them invest minimal effort in training, or don't even try, or don't even care? Useless broken-build committer has been a dev for nearly 20 years. I'd take a Women's Studies grad over that pain to deal with.

(I do agree though - *quality* experience > arbitrary metrics. But when only the arbitrary metrics exist, employers need to be prepared to handle that. Instill bad patterns early on, that's what they'll be trained to expect, and the very nature of game development seems to promote bad patterns of employment and employee investment)

Eamon915d ago (Edited 915d ago )

To be honest, this has been employer mentality for the last 10-20 years.

In the 20th century, degrees were a rarity. But towards the end of that century, more and more people attended university. Simple supply/demand means the as more degrees are awarded, their value decreases because degree-required jobs aren't increasing as fast. Of course, this differs per industry. But generally speaking this is true.

That's why a lot of employers these days require not just a Master's Degree but also some form of experience - even for entry-level jobs.

One thing for sure, creativity and cognition is not measured by your university degree. All it proves is you were able to follow a programme and were disciplined and intelligent enough to finish it through.

Valve has had a culture of hiring modders since the 90s. Random people who used to make MP maps for Doom and Quake were hired by id Software.

Saaleh915d ago (Edited 915d ago )

In general, High degree only represents that the person is dedicated enough to finish the course. Usually most of the material learned in that course are forgotten.

Having a degree only represents a unique adaptive spirit toward that unique education system. Nothing more. Every person in that course have different [goals / skills/ weaknesses/ strengths/ approach / memory strength / different level of processing logic / life issues ] but what they share is the adaptive spirit. A great leadership will harnesses this attribute even if the graduate is lazy or slow as hell. All he/she have to do is follow a clear work flow. A wise leader will deliver that flow to encourage adapting and growing.

- Stop reading if what I’m saying doesn’t relate to your situation in your country, -

That’s why I hate interviews in my country when they are directed toward graduates or graduates with very little experience, companies expectations and job requirements are usually unrealistic and deliberately stupid. So they literally destroy the opportunities of many dedicated and smart people just so that they can hire cheaper workers outside my country. So both smart and slow graduates are having hard time finding a living..

If the graduate have a good spirit and with ambitions and willing to fulfill the job and learn it. Than all you have to do is bring great leaders to guide these types of workers and you will grow gems in your team, sadly companies in my country usually lack these qualities [ a reasonable HR and lack of a productive and reasonable leadership and zero reward when you exceed in the job ] . Usually their priority in Hiring and leading is mainly saving money and throwing responsibilities and deadlines without guidance or wisdom. They don’t care if you are smart or not. So even if you were hired as a Graduate you are stuck with the same low salary for 7 years if you don’t leave the company. They keep throwing unrealistic pressure/ deadlines, they throw their responsibilities on you. The more you do the more they expect from you.they always assume you are wasting time as a graduate. So all you get is drama instead of wisdom and reward. If you take a break after great progress or tough issue or if they see you helping someone, the boss calls you his office and act tough instead of understanding what is going on.

If graduates are suffering like this, imagine people with no degree. That’s why insomniac sound awesome.

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The AIAS Game Maker's Notebook: Returnal with Harry Krueger

Ted Price chats with Housemarque's Harry Krueger about their recently released game Returnal. Together they discuss how Housemarque embraced an organic creative process, what effect their gameplay design decisions had on the procedural construction and combat, keeping the arcade spirit alive, and about the challenge of randomness.

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victorMaje1033d ago

Up till now my personal GOTY.

Futureshark1033d ago

What ever they did worked IMHO, it's a really 'gamey' game if that makes sense and is edge of the seat stuff.
Agree with @victorMaje, my GOTY so far too.